Picking a goal weight??

This sounds crazy- but how did you go about picking a goal weight? An arbitrary number? Pick a number out of the air? Is there some sort of scientific method to it? Figure BMI? (Which I don't think is the best indicator)

Reason I ask- I originally picked 150 as my goal weight. --- yes, a number I just pulled out of nowhere. Thought it was a good number- just over 50 lbs from where I started. I thought wow, if I can lose 50 lbs, that would be great. Well, I'm getting close to that number I picked, and rethinking it. I weighed in at 157 today. ;) waiting til tomorrow to see if it was a fluke number lol- but I'm Thinking I should go lower, but I don't want to just pick a number from thin air again, I want something that I can reach and maintain, and look great at. So.... How do I know when I'm there?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You'll know you're there when you look in the mirror and go "damn I look good!"
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    When you get to 150, if you think you can/should lose more, pat yourself on the back for accomplishing your goal, and pick a new one!
  • seasidefox
    seasidefox Posts: 11
    I'm trying to lose weight I gained with some medical problems. Once I get there I will reevaluate. Basically if I lose about 40 more pounds my doctors will be happy. Will I be thin? No.
    I think it's okay to not know what weight you're aiming for and to find out when you get there. That requires sense I lacked. I have a general idea of what I should ideally weigh, depending on how much muscle I have. That was calculated for me by a pro body builder who had a gym, long ago. She measured by bones with a caliper, and my height, and gave me the range from a chart. Before that I had a crazy notion that I should weight 110 pounds. I have no idea where I got that from. I guess my point is that a professional opinion from someone who would know, is also very useful. It depends.
  • kjbarone
    kjbarone Posts: 12 Member
    I simply used a BMI calculator (here's a link to one: http://www.weightwatchers.com/health/asm/calc_healthyweight.aspx) and found that my healthy weight range is 120 - 150. I set my goal at 145 just to give my BMI a little wiggle room. I figure when I get to 145 I'll decide whether I want to shoot for a mid range goal of 135. I seriously doubt if I could ever get to the low end of my weight range, but then, 8 months ago I didn't think I'd be able to lose 40+ pounds.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    This sounds crazy- but how did you go about picking a goal weight? An arbitrary number? Pick a number out of the air? Is there some sort of scientific method to it? Figure BMI? (Which I don't think is the best indicator)

    Reason I ask- I originally picked 150 as my goal weight. --- yes, a number I just pulled out of nowhere. Thought it was a good number- just over 50 lbs from where I started. I thought wow, if I can lose 50 lbs, that would be great. Well, I'm getting close to that number I picked, and rethinking it. I weighed in at 157 today. ;) waiting til tomorrow to see if it was a fluke number lol- but I'm Thinking I should go lower, but I don't want to just pick a number from thin air again, I want something that I can reach and maintain, and look great at. So.... How do I know when I'm there?

    I started in the 170s and my original goal was 135lbs, which was the weight I was on my wedding days almost 11 years ago, pre-three kids lol. Then, when I transitioned into maintenance, I lost 10 more pounds. Now I'm transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet and I've just gone back into weight loss 'mode' to lose a few more pounds, because I'm going by Dr. Fuhrman's calculation. My new goal is 119lbs, which puts me at the lower end of a healthy bmi-19.2 :)
  • addean1
    addean1 Posts: 119 Member
    You'll know you're there when you look in the mirror and go "damn I look good!"

    I hope I will be able to say that! :)

    Tried the calculator- said between 117-146. So maybe shoot for somewhere in the middle of that? 130ish? That would be awesome!
  • JasonRDA
    JasonRDA Posts: 27
    I just picked the weight I remember being happiest at, you know yourself better than anyone, when where you happy with your weight ?
  • Pazzano
    Pazzano Posts: 1
    I chose 160 for my goal because of my doctor. I use to weigh 160, and my doctor said that even though that was the top of the scale, it was still within my healthy weight limit. Hope that makes sense!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I picked the high end of normal on the BMI scale since that's all doctors go by.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Calculate your body fat, look at a body fat picture chart, decide what your goal body fat would be, and then calculate what you would need to lose to get there.

    This link has body fat calculators (though calipers would be more accurate if you can get that done at the gym) as well as the goal weight calculator that you do last:

    and here is the BF% pic chart so that you can pick what you would like your goal BF to be:
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I picked my goal weight based off my what my lowest weight had been (135 lbs). I didn't actually think I would get there but I said "Okay 135! I'll give it a go at least, but I'll be fine with 145 cause that will still be 20 lbs". (Started around 165-175). Like you, I got to those goals and thought "hey wait, I CAN do this!". So I got to 145 and decided to try to push for that 135 again. But once I got to 135 I decided that I didn't have to settle and I wanted a new "best shape of my life". I decided that I CAN be a size small (always told myself I just had a bigger frame, I was wrong lol).

    I am currently just under 125 and feeling great about that number :) I am 5'6 and this is still in the healthy area for my height and age. I still have 'fat days', but I can tell through pictures that I have made a lot of progress and I am happy about what I've done so far.

    So I suggest that if you feel you can go lower, then why not!? (as long as you are still shooting for a healthy weight of course).
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    For me, I picked 140. Started at 169. 140 was just within the BMI standards and I weighed 140 right before I got pregnant the first time. I got to 140, thought I would try for 135, got to 135 and said "what the heck, let me try for 130" :). I got down to 128 last fall but am back up to 133 from weight training. I am now cutting again to lose become a faster/better runner...

    Anyway, my point is... You will know when you get there. Try not to stress so much about THE SCALE and go with how YOU feel. Maintenance is a beast in itself so enjoy the process. Don't expect your body to be "perfect" for anyone but you!
  • addean1
    addean1 Posts: 119 Member
    Wow- body fat % one shows a goal weight between 144-152 for 21-25% body fat.- which is probably about where I want to be. That's higher than I thought it would be! Wonder if I could get my body fat tested at my gym. Probably have to ay extra for a personal trainer- but it might be worth it.

    My scale has the body fat tester thing- but Iive never trusted itts accuracy. it said 145 for my "goal weight" this morning.

    Thanks everyone for your input!
  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    I picked the weight that I have felt the healthiest as well as mostly liking how I looked - I have picked 150 pounds, which is at the top end of the recommended weights for my height - but the time I was down to 130 while I felt healthy, I couldn't sit for more than 5 minutes before my legs went numb due to not having enough cushion between the chair and my bones to keep pressure of the nerves.
    When you reach your weight goal - instead of thinking weight you might think of fitness level - muscle weighs more that fat, so you could be a lean with toned muscles and be 150 and still be the measurements of a lower weight that doesn't have toned muscle.
    During my fitness journey I keep in mind that while I want to lose weight the changes in measurement are more important to me than the numbers on the scale.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I picked the high end of normal on the BMI scale since that's all doctors go by.
    This makes no sense.
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    I picked my goal weight based on when I used to be at a healthier weight. I know that this might not be a possibility for everyone, but that seemed reasonable to me. When I was a teenager, I used to weigh about 57kg, so I figured that would be a good place to end up. And I know that a healthy body isn't based solely on a number. I could turn out to be 65kg and very muscular. But I think it's good to have a goal in mind. While I'm just trying to be healthier, it helps to see some actual results happening. Living with your body, you can't always see the changes you go through in the mirror.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    You're doing it the correct way, which is to pick a number and periodically revise it as you approach it. The criteria you use to determine whether a revision is needed is up to you, but I think body fat % and/or a tape measure make sense. BMI is not a good measure to use IMO.

    Most people find themselves lowering their goal weight from what they initially chose, but don't hesitate to raise it if your criteria tell you to.
  • secondhandaddictionsmg
    Hey addean1...I would say your goal weight should be the weight you can keep without "dieting." Our bodies weren't made to be on a "calorie restriction" all the time. If your starting to get to a weight your happy with start trying to stop counting and just start eating healthy. I love the saying "Stop dieting and start eating healthy, the weight loss will follow," itms basicly saying if you are eating the foods your body needs to feed it your body should let go of "extra" weight eventually. And if you keep working out while eating healthy your body should find it's happy place! :)
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    I chose the top end of my BMI range and then made itanother 5 lb less to make it secure... on the way I gave myself several 'mini'goals to feel that I was achieving something. Now I have a BMI within the normal range for my height I'll start making more 'mini' goals until I reach a weight I feel comfortable with - I want to achieve a well toned pre-baby weight minus 4 lbs to secure it. I think goal weight is personal to each of us and is what we feel comfortable with