Losing baby weight

Hello! This is my second week trying myfitnesspal. I was very pleased with the first week, but I am having a hard time now. I gave birth 8 weeks ago and I really want to get back to my normal size. I lost 50 lbs on weight watchers a few years ago and I had considered doing that again, but it is too expensive. I would love to hear from people who have had success with this app!


  • Jennyd1314
    Jennyd1314 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi I.m losing baby weight, but my babies are 4! I.'ve lost 6lbs in 2 weeks using the app. I was going to do weight watchers but until I struggle I.m sticking with this & putting the money I.'ll save into a money box for smaller clothes! I.m in UK. Jenny
  • jessicahill530
    jessicahill530 Posts: 65 Member
    I am sure you have heard this and it is annoying but true...it took 9 months to gain so it will take that long or longer to lose. It doesn't happen over night. Just keep at it and you can do it! My baby is 8 months old and I am just now finding the time and energy to county calories and exercise regularly. If you want to add me, feel free. :D Congrats on your new baby!
  • crysta1000
    crysta1000 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with Jessica. I took me about 9 or 10 months to get back down to my pre pregnancy weight. I did it by cutting back on soda and counting most of my calories. I didn't really exercise much but I wish I had. My daughter is now 11 months and I'm 10lbs below my pre pregnancy weight. I have started doing cardio and strength training and now I see a big difference in my body. It take time but definitely worth it.