Looking for 40 something friends that workout at home



  • dizzylou36
    dizzylou36 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm 46 and am just starting to workout at home and have only just started to diet so got a way to go. I have invested in a rowing machine on which I am going to do about 15 mins a day to start with and some weights to do some toning and I also walk the dog usually twice a day for 30-40 mins each. You can lose the extra pounds you need to, keep at it, you've done so well. :happy:
  • Hi,

    I'm 47 and workout at home - mostly weights and some trampolining...! I try to walk quite a bit to so do please feel free to add me.
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm 41, workout at home and have been so close to my goal. My main workout is circuit training. Add me if you'd like :smile:
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 42 and more or less at maintenance. My goals are to keep my weight steady and get more fit. I like to run when it's not hot as hades, currently doing JM DVDs and the Butt Bible off youtube. Happy to support anyone who needs it! Best of luck to you with your goals OP.
  • carole4000
    carole4000 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I'm 44 and also have about 10lbs to lose. Got myself a Fitbit back in April, which has helped increase my walking. Also like cycling and an occasional run! :)
  • deb_137
    deb_137 Posts: 38 Member
    So many here are inspiring! Gathering the right MFP friend support makes the journey so much more enjoyable and positive. I sent you and a few others here an invite.

    Be blessed, Be happy, Be motivated!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    I'm 43 and do all my workouts at home. I weight train and use the Beachbody dvds. :)
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    You're all welcome to send a friend request. I mostly use the exercise bike although I do go out for walks and rides too. I lift weights at home but don't tend to log this as it's minimal and not cardio in any case.

    I was on MFP a couple of years ago, and reached my goal weight within 7 months, before the age of 40. It's sliding a bit now so got to get it back in check.

    Those last few lbs are hard to maintain, too, or I wouldn't be back here - getting there is only half the battle. It's hard, but you can do it!
  • No1Stinger
    No1Stinger Posts: 12 Member
    Erm actually I turned 50 in March. Do I count lol
    I am looking for people to befriend and have some fun along the way.
    I like to help motivate people and be motivated myself.
    It's been a long struggle, but I am actually now in the frame of mind.

    I've been on the BIGGEST LOSER SITE and did well until something major in my life turned everything upside down.
    I would also like a few friends who are in the same time zone as me lol.
  • I'm 41 and only workout at home...would love to support you and anyone else who needs motivation...
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 48 and do homemade workouts with stuff I build myself :)

    This. Is. Awesome.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 514 Member
    I'm 47 and live in a remote area, so I work out at home.

    I have an array of DVD workouts ranging from yoga to weights (dumbbells), aerobic dance, with some Jillian Michaels workouts I have not worked myself up to yet!

    I have a rebounder/minitrampoline which I use with my Polar FT4 Heartrate monitor. it is great as I can prop it against the wall when not in use, and then can flip it down in front of the tv to walk, jog, and "jump rope" right in the living room with low impact and high intensity (300-400 calorie burn in thirty to forty minutes!).

    I do have one piece of cardio equipment, my recumbent bike that has resistance levels so I can build muscle and cardio fitness at the same time..

    Finally, I go on plenty of walks, and have made it a hobby to seek out scenic hour to two hour walks to do on weekends with a friend.
  • Room112
    Room112 Posts: 7 Member
    41 checking in. All of my workouts are at home (dumbbells & pullup bar) except for my running. It's hard to hit a gym with 4 kids to raise so all I have time for is what I can do in the basement.

    I've never run out of options at home. What with dumbbell specific weight routines, Insanity, Asylum, T25, P90X, Fitness Blender, we're spoiled for choices.
  • jljewell
    jljewell Posts: 28 Member
    Sent you a friend request. I work out at home (treadmill, dumbells, bodyweight).
  • Jovette42
    Jovette42 Posts: 280 Member
    Key is to Never Give Up!! :wink:
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I am a 46 yo single Mum of two boys with 5lbs to go to UGW and I workout at home doing DVDs and on the treadmill. Please feel free to add me as I log everyday.
    Good luck
    Jules xx
  • Hi, am also in the "40"s" and also like you looking for the motivation from friends and people within my own age group who understand the daily "things" we have to do and still look after ourselves - please feel free to invite me as I started again but am determined this time to make it work
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hi, I'm 44, and working out at home - doing 30 DS at the moment; before that I did Ripped in 30. I am also running 2 or 3 times a week outdoors. Happy to be getting fit for free!

    I'm working up towards my maintenance calories right now; increasing by a couple of hundred every couple of weeks.

    Anyone can feel free to send me a friend request - who would have thought we would be such a large group?