Has anyone successfully managed to stop BINGE EATING?



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Maybe not what you want to hear, but psychotherapy with a specialist in eating disorders worked for me. I haven't binged since I was 18.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    I binge too! It's terrible! I know it is some form of self sabotage, because I do it in other areas of my life too. :(
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    I am a recovering binger and just last week I fell off the wagon, but I'm back on it and didn't let it completely derail me. I realized that when I am tired I will munch to keep myself awake. I also know that baked goods are my trigger, especially sweet ones. I can't keep that stuff in the house and if I do have something it's a non threatening imitation like Fiber One brownies. If I have to open more than one package it deters me. Last week I did Relay for Life, I was up all night walking, so no sleep, then I went to a wedding and had a piece of cake that did me in and I hit that salty/sweet cycle for a good hour or so. Can we say 5000 calorie day? Yuck! Anyhow I snapped right back into my game plan. Yes, I failed, but I forgave myself and moved on. Some of my helpful hints are to make sure I am eating and staying satisfied, not allowing myself to get to hungry. I make sure to include lots of protein and also lots of water. I limit my consumption of simple carbs-especially white flour products, try not to have any sugar and limit salty foods. Eating dinner a little later also helps me as well as cardio in the evenings. The biggest thing is making the choice not to binge instead of being a victim to your whims.
  • branbury
    branbury Posts: 43 Member
    MicheleWE's response = "I make sure to include lots of protein and also lots of water. I limit my consumption of simple carbs-especially white flour products, try not to have any sugar"

  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    Not yet. I have been able to get back on track quicker than I have in the past....so definitely there has been improvement.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    "I make sure to include lots of protein and also lots of water. I limit my consumption of simple carbs-especially white flour products, try not to have any sugar"


    I'm a TERRIBLE binge eater,and this is what has been working for me. I've not completely cut it out,but I'm on a pretty good streak. Not missing it at all. I feel a lot better. I've cut a lot of my carbs, due to health reasons I had no choice. I've added a lot more protein,and I make sure to get a good amount of water. Also, I only keep healthier options in my home, just in case I do binge. Carrots and cucumbers are better than a sandwich, chips, cereal, ice cream, cake, ramen, et cetera....
    Also, I have taken plenty of before photos...I don't have them all posted,but they're on the desktop of my computer. That helps with my willpower.
  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    I had to go cold turkey on sweet stuff like chocolate and sugar laden products as I find them addictive. If I eat some it can lead me to craving more and more and/or bingeing. It's like an addiction. I had to quit them to stop craving them. Sucky bit better than that out of control feeling you get with a binge.

    This !!!!
  • smmartloss10
    I have! And first I've lost 34 pounds just started this now so it's not like I am just guessing. If you crave it, have a little so you don't pig out later. I just can't drink soda or else I won't stop. I ask myself if I'm hungry or if I'm bored, then remind myself that fat lasts longer than flavor!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Therapy helped me cut down on binging and feel more in control. Pre-therapy I'd binge almost weekly. Now, it's maybe 4-6x/year. Also, I can now recover from a binge very quickly, something I couldn't do before and I'd end up binging for days.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I started at MFP very abruptly, after a relatively minor health problem forced me to confront some major lifestyle changes.

    I sought the help of Blessed John XXIII. And Fr. Kapuan, omitted all salt, sugar, grain, and except for 4 Tbsp of coffee creamer/day, all dairy from my eating plan. I haven't binged, craved, or obsessed since April 2013, the longest period of comfortable eating since I was 18.

    I absolutely believe that I can continue this comfortable way of life indefinitely. I absolutely believe that something I have omitted was what caused me to binge.
  • photosarah
    photosarah Posts: 32 Member
    I stopped binge eating after a few months of therapy