Sleek September SIXERS wk 4



  • Hey Ladies. Sorry I have been MIA. I completly feel off the wagon. I have been avoiding the scale and MFP - like if I didn't log or weigh-in the weight I have gained was not there.... :sad: I don't know why I do this... I was SO close to my goal... and now, most likely, will have to start over again... I am back now... and I am going to try to get back to where I was 152... by the end of the challenge!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Well, I gained this week. I started back into running just before weighing in last week, so I think that has something to do with it. I remember when I started running back in the spring, I gained at first. I never lost then, but I wasn't eating as healthy as I am now.

    I posted this on Facebook Monday, so now I'm posting it here to help keep me accountable. I have decided to enter the Run Too Overcome 5k on March 26. Don't know how well I'll do or if I'll even be able to run the whole thing by that time, but I'm going to enter. They also have a 1 mile Kids Fun Run that my kids are excited about doing also.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 235.8 lbs/ GW 225.0 lbs/ CW 234.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.8lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW 143.2 lbs/ GW 137.2 lbs/ CW 143.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -6.0 lb
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..............SW 153.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 149.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.0 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 147.8/GW 144.0 lbs/CW 147.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.6
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 207.0 lbs/ CW 218.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 .4 grumble
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 163.4 lbs/GW unknown/ CW 166.0/ PROGRESS +2.6 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)...........SW 212 lbs/ GW 205 lbs/ CW 211 lbs/ PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).................SW 137.8 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 132.6 lbs / PROGRESS...-5.2 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 146.8 lbs/ GW 146.8 lbs/ CW 146.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.4 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 157.8 lbs/ PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Susan (suede)......................SW 183.5 lbs/GW 175.0 lbs / CW 177.2 lbs PROGRESS -6.3 lbs

    Cristina (cina04)...................SW 166 lbs / GW 155 lbs / CW 162lbs / PROGRESS..... - 4lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 184 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Kiely (freckles3) ................. SW 158.8 lbs / GW 149.8 lbs / CW 153.6 lbs / PROGRESS -5.2 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)....................SW 212.0 lbs/ GW 200.0 lbs/ CW 209.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 166.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +0 lbs
    Brittany (britbritnola).............SW 154.6lbs/ GW 143.0lbs/ CW 151.0lbs/ PROGRESS......3.0lbs
    Amez (amyls8711)..............SW 272 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 273 lbs/ PROGRESS + 1 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 158.2 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 158.2 lbs/ PROGRESS 0lbs
    Christine (ChristineLeary)....SW 183 lbs/GW 170 lbs/CW 180 lbs/PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Megan (kirbygal)...................SW 171.0lbs/GW 159.0lbs./ CW 171.0lbs/ PROGRESS.....0.0lbs
    Teresa (Tsydow)....................SW 190.0 lbs/GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 186.8 lbs/ PROGRESS...-3.2 lbs
    Amy (Jinxdflame)...................SW 178.6Ibs / GW 168.8 Ibs / CW 178.6 Ibs / PROGRESS 0 Ibs
    Faye (Fayegill).........................SW 172.6lbs/GW162.0lbs / CW 172.6lbs/ progress 0lbs
    Theresa (Scootsmom) .......SW 290 lbs/ GW 275.0 lbs/ CW 290.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0
    Allie (allison9) ........................SW 163/GW 148/CW 163/PROGESS 0 lbs

    Here is my weigh in update from my wall on Sunday:
    Dear Mr. Scale, I killed it this week. I ate clean. I traded my favorite 1000 calorie mall meal for a 300 calorie sub. I balanced my proteins, fats, and carbs and kept my sodium in check. I ran 3.5 miles and had another mile in me. I signed up for a 5k in october and a 10k in November. Yeah, that's right 10. I did 3 sets of 8 boy pushups. All while having a chest cold, edema in my left foot and half my big toenail pulled off my right. You may take your stubborn +.02 pounds for the week and stick it. Not So Respetfully, Suedre

    Since then, I went on a five hour fifteen mile hike, did a high intensity pool class, and BOSU step all while managining my various illnesses and a death in the family and preprations for an upcoming week long vacation. That scale just keeps inching up a little more each day. I'm trying not to get discouraged because I know I'm giving it 110%, but I feel pretty beat up, tired, and hungry today. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a much better day.
  • Cathy(chipper).......................SW 235.8 lbs/ GW 225.0 lbs/ CW 234.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.8lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW 143.2 lbs/ GW 137.2 lbs/ CW 143.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -6.0 lb
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..............SW 153.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 149.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.0 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 147.8/GW 144.0 lbs/CW 147.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.6
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 207.0 lbs/ CW 218.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 .4 grumble
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 163.4 lbs/GW unknown/ CW 166.0/ PROGRESS +2.6 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)...........SW 212 lbs/ GW 205 lbs/ CW 211 lbs/ PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).................SW 137.8 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 132.6 lbs / PROGRESS...-5.2 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 146.8 lbs/ GW 146.8 lbs/ CW 146.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.4 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 157.8 lbs/ PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Susan (suede)......................SW 183.5 lbs/GW 175.0 lbs / CW 177.2 lbs PROGRESS -6.3 lbs
    Kiely (freckles3) ................. SW 158.8 lbs / GW 149.8 lbs / CW ???.? lbs / PROGRESS 0.0 lbs

    Cristina (cina04)...................SW 166 lbs / GW 155 lbs / CW 162lbs / PROGRESS..... - 4lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 184 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)....................SW 212.0 lbs/ GW 200.0 lbs/ CW 209.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 166.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +0 lbs
    Brittany (britbritnola).............SW 154.6lbs/ GW 143.0lbs/ CW 151.0lbs/ PROGRESS......3.0lbs
    Amez (amyls8711)..............SW 272 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 273 lbs/ PROGRESS + 1 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 158.2 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 158.2 lbs/ PROGRESS 0lbs
    Christine (ChristineLeary)....SW 183 lbs/GW 170 lbs/CW 180 lbs/PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Megan (kirbygal)...................SW 171.0lbs/GW 159.0lbs./ CW 171.0lbs/ PROGRESS.....0.0lbs
    Teresa (Tsydow)....................SW 190.0 lbs/GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 186.8 lbs/ PROGRESS...-3.2 lbs
    Amy (Jinxdflame)...................SW 178.6Ibs / GW 168.8 Ibs / CW 178.6 Ibs / PROGRESS 0 Ibs
    Faye (Fayegill).........................SW 172.6lbs/GW162.0lbs / CW 172.6lbs/ progress 0lbs
    Theresa (Scootsmom) .......SW 290 lbs/ GW 275.0 lbs/ CW 290.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0
    Allie (allison9) ........................SW 163/GW 148/CW 163/PROGESS 0 lbs

    I figure I need to start fresh... we will see what the scale says next tuesday.... hopefully 154 or less... I really hope what I feel I have gained is mostly "water weight" and some clean choices and exercise will get me right back to where I was....
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 235.8 lbs/ GW 225.0 lbs/ CW 234.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.8lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW 143.2 lbs/ GW 137.2 lbs/ CW 143.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -6.0 lb
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..............SW 153.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 149.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.0 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 147.8/GW 144.0 lbs/CW 147.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.6
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 207.0 lbs/ CW 218.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 .4 grumble
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 163.4 lbs/GW unknown/ CW 166.0/ PROGRESS +2.6 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)...........SW 212 lbs/ GW 205 lbs/ CW 211 lbs/ PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).................SW 137.8 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 132.6 lbs / PROGRESS...-5.2 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 146.8 lbs/ GW 146.8 lbs/ CW 146.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.4 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 157.8 lbs/ PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Susan (suede)......................SW 183.5 lbs/GW 175.0 lbs / CW 177.2 lbs PROGRESS -6.3 lbs
    Kiely (freckles3) ................. SW 158.8 lbs / GW 149.8 lbs / CW ???.? lbs / PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)....................SW 212.0 lbs/ GW 200.0 lbs/ CW ????? lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs

    Cristina (cina04)...................SW 166 lbs / GW 155 lbs / CW 162lbs / PROGRESS..... - 4lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 184 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 166.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +0 lbs
    Brittany (britbritnola).............SW 154.6lbs/ GW 143.0lbs/ CW 151.0lbs/ PROGRESS......3.0lbs
    Amez (amyls8711)..............SW 272 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 273 lbs/ PROGRESS + 1 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 158.2 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 158.2 lbs/ PROGRESS 0lbs
    Christine (ChristineLeary)....SW 183 lbs/GW 170 lbs/CW 180 lbs/PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Megan (kirbygal)...................SW 171.0lbs/GW 159.0lbs./ CW 171.0lbs/ PROGRESS.....0.0lbs
    Teresa (Tsydow)....................SW 190.0 lbs/GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 186.8 lbs/ PROGRESS...-3.2 lbs
    Amy (Jinxdflame)...................SW 178.6Ibs / GW 168.8 Ibs / CW 178.6 Ibs / PROGRESS 0 Ibs
    Faye (Fayegill).........................SW 172.6lbs/GW162.0lbs / CW 172.6lbs/ progress 0lbs
    Theresa (Scootsmom) .......SW 290 lbs/ GW 275.0 lbs/ CW 290.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0
    Allie (allison9) ........................SW 163/GW 148/CW 163/PROGESS 0 lbs

    Hey Ladies,
    I do not have progress to report this week. I have not gotten on the scale, I don't want to. I am actually giving myself a by-week(like they do in football). I went out on a boat with friends on Saturday and got a little burnt on my back. I have not been able to put on a sports bra, much let move around in one. So needless to say I have not gotten much exercise these last couple of days. I was feeling a little better this morning, but my brother is town and since our guest room isn't finished he has to sleep on the couch. I work out in the mornings and he is still on AZ time(compared to GA). So I am trying to be considerate, even though it's not helping me. I have however been watching what I eat and not over extending on my calories for the day.
    But yes I should be back on track next weigh-in!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey all!

    Just quick check in! Forgot to weigh-in yesterday. Kadence is ONE! And had her shots and all that. Now...just trying to get all caught back up at work! Will post again when I can!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Well, I gained this week. I started back into running just before weighing in last week, so I think that has something to do with it. I remember when I started running back in the spring, I gained at first. I never lost then, but I wasn't eating as healthy as I am now.

    I posted this on Facebook Monday, so now I'm posting it here to help keep me accountable. I have decided to enter the Run Too Overcome 5k on March 26. Don't know how well I'll do or if I'll even be able to run the whole thing by that time, but I'm going to enter. They also have a 1 mile Kids Fun Run that my kids are excited about doing also.

    Amy I am so proud of you. :flowerforyou: I know you can do this. You have lots of time to train. Now that the summer is coming to an end and the weather is cooling down you get right back at it I am sure. I started a new work out program today I just hope I can keep it up. Its called melt it off with Mitch Gaylord. It is pretty tough. I just finished my first day. Keep in touch my Friend.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    gee no one has posted in 23 hours. we must have all fallen and can't get back up.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm here, just not on the boards as much. Been soooo tired. But doing really well. Got on the scale this morning and I have lost all that I gained from this week. That just proves that if you fall off the wagon, hop right back on before it leaves you behind and you can't get it back.
    I've also been thinking about doing a 5K run/walk next month. It's for breast cance research, so a really great cause to walk for.

    Mom, hope your settling in at your new home now.

    Lindsey, hang in there girl. I know what you mean about the ultrasound. I've been in a similar spot before. Good luck!

    Susan, I loved your post! Hang in there, it may take a while to show up, but your doing great!

    Everyone else, hope all is well. The weekend is coming soon, so have a great one!
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi All! Thanks Cathy and Lindsey for the HRM advice. I think I'm going to start off a little more cheap and get a wrist one for $50. I'll find out soon enough if it's any good. I found a few reviews on it and people either love it or hate it. Sooo...

    Hope everyone is enjoying their week. I'm excited that tomorrow is finally Friday and for once in what seems like forever, hubby and I don't have any plans, and don't plan on making any. This weekend is going to be a major clean-house weekend, since we're having out little guy's 1st Bday party next Saturday. Yikes! Otherwise, I don't have much going on. Yay! :happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.

    heading out to granddaughter #2 grandparents day breakfast. need to find a place to park. DH says walk. i am so out of shape right now. bloated and just feeling yucky. i am thinking of bowing out the rest of this challenge and starting anew next one. i will be here just not weighing in.

    need to get shoes on and head out.

  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Ultrasound yesterday confirmed my worst fears... The baby implanted and then stopped developing. I am so sad and so is my husband. We'll get through it, I know, but I don't know when. It just sucks. :sad: :cry:

    I'm going to take a few days off from here (probably) but I promise I'll be back.

    Thank you for all your kind thoughts and support. It really means a lot to me.
  • Lindsey. I am so sorry. HUGS. we are all here for you! :heart:
  • So. I am still "off the wagon" and I can't seem to get back on.... :frown: I am going to try really hard today... I just don't know why I can't do this....

    I hope you ladies are having a better challenge than me :flowerforyou:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Lindsey, I'm so sorry that you have to go through that. I've had a miscarriage myself the first pregnancy and then within a year got pregnant with my first DD. You'll have to take your time, but it does get better, I promise.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 235.8 lbs/ GW 225.0 lbs/ CW 234.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.8lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW 143.2 lbs/ GW 137.2 lbs/ CW 143.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -6.0 lb
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..............SW 153.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 149.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.0 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 147.8/GW 144.0 lbs/CW 147.2 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.6
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 207.0 lbs/ CW 218.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 .4 grumble
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW 163.4 lbs/GW unknown/ CW 166.0/ PROGRESS +2.6 lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)...........SW 212 lbs/ GW 205 lbs/ CW 211 lbs/ PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).................SW 137.8 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 132.6 lbs / PROGRESS...-5.2 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 146.8 lbs/ GW 146.8 lbs/ CW 146.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.4 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 157.8 lbs/ PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Susan (suede)......................SW 183.5 lbs/GW 175.0 lbs / CW 177.2 lbs PROGRESS -6.3 lbs
    Kiely (freckles3) ................. SW 158.8 lbs / GW 149.8 lbs / CW ???.? lbs / PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)....................SW 212.0 lbs/ GW 200.0 lbs/ CW ????? lbs/ PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 158.2 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 159.0 lbs/ PROGRESS + .8 lbs

    Cristina (cina04)...................SW 166 lbs / GW 155 lbs / CW 162lbs / PROGRESS..... - 4lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 184 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 166.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +0 lbs
    Brittany (britbritnola).............SW 154.6lbs/ GW 143.0lbs/ CW 151.0lbs/ PROGRESS......3.0lbs
    Amez (amyls8711)..............SW 272 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 273 lbs/ PROGRESS + 1 lbs
    Christine (ChristineLeary)....SW 183 lbs/GW 170 lbs/CW 180 lbs/PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Megan (kirbygal)...................SW 171.0lbs/GW 159.0lbs./ CW 171.0lbs/ PROGRESS.....0.0lbs
    Teresa (Tsydow)....................SW 190.0 lbs/GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 186.8 lbs/ PROGRESS...-3.2 lbs
    Amy (Jinxdflame)...................SW 178.6Ibs / GW 168.8 Ibs / CW 178.6 Ibs / PROGRESS 0 Ibs
    Faye (Fayegill).........................SW 172.6lbs/GW162.0lbs / CW 172.6lbs/ progress 0lbs
    Theresa (Scootsmom) .......SW 290 lbs/ GW 275.0 lbs/ CW 290.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0
    Allie (allison9) ........................SW 163/GW 148/CW 163/PROGESS 0 lbs

    so I'm up .8 lbs but I've been working out really hard and have also been lifting weights. I'm down 2 pounds from my TOM high... so, I'm proud. Working hard to stay to calorie range of 1200-1500. Hoping to see progress. Sorry I've been MIA, applying for residency and it's taking a LOT of my time. Wish me luck!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Lindsey, I am so sorry about your loss. My heart aches for you. I hate that you are having to go through this. There are no comforting words I can possibly supply, but I want you to know that you have been and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm around if you need a listening ear.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Just a quick check-in. Went from the mountains of Virginia with hiking and cavern exploring, to now on the beach in Nags Head. Lots of yummy badness, but enjoying time with the family. The scale will probably reflect that. The mountains were a lot of activity and I am extremely impressed by my soon-to-be 10 year old daughter and 8.5 year old son and the mountains they climbed. Makes me glad I started getting in shape when I did so I can TRY and keep up with them. Now 3 lazy days on the beach with yummy seafood to eat. Watch out salt, here I come. Hope you all are doing well. I'll check in again later.
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Hello everyone... Didn't post this week, so I decided just to wait till next week. Work has been soooo incredibly crazy. I certainly hope that education is around till I retire. The powers that be seem to throw sticks in the air and decide what we will do this week. When will they understand that it isn't one thing that keeps children from learning. Maybe they are, some just to the best level they can. Sorry we all can't be Einsteins. We are asking our kids to do what we as adults don't.... it's crazy and I feel a bit crazy from it. My weight certainly shows it. Up another 2 lbs. Can't work out yet, seeing a doctor for knee rehab, and I am frustrated as hell!!!!! I think I will take a long walk today. It is finally cool here. YEA!

    Lindsey- So sorry to hear. I hope and pray that you will be okay.

    I will try to check back in later...
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    lindsey.....i am so sorry to hear the news. rest.

    still unpacking. this weekend having DH put up shelves and that stuff. yard sale next weekend. need another week to gather it all together.
    hope to have the fridge sold today and someone is interested in the treadmill.

    need to get going.

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