Running and Breakfast

Hello all,

I need some tips out there. I am on week 6 day 3 of C25K. From here on in there is no more interval running, its one straioght run each day. Today is a 25 minute run. I havent done one of these for many years so I am just getting used to it. But I am finding that when I run I get a stitch quite early on in my run. It may be due to me running not long after having breakfast. I have changed the timing so I give myself 2 hours before myrun. What I am looking for is some tips or suggestions on what to eat for breakfast and when to have it and when to go for the run.
I have tried running before breakfast but I feel worse as I have nothing in me. I know porridge is good fopr slow relaease energy however I dont like it so thats ruled out.
Please help an asoiring marathon runner!!!


  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Most of the recommendations I've heard or read about eating and running are that you shouldn't eat 1 hour before a run and you should only eat light meals within 3 hours before a run. Also, avoid eating fatty foods, apples and bananas.

    The stitches you are experiencing may also be to do with your breathing. If you take shallow breaths, the diaphragm remains in a consistently high position and never lowers enough to allow the connective ligaments of the liver to relax. The diaphragm becomes stressed and a spasm or "stitch" results. To avoid this, make sure you are taking deep, full breaths.

    A stitch can also result if your breathing and stride are in sync (i.e. if you always breathe out as your right foot strikes the ground). If you notice this happening try adjusting your breathing to breathe out when your other foot (in this case left) strikes the ground instead.

    Good luck with your marathon aspirations and beating the stitch. :flowerforyou:
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for that. The stitch could be a result of my posture too coz I sometime hunch over when I run and have to remind myself to be up striaight. Thanks for teh advise about apples and Banana's, I didnt know that they shouldnt be eaten before hand.
  • crasula
    crasula Posts: 53 Member
    I agreed with everything MsLisaB said.

    I run approximately 35 miles a week and i never eat before a run as i experienced nasty consequences when eating before hand. My runs are usually first thing in the morning and the only thing i intake is water (about a litre) during & after the run. Even the slightest thing to eat seems to come back up during a lengthy run so it's just best to get the foods in after your shower and i suggest eating a decent breakfast as your metabolism usually works more effectively after exercise at converting the energy and repair muscles after the run.

    Just remember lots of water and warm ups and warm downs and your body will learn to cope with the strain, the stitch will disappear after a few sessions.

    Good luck.