The Little Reason (or Motivator) for Losing Weight



  • pats02
    pats02 Posts: 3
    My reason is the same as yours: I sweat a lot.
    As I am very consious of this it affects the life I lead.

    I try to avoid hot, crowded places, or do physical things in public.

    That does not really help my social life.....

    I decided I do not want that anymore. First and most obvious solution is to lose weight to a healthy BMI.
    I hope the problem solves itself then....
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    Speaking of "shallow" reasons, here's mine.

    I am looking more and more like my mother everyday.

    And I promised my husband I would never let my health deteriorate for the sake of food like she has.

    I hear you on that one... I looked in the mirror one day and saw her staring back at me... even though at her heaviest she was 3 dress sizes bigger than me

    scary image for me to see :)
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm tired of being the fat guy of the group. Or being called "Big Guy"

    Or sitting on a folding chair and wondering if it will hold me.
    Or not fitting on amusement park rides
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I hated that half of my pants had holes in the inner thighs or the fabric was worn very thin from my thighs rubbing together.

    I hate this also!

    Me too. And I can't walk more than a mile in a dress or skirt, my thighs rub and get really sore
  • AfricaLatina
    AfricaLatina Posts: 111 Member
    I love clothes, my friends always tell me that I dress really well to compliment my curves :ohwell: but what I really miss about my slimmer self is that I could just throw on anything at all, sexy little cami tops or slim jeans. I can't do this without having to worry about my muffin top or wobbly thighs or deciding which type of industrial underwear I could use to disguise these things.... :grumble:

    the thigh rubbing thing in skirts/dresses is also a downer but I find 'drapolene' cream works wonders and stops skin from chaffing! :embarassed:
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    At my heaviest I was so uncomfortable on long (and short) flights and I would stare down at my huge thighs taking up the entire seat. Also hated dressing up. That was uncomfortable and I did not like how I looked at all. I feel so much better now physically and mentally. I love to shop cause everything looks good on me. I love to go out and about whereas before I just isolated.
    It's a better life all around. I will never go back.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I hated that half of my pants had holes in the inner thighs or the fabric was worn very thin from my thighs rubbing together.

    I hate this also!

    Me too. And I can't walk more than a mile in a dress or skirt, my thighs rub and get really sore

    Completely understand this too. Spanks in the heat of summer are not fun, but the alternative (chafing) is worse.
  • shortmomma81
    Here's mine; I want to be strong enough to be a body builder one day. Silly at this stage, but it's a dream of mine.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I was tired of being part of the "obesity problem" in America. Every time something came on the news about it, I would feel shame and turn the channel. Stupid, I know...

    Now, a motivator is a planned trip next summer to Europe. I want to be more comfortable flying (not seeing annoyance or horror on someone's face when they see that their seat is next to mine will be a plus), fit enough to walk around the three countries we're planning to visit, and to not be a stereotypical "fat American."
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    I really wanted to get to the point where I could wear my undies normal, pulled up all the way (it's normal underwear, not granny style or anything hahaha but without getting too graphic I just can't explain it well enough) I didn't want a gut hanging over basically. I'm finally at the point where I can do this and it doesn't look too bizarre. After having kids I've had a huge issue with my new tummy. :/
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    my reason is to take control of this..because it is one thing in life I can control. And when i think about it.. it is truly a personal failure to not try and be your best.. a reflection on where you are and who you are at the moment.
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    I am now ready to accept responsibility for my past actions and bad habits of the last 17 years of my life. The choices I make now are totally up to me. IF I CHANGE NOTHING........NOTHING WILL CHANGE. I don't like what I see in the mirror or in photographs so I will change my future one day one step one meal at the time.
  • Michielynn222
    Michielynn222 Posts: 81 Member
    Well, I'd like to be able to have sex without worrying how I look....
    and I'd just like to look good, prove some people wrong.
  • brigidy
    brigidy Posts: 36 Member
    Although I needed to lose about 40 lbs., I never really focused on my weight. One night I was watching a medical TV show and a doctor took blood from a woman. You could see fat floating in the blood sample! I knew her diet couldn't be any worse than mine and that scared me to death. The next day I printed off a list of healthy foods from the Dr. Oz website and never looked back. I have lost the weight and feel great!
  • Skyebella27
    I want to shop in a regular store, not a plus sized clothing store and I would KILL to be able to go into Victoria's Secret and buy something sexy....
  • Connie366
    Connie366 Posts: 9 Member
    to the woman that posted that she wants to stop sweating:

    Good for you if it works. I have hyperhydrosis & have sweat all my life, thin and sucks. Botox injections cost $1200 and insurance doesn't cover it.
  • VioletNightshade
    I have a few:

    When I was a kid, about... seven, I think, could've been eight, my mother entered me into a costume contest. I wanted to go as Pocahontas (I've a medium skin tone and dark hair), but she made me go as Jasmine. I was angry, and I hated my costume, even though I won the contest. I ended up giving the trophy to the girl in the Snow White outfit, the runner up, because she wanted it so much and I could not have cared less about winning and thought she looked closer to her character than I did (I was a strange child haha). Ever since then, it's been a secret, stupid little dream of mine to have the confidence to go as Pocahontas for halloween. I have the below tailbone length dark hair, the Native American cheekbones, the 'womb tan' as I call it, and the sewing and jewelry making skills to be able to produce an awesome costume, but because of my weight, I've never done it (I was always afraid I'd look like someone put a dress on a bear to be funny). I wanna paint with all the colours of the wind, too, damnit!! *stomps foot* :P

    To have less leg to shave when I want to wear a dress. I know that sounds like a ridiculous reason, so I've never actually admitted it to anyone, but I REALLY hate my calves, so I make a point not to put myself in a position where I might have to show them, and shaving them just reminds me of how ugly and big they are.

    I would love to see the day when my thighs don't rub together. That would be a day worth celebrating.

    (omg, this is SO embarrassing to even admit!!! urgh!!) I have this crease at the sides of my waist. I wouldn't exactly call it a "roll," but it was working on getting there. I look forward to the day when that disappears all together. Slowly but surely, it's leaving. I want smooth sides, as awkward as that sounds. It's been... years, since I allowed anyone to see me in anything resembling a state of undress. I do want to start dating again, and when I start seeing someone, I want to be able to have him put his arms around my waist, or his hands on my sides or hips and not worry that he's feeling that crease.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    With an odd form of agoraphobia, I've found that I'm less likely to get caught in a crowded space (or feel like it) when I'm smaller.

    Also, you know, I'd like my husband to feel proud when going out with me in public.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I wanted to be able to fit into any roller coaster that I wanted to ride. And to be able to fit into an airplane seat belt. And to be able to walk into a store and find more than 4 pieces of clothing that I could actually fit into. I guess that's three little reasons. I'm sure there's more if I think about it long enough. :smile:
  • Connie366
    Connie366 Posts: 9 Member
    I want to be able to get up off the floor without braceing myself on something to get there, bend down & put my shoes on without gasping for air. I want to go into any store and find something that fits and looks good on, without having to stretch it out across my mid-section.