Hi, I'm 50yrs old and 60lbs Overweight

Hi, folks. I tried this site once before but fell off the wagon. I am back now with a new sense of commitment. I am 50yrs old and have put on 40lbs since I quit smoking 2yrs ago. Being slightly overweight or out of shape became severely overweight. I have gotten a personal trainer, am working out 3 times a week on weight machines (I have never used them before) and have reduce my sugar and flour intake. I am trying to stick to lean meats and vegetables for dinner, a salad with meat for lunch and some oatmeal for breakfast.

I have lost 10lbs since I started 5 weeks ago, but I am coming up to some challenges. I do not enjoy the new diet or exercise (oh yeah, I have drastically reduced my alcohol consumption which is a struggle). I am going on vacation in the first week of August and I am afraid I will backslide in my diet and exercise and be right back where I started. I thought engaging with the MyFitnessPal community might help see me through these upcoming challenges. Some encouraging words would be nice, especially insights on how to persevere when the initial commitment to a new thing wears thin.


  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Welcome back. A few words of encouragement. Don't sweat the vacation so much. You can't do so bad. I've had freinds here who came back from extended vacations all freaked out because they gained so much weight. One said they gained 17 pounds in 10-14 days. Well you can't. It was all water from the travel and everything else. They dropped all except a pound or so within a few days. When you get back, don't weigh yourself for a week. Don't let your life be run by the scale. The scale is a tool, not the judge.

    As far as you not liking your diet, try to change it up so you have things on there you like, just in smaller proportions, maybe spread out throughout the day. I don't have anything in my diet I don't really love. Yes, somethings have gone goodbye for now. I'm a serious choc-o-holic, but not for now. Just learn what works for you so you don't hate it so much. Because that is the recipe for falling off the wagon. You don't want to diet. You want to change how you eat and eat better.

    Treat meals, treat days are fine. Just not everyday. This isn't some sort of cosmic punishment where we can't enjoy anything. We do what we can and when we slip up (and we all do) just write it off and start again.

    Try to look forward to the training. Because one thing it will do, if you let it, is release endorphins in your system which are great highs.

    I'm 7 years your senior. I'm down about 45 pounds nearing my target. All since January 1. All while rehabbing from a total knee replacement. It can be done slowly, smartly. Just don't try to do it too fast -- the weight didn't go on overnight, there's no reason to think it will come off like that.

    Add me as a friend if you like. I've got a very supportive group of people that all encourage each other. People of all ages, genders, races, sexual orientations (I'm the token gay guy). And all we do is support each other. Just don't pay attention to my diaries this week because I'm on a rather unusual diet plan for a few weeks. But before Sunday, it was pretty normal.

    Good luck and hang in there.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello and welcome back, and well done on your 10 lbs loss :smile:

    I gave up smoking on the 2nd April this year and I am really struggling in trying to lose some weight, you know I didn't think it would be that hard, but boy I was so wrong. So far since the beginning of April I have lost 1lb, not good. I think I just need my head to 'click' with weight the way it did with stopping smoking. I have decided from Monday 29th July to really try a lot harder, I mean I gave up smoking after 29 years (I was 16 when I started) , I will be able to lose weight.

    I don't think you should worry too much about your holiday, (vacation), as they are there to enjoy and you really don't want to spend your whole time worrying about what you can and can't eat. Just go and enjoy your holiday and remember that MFP will still be here when you get back for motivation and inspiration.

    But I am all up for motivation, as for me it seems at the minute easier for me to motivate other people than myself, but I have sent you a FR request.

    All the best

  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, we travel a far bit and it is always harder to stick to the way I normally would eat at home. I always take my sneakers with me, so I can still go for a walk in the mornings. This way if I have a little extra in the day I don't feel guilty.

    Will send through a friend request. Feel free to add me.

    Enjoy and Have a great holiday.
  • wina1544
    wina1544 Posts: 3
    Hi - Way to go on losing 10 lbs. I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I have also just joined this site am 51 years old, quit smoking 5 years ago was then diagnosed with hypothyroidism (within 3 months of quitting smoking) and have been watching the weight pile on ever since. I have to lose 61 lbs just to get to a healthy BMI. The worst is when you beat yourself up for having something that doesn't fit in with your meal plan, and then you just blow your calories away for the day. I have found that I plan my meals so I can have a small treat somewhere in the day, so that I don't feel deprived of the foods I love. Luckily I do like vegetables and am not that big on fruit. The hardest part for me is drinking the water and maintaining the calorie count at the END of the day. Can do it all during the day, but night time is much more of a challenge. However - I plan to be successful in losing this weight, no matter how long it takes! Good Luck to you!
  • Axioml
    Axioml Posts: 29
    Welcome back. I am 49 years old. i started @ 297lbs. & am currently 281 lbs. My goal is to be around 200 lbs. for my 50th birthday in March 2014. Consider this a battle that you must be victorious in. We will have our daily struggles. Just remember that you are in control of this situation. You make the decisions. The Japanese proverb is. Nana korobi ya oki. Translation: Fall down seven times, stand up eight. ( If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again.) Good luck in your quest, and always remember you have friends here to encourage you.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Wow, quitting smoking, using a personal trainer 3 times a week, going on a strict diet - those are some big changes in your life so I'm not surprised you're finding it difficult right now!

    There's a saying that says something like, "Travel is not just about the destination, it's the journey". I think that applies to weight loss too. If you're not happy with the journey, you'll find it harder to get where you want to be. Obviously you need to make SOME changes to lose the weight (like, I'm not saying start smoking again!) but maybe a complete change of lifestyle (that you're not enjoying) wasn't the right decision? If you really hate the PT sessions so much, why not ask your trainer to change them up a bit, or find a sport that you do enjoy? Lean meat and veg can get reeeeeally boring, so why not look for some new recipes to spice up your diet a little? You can work treats and alcohol into your allowance if you are canny!

    And so as I said, "Travel is not just about the destination, it's the journey" - there's almost no point in going on your holiday if you're not going to enjoy it, so don't beat yourself up about your diet! You can make some changes if you want, like maybe don't eat the bread they bring out at the start of your meal, maybe don't have ice creams every day, maybe drink vodka/gin and diet mixers instead of beer or wine, maybe go for a long walk to explore your resort instead of lying on a sun lounger all day (or whatever). Enjoy it and if you do put on weight while you're away, you can always get back on the regime after.
  • MRSpivey
    MRSpivey Posts: 270 Member
    I’m in my 50s as well (52 actually closer to 53 now). I got remarried in July 2004 and let life take away my time for bettering myself. The first of this year I made the decision to start taking care of myself, I actually started by changing my eating habits in November 2012 at a weight of approximately 268 lbs., body fat ??%, but really didn't get earnestly started until January 2013 when I joined MFP. I started working out at Workout Anytime in February 2013, slowly increasing what I was doing and how much weight at each thing. I am now doing a 3 to 3.5 hours total body workout (resistance and cardio) 3 days a week. We went on a family vacation the first week of July. I continued to use MFP and I went to a gym three times while we were gone (a great rainy day or early morning thing to do). I didn’t stay on target with my daily nutrition but I stayed aware of what I was doing and tried to moderate. When we got back I nearly freaked out because I had gained 8 pounds. I agree with what leebesstoad said, so if you do weigh don’t freak. I lost those 8 pounds within a week of being back at my normal routine. I also try to not fixate on the scale too much. I’m actually doing what I call Measure Monday where I do all of my measurements on that day. With time I have now got down to around 220 pounds and 23% body fat (I’ll find out for sure where I’m at on Monday). Hang tough, it is so worth it! You can do it!!! Remember that failure is making a mistake; it’s not trying at all.
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    being on "vacation" is usually the easiest time for me to eat healthy because:

    1. I don't have the home pantry around me , which is filled with foods and snacks for all family members , not just my dietary needs
    2. I only pack healthy snacks in single serving portions
    3. eating out, I order only what is "appropriate" for my nutritionan plan..
    fast food=salads, no dressing and/or throwing out buns if burgers or chicken sandwiches are ordered..no condiments
    restaurants..even better..I special order off the menu..making the chef my "personal cook" of sorts to get my protein and veggies without the extra sauces, etc.

    Look at this time away from home as your time to "special order" what you need and to create new, healthy habits....no bags of chips and or any other old bad habits you associated with vacations from the past...

    Vacations can be fun without alcohol :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm 48 and started this journey 35lb overweight. (Even when I get to my goal weight I'm not going to be skinny, but I am realistic!). Having quit smoking is a fantastic achievement, never lose sight of that! That will help get you healthier from the inside even without eating sensibly and exercising.

    I'm going on vacation next week and like you am worried about undoing all the hard work. However, I know we will do a lot of walking and possibly cycling (weather permitting) and, although i might have a few more pints and pastries than I've been used to, I am no longer in the mindset of mindless eating. At home, I ask myself if I really want something, I no longer reach for certain snacks because its "crisps o'clock" :wink: , I look at the calories on a chocolate bar and think how much exercise that takes to reach that number - if I still want it I have to do an equal amount of exercise, and I'm aiming to carry on that awareness on vacation.

    If you're not finding your exercise regime enjoyable try to find something you prefer - if you don't like the machines, carry the shopping back from the supermarket 9doing bicep curls all the way :bigsmile: ) Try different machines maybe - talk to your trainer about activities you do enjoy and get them to find you a programme more to your taste. Maybe add in some aerobic exercise - you fdon't have to wear lycra, just go for a brisk walk around a nice park, you'll be amazed at the calories you burn and how quickly it makes a difference!

    You quit smoking, you can quit over-eating. Just be patient and keep at it!:flowerforyou:
  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    Consider one more person in the fight with you. I'm 47, 50 lbs. overweight and just stopped smoking last week. I did lose the weight, but put 30 of it back on in the past 2 years. Just quit watching what I was eating.

    I love vegetables, but haven't known how to cook them in a timely manner, and all the prep, blah.

    But in the past few months, we've started doing stir-fry. I buy all different types of vegetables every week (mushrooms, different color peppers, onion, asparagus, broccoli, kale, etc). I just cut them up and toss them in the non-stick pan, with just a little olive oil.

    We were putting chicken in too, but I've been backing off eating so much meat. At the very end, we put in sparingly, some Asian sauce. I was putting Asian noodles in at the end too, but now I'm not eating those either.

    But I find that a bowl of stir-fry is virtually the same with or without meat and noodles. Just means more vegetables.

    Good luck on your vacation. I agree with the others, try not to stress. We travelled a lot this summer. I don't think that's what did me in. Overall, just not keeping track of what I ate over the last 2 years is what did it.
  • davidhewitt100
    davidhewitt100 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words. What you said about the vacation made sense to me. I will try to be conscious of what I eat without ruining my vacation doing it. Thanks for the friend request.
  • slimyouth
    slimyouth Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, im fairly new here too, logging my food and exercise daily is definatly helping me to plan my meals day to day. I am a similar weight to you, i have lost 10lbs in two weeks so far, and so good. When you get positive feedback from other members its great. Keep up the good work buddy, my goals are similar to yours also, friend request sent.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome back. You are already on you way. Just realizing your eating habits is the hard part. ThIs is for life so think long term.