Back to MFP

Hi All,

This isn't my first time using MFP. Actually I used it a little over a year ago and lost almost 30lb. However work, vacations, and life got in the way and I just stopped tracking. This was to my detriment. Not only did I gain all that I lost back but an additional 10ls on top of that! I know I can do it. I've done it before. I hope to "meet" some new friends who will help me though the processes (and I'll help urge you on as well!)

So Hi Everyone! And if someone needs or is willing to take on a new MFP friend go ahead and add me! :)



  • najmommy
    najmommy Posts: 19 Member
    You did it before u can do it again. I'm here for u, this is my first day n firs t time but im ready to bring my sexy back!!
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Millie!!

    I am in the same boat as you are - I used MyfitnessPal a little over a year ago and lost about 30 lbs. I was feeling really great and decided I needed a "break" when life got in the way. Well, life never stopped getting in the way and I gained back about 17 lbs. I am coming back to MFP to get back on the wagon and stop jumping off!!

    I have always worked in the restaurant industry on my feet all day and I just recently got a new position at a desk job that I'm really excited about with benefits, etc.. problem is I'm not used to sitting all day and I want to take control of my portions and food before I gain ALOT of weight due to sitting all day.

    SO - I would love to friend you and support each other on our very similar journeys. :)

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh so you already know how it's done then. This should be a piece of cake. good luck:flowerforyou:
  • millie916
    millie916 Posts: 10
    Not a piece of cake, mmmm Cake (cue Homer Simpson drool), just need to get back into the habit of do what I know I need to do. Take care of me first and everyone else second. It pays to be a little bit selfish in this regard. Just tracking the last three weeks has helped me make better choices (well not the last two days but I've been under calorie count!) and I've lost 7.5lbs...
  • Yes, I have realised recently, that you stop logging and you take your eye off the ball. I think it has to be something that is monitored forever as it's all too easy to overeat and before you know it you have regained your losses. Been there myself several times. Logging everyday is the key in my opinion.
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    Agreed! It also seems to help me to interact with others on my friends list and on the site.. gives an extra reason to log on everyday!!
  • Elvisfan4life
    Elvisfan4life Posts: 22 Member
    You sound just like me at the end of 2011 I lost almost 30lbs then life's problems struck and I got depressed and turned to comfort eating again and in 5 months regained all I had lost and another 10lbs.....I have just managed to lose that extra 10 lbs now and so still have 28lbs to lose......loss is very very slow now. I'm not an exercise person and work long hours at a desk so don't even have time to walk...the most I can. Fit in is a 20 min walk some days permitting...thunderstorms don't help!!, but my mantra is slow and steady....I will be 50 early next year and want to be at by goal by then. Good luck with your plan
  • You did it before and you can do it again. We are all here and we will stand behind you.