Scale says I gained weight [ ladies only ]

Okay I initally started off at 185.6 before when i attempted my first trial of hip hop abs then i got discouraged and resorted back to not eating right or exercise. One day after that several days later I decided to give it another try. Official diet and exercise program started july 1st. I gained almost three pounds in just that little time frame so before my thirty days of hip hop abs trial 2 I was 188.2. Now after almost a month of recording what I eat and exercising sometimes seven times a week, I am back to 185.8. I worked my *kitten* off but my menstrual cycle just ended yesterday. Normally when i weigh myself I am my heaviest (I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY SAY WEIGH FIRST THING IN MORNING BECAUSE IM ALWAYS HEAVY AT 9AM BUT GO BACK TO WHERE I SHOULD BE AT 12ISH) in the morning and I just weighed to 185.8. Before my period I was 184.2 and even 183.2 days before. I'm getting very discouraged because I feel like all my hard work isn't showing on the scale even though it shows in my inches lost. I feel like it might be something wrong with me. Why am I not losing weight? How long after your menstrual cycle do you females weigh? HELP!


  • zandrathesweetheart
    zandrathesweetheart Posts: 109 Member
    in the afternoon**
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You're probably retaining water and weight will vary just as you stated in your post. If the number on the scale torments you so much, switch to measuring yourself and taking progress pictures. The other gauge I use, is my endurance levels when exercising. If I can do 1 more push up I know I'm improving.

    Don't let the scale define you it is just a number and just a tool among many used to reach your weight loss goals.

    Hang in there and be patient you can do this!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Weight fluctuation is completely normal, especially for the ladies. Also, if you are starting a new exercise program, that could cause a slight change in the scale too.
  • trenee35
    trenee35 Posts: 143
    It is hard to judge by your menstrual cycle. All women are different there. When I'm in the middle of my menstrual cycle I don't weight more at all. But, I don't seem to drop any weight during this time. Sometimes I'm stuck for a good 2 weeks without dropping. Then suddenly I'll see a drop for a few weeks in a row. It is frustrating I know. But, go by what you see in the mirror, not the scale for now. You are probably gaining muscle, retaining water, and your body is not showing your results on the scale. Don't give up. You are going to be more fit and feeling wonderful if you keep up with it. The weight will come off.
  • RoninLife
    RoninLife Posts: 64
    Try not to weigh yourself daily. Also if you are at your heaviest in the morning, it could be from water retention while you sleep? How's your sodium intake? And lastly, like the other poster said, change your routine to shock your body....

    But whatever you do, just hang in there and don't give up :)
  • Knesbit50
    Knesbit50 Posts: 6 Member
    My story is almost the same As yours, although i dont exercise as much as it sounds like you Do, and ive been out of college for 30 years. I'm logging my calories and exercising but the needle on the scale is not moving. I did measure and have lost an I inch aRound my neck and 3 inches around my waist so I think the scale will catch up soon. We are getting healthier...yeah
  • zandrathesweetheart
    zandrathesweetheart Posts: 109 Member
    You're probably retaining water and weight will vary just as you stated in your post. If the number on the scale torments you so much, switch to measuring yourself and taking progress pictures. The other gauge I use, is my endurance levels when exercising. If I can do 1 more push up I know I'm improving.

    Don't let the scale define you it is just a number and just a tool among many used to reach your weight loss goals.

    Hang in there and be patient you can do this!

    I love seeing comments from when I first started on MFP. Thank you so much for your help!
  • zandrathesweetheart
    zandrathesweetheart Posts: 109 Member
    trenee35 wrote: »
    It is hard to judge by your menstrual cycle. All women are different there. When I'm in the middle of my menstrual cycle I don't weight more at all. But, I don't seem to drop any weight during this time. Sometimes I'm stuck for a good 2 weeks without dropping. Then suddenly I'll see a drop for a few weeks in a row. It is frustrating I know. But, go by what you see in the mirror, not the scale for now. You are probably gaining muscle, retaining water, and your body is not showing your results on the scale. Don't give up. You are going to be more fit and feeling wonderful if you keep up with it. The weight will come off.

    Makes sense! Thank you! Back in 2013, I didn't know these things but now I am glad I read all these comments!
  • zandrathesweetheart
    zandrathesweetheart Posts: 109 Member
    RoninLife wrote: »
    Try not to weigh yourself daily. Also if you are at your heaviest in the morning, it could be from water retention while you sleep? How's your sodium intake? And lastly, like the other poster said, change your routine to shock your body....

    But whatever you do, just hang in there and don't give up :)

    My sodium intake was lower because I was eating very healthy, however, I think my body was full of water because I was drinking 8 cups a day. lol
  • zandrathesweetheart
    zandrathesweetheart Posts: 109 Member
    Knesbit50 wrote: »
    My story is almost the same As yours, although i dont exercise as much as it sounds like you Do, and ive been out of college for 30 years. I'm logging my calories and exercising but the needle on the scale is not moving. I did measure and have lost an I inch aRound my neck and 3 inches around my waist so I think the scale will catch up soon. We are getting healthier...yeah

    Wow that's awesome! I learned that I can see my fat melting off much quicker than my weight. It took me 6 months to lose 20 pounds so obviously my body needed something much different than Hip Hop Abs. lol