I made the diet soda mistake

I was tired of drinking my calories and "needed" caffeine. Well, I switched to diet/and low cal sodas about a month ago. Then about 2 weeks ago started to notice light vertigo, the past week it's been worse. I also have GAD so I naturally started to freak out about my vertigo. I think I'm dying of a brain tumor. Yes I just said that, I told you I have GAD. So I've been trying to figure out WHAT I changed, I know I'm losing weight, down 13lbs in this month but I've been eating healthy otherwise, I thought maybe cut too many carbs, or not eating enough, but I still get carbs (thought not as much as I had been eating) and I upped my calories from 1300 to 1598. I finally realized last night that my biggest switch was from regular Dr. Pepper to Drp 10, or diet, or coke zero. So I'm praying thats the problem and that if I can switch back to regular in moderation I'll be ok? Has anyone experienced that type of symptom so quickly? Will I get horrible withdrawals from 1 month of drinking it? I wonder how long till I feel normal again?


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    It may just be a coincidence. I've never heard of vertigo happening from drinking diet pop.

    It may be due to the lower amounts of caffeine. If you drank coffee before or more regular pop you could be having caffeine withdrawls. Some diet pop doesn't have as much caffeine as their regular counterparts and different pops have different caffeine amounts.

    You did mention that you lowered carbs which may of caused it as well.
  • angiep098
    angiep098 Posts: 33
    Hmm I'm not sure I can offer much advice but I used to be a diet soda addict (3L EVERYDAY). I cut out as much diet soda as I could starting last month (maybe have 2 cans a week, max), and it's honestly one of the best decisions I've ever made. Whenever I drink it now, I get stomach pains, headaches, dizziness, and I can just feel the chemicals sitting in the pit of my stomach. Now, I drink so much more water and plain tea instead and I feel absolutely amazing. Try it out. It's worth it. If you're really craving soda, drink the regular stuff once in awhile.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Vertigo from diet soda is not normal. Is type 2 diabetes a possibility? You went from a high sugar diet to losing 13 pounds your first month out. It's just a thought. I'm no professional. Talk to a doctor, not a random guy on the internet.
  • lswatson111304
    lswatson111304 Posts: 80 Member
    I had lab work done a few months ago at my Dr. and everything came back normal. I did plan to talk to my Dr. if I quit this and it doesn't go away. I also react to MSG with bad headaches, so I wouldn't be surprised if I react to a sudden increase of aspartame in my diet.