List of zero-(or super low) calorie drinks? So far I have ++



  • dobyblue
    dobyblue Posts: 25 Member
    Water, Diet Water, H2O, Agua, WHATAH, Werter, anyone you wanna spell it say it write it.....WATER IS THE BEST! Stay away from the ASPARTAME, AND THAT LONG *kitten* WORD WITH THE P...Thats usually in bold letter...Phenilakline or something lol


    Working on quitting Splenda. I find that if I have something sweet- even if it's not *real* sugar, I crave more sweets. It was explained to me in my anatomy/physiology class that it tricks your body into thinking you've ingested sugar when you having, so your body releases as much insulin as it normally would, causing you to crave more sugar. Could be wrong. And if I'm going to sweeten something, I'll use real sugar. Hard habit to break!

    Good choice. Splenda/sucralose destroys healthy gut bacteria in mammalian lab tests by up to 50%. When you consider you have trillions upon trillions of gut bacteria and the average crappy yogurt filled iwth genetically modified ingredients (like those awful 0% SOURCE ones from Yoplait or whomever it is) only has around a million CFU's, you have to be eating a million of them every day to make up for what you're losing from sucralose. It's also being found pervasive in the drinking water now as most water treatment plants don't get rid of it.

    Nasty chemical, avoid it!
  • dobyblue
    dobyblue Posts: 25 Member
    My favorite is Vitamin water zero (Go-Go flavor). This is the one and only flavor of this that I like. I recommend it to everyone who doesn't like the other flavors because I don't either. It's sweetened with stevia (or truvia) so it's a natural sweetener.

    If it's "Truvia" then it's likely got chemicals in it, they don't divulge what the "natural flavors" are on their ingredients list and it could be any number of 3,000 different chemicals that are allowed by the FDA under that heading, just like "fragrance" in beauty products.
  • twstws
    twstws Posts: 1 Member
    If you like flavored waters that don't add artificial sweetners, try the Glaceau vitamin zero waters or Sobe lifewater. Just make sure you get the ones with zero calories. I don't like diet soda. I have completely quit drinking soda and this give your taste buds a treat when they get tired of plain water.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    Water, Diet Water, H2O, Agua, WHATAH, Werter, anyone you wanna spell it say it write it.....WATER IS THE BEST! Stay away from the ASPARTAME, AND THAT LONG *kitten* WORD WITH THE P...Thats usually in bold letter...Phenilakline or something lol


    Working on quitting Splenda. I find that if I have something sweet- even if it's not *real* sugar, I crave more sweets. It was explained to me in my anatomy/physiology class that it tricks your body into thinking you've ingested sugar when you having, so your body releases as much insulin as it normally would, causing you to crave more sugar. Could be wrong. And if I'm going to sweeten something, I'll use real sugar. Hard habit to break!

    Good choice. Splenda/sucralose destroys healthy gut bacteria in mammalian lab tests by up to 50%. When you consider you have trillions upon trillions of gut bacteria and the average crappy yogurt filled iwth genetically modified ingredients (like those awful 0% SOURCE ones from Yoplait or whomever it is) only has around a million CFU's, you have to be eating a million of them every day to make up for what you're losing from sucralose. It's also being found pervasive in the drinking water now as most water treatment plants don't get rid of it.

    Nasty chemical, avoid it!

    Oh my. That's terrifying, especially about the drinking water. I do love my greek yogurt, but I buy plain unsweetened and stay away from the Yoplait and Dannon which use corn starch to thicken it, not actually making Greek yogurt... Anyhoo. Wow. Well, the gut bacteria could explain a few things for me!

    For the most part anyway I only drink water. The only time I "need" a sweetener is with coffee. But I'm gradually moving away from that.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Hint water! It doesn't have junk in it.

    Unless you count arsenic, some heavy metals, and some other nasty chemicals...

    Or if you don't drink those because you own a Berkey Water Filter!

    You think a gravity filter removes ALL of ANY of those? An RO doesn't even...
  • dobyblue
    dobyblue Posts: 25 Member
    Hint water! It doesn't have junk in it.

    Unless you count arsenic, some heavy metals, and some other nasty chemicals...

    Or if you don't drink those because you own a Berkey Water Filter!

    You think a gravity filter removes ALL of ANY of those? An RO doesn't even...

    No of course not all, but in many cases higher than 99% and the company will send you all the lab reports done by Environmental Toxicology Laboratory in South Gate, California, if you'd like to peruse them; you can contact them at

    Of the 55 organics tested, only 20 don't have a reduction of over 99.8%:

    1) Trichlorotrifluoroethane - over 96%
    2) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene - over 90%
    3) Lindane - over 98%
    4) Methoxychlor - over 90%
    5) Molinate - over 96%
    6) Simazine - over 98%
    7) Thiobencarb - over 98%
    8) 2,4-D (which we can expect to see a growing concern over now that Monsanto's glyphosate isn't working and Dow are trying to get their 2,4-D-resistant crops approved) - over 90.1%
    9) Dinoseb - over 86.01%
    10) Pentachlorophenol - over 96.99%
    11) Silvex - over 90.2%
    12) Oxamyl - over 95%
    13) Carbofuran - over 95%
    14) Glyphosate - over 75%
    15) Bromoacetic Acid - over 98%
    16) Chloroacetic Acid - over 96%
    17) Dibromoacetic Acid - over 98%
    18) Dichloroacetic Acid - 98%
    19) Total Haloacetic Acids - over 98%
    20) Trochloroacetic Acid - over 98%

    Of the inorganics arsenic is reduced by over 99%, lead by over 97.5%, mercury by over 98%, chlorine by over 87.5%.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    ...I wrote my dissertation faster than that...
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Just deleting what I already said because I realized it was on your list already.
  • ceejatec
    ceejatec Posts: 6
    Splenda/sucralose destroys healthy gut bacteria in mammalian lab tests by up to 50%.
    ... in a Duke University study funded by the Sugar Foundation which was later described as "not scientifically rigorous" by a panel including scientists from, among others, Duke University. No other tests have demonstrated similar results, at least not yet.

    Not saying Sucralose is as safe as water or anything, but you can't make claims based on single studies. Science doesn't work like that. Obviously you're more likely to be safe without sucralose in your diet than with it, but that's true of virtually every ingestible substance on the planet. And even what stuff we "know is safe" changes from month to month.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Hint water! It doesn't have junk in it.

    Not if you drink pool water....has some pretty nasty stuff in it

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I must be a freak of nature cause I drink artificially sweetened beverages -- Sparkling Ice is my favorite but also the occasional *gasp* diet coke at least once a day -- and I lost weight and maintain a healthy weight and I'm very healthy. Go figure.