Thoughts on HCG drops???

My friend bought some of these at a local health food store and i really haven't seen alot of info on them. Do they work and have any of you tried them? Are they worth it? I think she paid around $40 for them.


  • nanmosta1
    Someone just told me about these as well, with the diet plan so I looked it up. It sounds dangerous to me. Here is the link :
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Personally, I say save your money. I know of people doing it as well, but in all reality, there is no "magic pill" to lose weight. I see you have already lost 11 pounds, I say be patient and let the healthy eating, portion control, and exercise take its course. Don't rush it, it will come off. I have lost 42 pounds since January and my husband has lost 90 since January. Use the money you would spend on the drops to treat yourself to something you have always wanted, or just buy extra fruits and veggies. I say skip the drops or the shots. Then again, it's just my opinion.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I know people who have used them with good success BUT as with any other diet what happens when you go off of them? The weight usually comes back plus some because you haven't changed anything with your eating habits. I went for the healthy, old fashioned weight loss so that wouldn't happen to me and I also worry about any side effects that they may not know about yet.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Its the next big fad diet.. save your money
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    There is a thread on here where those on it or thinking about it can get loads of info. Despite my very very slow weight loss just think it is too unnatural to be safe; after all if you aren't pregnant you don't need those hormones I worry about the long term effects.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I am taking them and lost 13 lbs the first week. however, if taking them, there is a very strict and intense phasing system you must follow or you could end up gaining weight while taking them. And it is not easy - your food choices are extremely limited, weighed and it requires great adherence.

    If you go visit the HcG link under the success story link, this is where those of us using the drops and shots hang out.
  • ambercole
    Ok, I just looked at the link for HGC drops and it says that you have to stay on a 500 calorie a day diet!!!! WTF!!!! THe drops aren't what makes you lose weight, not eating does!!!! OMG! There is no way I could live off of that! I can barely handle eating only 1350 calories on my weekly rest day. ( I LOVE workout days cause I get to eat more:) Screw that! I don't even want to think about taking anything that is that screwballed!!! I'm gonna talk to my friend and see if she will take it back to the store and get her money back cause that's just SCARY!!!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I used these not too long ago. It of course must have been the 500 calories a day that made me lose the weight, but what I noticed afterwards was that my metabolism seemed to be in hypermode. I was thinking about using them again. The thing that gets you is getting back into regular eating mode. That is more difficult than any diet. There is no miracle for losing weight (yet), but I WAS thinking of using the drops again....
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Ok, I just looked at the link for HGC drops and it says that you have to stay on a 500 calorie a day diet!!!! WTF!!!! THe drops aren't what makes you lose weight, not eating does!!!! OMG! There is no way I could live off of that! I can barely handle eating only 1350 calories on my weekly rest day. ( I LOVE workout days cause I get to eat more:) Screw that! I don't even want to think about taking anything that is that screwballed!!! I'm gonna talk to my friend and see if she will take it back to the store and get her money back cause that's just SCARY!!!

    good for you, it does sound very scary, i don't see how people think it's the healthy way to lose weight
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    I know people who have used them with good success BUT as with any other diet what happens when you go off of them? The weight usually comes back plus some because you haven't changed anything with your eating habits. I went for the healthy, old fashioned weight loss so that wouldn't happen to me and I also worry about any side effects that they may not know about yet.

    Its been around 50 years if there were side effects I think everyone would know about it. HCG is a natural hormone found in the body you cant get any more natural than that. If you eat all you can eat buffet style every day yes you will gain weight back but this resets your metabolism so it is less likely it will come back.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Does it bother any one else that they extract the hormone hcg from the urine of pregnant women? Then you inject it in your body to "lose weight". :sick: As for me I would rather just eat healthy and exercise to lose the weight that I want to feel good about myself. It's working so far for me I am not stopping now. Oh and it may be a natural hormone but it is not natural to only eat 500 calories a day you can do some serious harm to your body by doing that. There are other ways that are more healthy to jump start your metabolism that does not put you body at risk! :smile:
  • fivefatcats
    You can't judge the HCG diet by the opinions of a few people who have never tried it and have not read the entire program.

    Yes - it seems impossible to imagine eating only 500 calories a day - I thought so too. However, having tried the program and stuck to the rules - I found that not only was it simple, but it was not nearly as impossible as I imagined and the results have been incredible. Yes - I ate 500 calories a day for a few weeks without hunger or weakness and managed to keep up with my life (4 kids 5 & under and a full time job).

    Like ALL DIETS - new eating habits must be established after the "LOSS" phase or long term success and maintenance will not be possible. Keeping it off will always require MORE determination than taking it off because maintenance is 'forever'.

    HCG is a jumpstart on the 'retraining your eating' program.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Does it bother any one else that they extract the hormone hcg from the urine of pregnant women? Then you inject it in your body to "lose weight". :sick: As for me I would rather just eat healthy and exercise to lose the weight that I want to feel good about myself. It's working so far for me I am not stopping now. Oh and it may be a natural hormone but it is not natural to only eat 500 calories a day you can do some serious harm to your body by doing that. There are other ways that are more healthy to jump start your metabolism that does not put you body at risk! :smile:
