Eating healthy 6 days of week, 1 day off?!

Blair2374 Posts: 50 Member
Hi all, looking for your opinions. I have just had a baby 9weeks ago. I put on 4stone and have lost over 1.5stone so far. I started eating healthy and walking and hour everyday from Monday. I had an emergency section so have put my usual working out 5/6days a week and following Insanity programme on hold for the meantime until full recovered.

My question is : Can you loose weight eating healthy 6 days a week and having a blow out one day? I ask as I have always had a takeaway from Chinese or chipshop on a Saturday evening. Last night I had a chipshop and was also at an engagement party so had 3 Corrs Light and 3 Corona meaning I went nearly double my daily allowance in calories. Will I still loose weight or will this hinder things? Thanks :)


  • natwallace94
    natwallace94 Posts: 23 Member
    We always punish ourselves after being so good all week then having one day where we eat over what we're susposed to.
    What people need to know is, IT'S OKAY TO OVEREAT!
    If we don't give into our cravings, we're not only having a boring *kitten* diet but one day if we wake up on the wrong side of the bed we will most likely binge eat.

    Not only does overeating or treating yourself to some fatty carbs or sweets satisfy our cravings, but it can often restart our metabolism and give it a boost!

    If you feel guilty after eating, brush it off! Get up the next morning and continue your diet.
    It is that simple.
  • natwallace94
    natwallace94 Posts: 23 Member
    Oh and to answer your question,

    in the slightest, it MAY hinder your weight loss result. However, if you be good 6 days a week then eat maybe <1000 more than your average intake, you're not going to put on weight, but you may lose only 1kg instead of 1.5kg. That's all! It just slows down the process. There cannot be a rush in sustainable weight loss. So keep calm and prepare yourself for a week of healthy eating :)

    What I like to do, if I have an event on, I'll prepare myself for snacks by bringing my own, having little strategies to avoid eating out or restrict that day so I can treat myself in the evening.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Hi all, looking for your opinions. I have just had a baby 9weeks ago. I put on 4stone and have lost over 1.5stone so far. I started eating healthy and walking and hour everyday from Monday. I had an emergency section so have put my usual working out 5/6days a week and following Insanity programme on hold for the meantime until full recovered.

    My question is : Can you loose weight eating healthy 6 days a week and having a blow out one day? I ask as I have always had a takeaway from Chinese or chipshop on a Saturday evening. Last night I had a chipshop and was also at an engagement party so had 3 Corrs Light and 3 Corona meaning I went nearly double my daily allowance in calories. Will I still loose weight or will this hinder things? Thanks :)

    I believe it's ok to have one meal a week where you "blowout" but not an entire day, that's to destructive to your potentially productive week.
  • Geauxtgrs
    Geauxtgrs Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely. 6 days a week of diet and exercise is still better than 0
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It depends how much you eat on the day off. If you want to lose weight, you need to keep a deficit overall... if you eat 500 calories under what you burn every day but eat 3000 extra on your day off, it defeats the purpose.
  • Blair2374
    Blair2374 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank everyone for the replies :) Happy with scales this morning, I lost 3lbs this week even with the blow out day! Been back to healthy again today.

    Not sure if my diet is 'boring'. I tend to have :

    Breakfast : porridge or 2 scrambled eggs with 1 dry toast or a fruit salad
    Snack : fruit or brazil nuts
    Lunch : Chicken or turkey salad with 1 slice brown brown or wheaten bread and fruit and yoghurt
    Dinner : Oven chips or potatos with meat and veggies
    Bedtime snack : (find this the hardest as always had my junk then!) - rice cakes with peanut butter/nuts/low fat crisps/2 squares chocolate

    Does this seem ok?
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I've been working at this for a little over a month and a half, and with the exception of the first ten days I have inadvertently been doing a 6:1 schedule and lost 14 lbs. I try to make good food choices at every meal but there have been occasions where there is some sort of celebration or a night out and while I don't binge like I used to, I don't deny myself the right to join in. I would second the response that suggests limiting it to one meal and not a whole day though.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member

    ...If we don't give into our cravings, we're not only having a boring *kitten* diet but one day if we wake up on the wrong side of the bed we will most likely binge eat....
    Maybe your diet is boring. My daily meals include all the things I love to eat, so no need to binge....

    Same for me ~ I eat meals I love every day. No way would I settle for "a boring *kitten* diet".
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I agree. Everytime I start to get bored, I look for new "healthy or low fat" recipes. Don't get me wrong, I cave occasionally if I've been good all week and have a treat!