Lets all calm down now....

Ok I am on MFP for 50-55 days. I usually read the threads and respond rarely.
But something saddens me.... What is wrong with all of you..? Clean eating..dirty eating....does it matter??
each and every one of us likes and hates some things. Each and every one of us chooses what he/she puts in their body.
So why all this drama? Some like pizza..some like beans and legumes..some like brownies and some vegan brownies...
I mean why the fight? the war? the fuss?
In the end we are all people that try to do the best for us in the way we think we can be more productive and have results...
Just for the record I am a vegetarian that follows no flour/no sugar diet because I had a health issue.
I used to love burgers and I damn love chocolate and I miss it. But this is the way it works for me even though I personally accepted insulting messages for my eating habits.
If you are lucky enough to eat burger, do it!
If you hate meat dont do it!
But dont start war on each other..
Isn't it better when we all can be supportive friends?


  • simplysplendid
    Very true :) Focus on what you are eating, not everyone else, and you will find happiness!
  • 123tryingtobefree
    Very true :) Focus on what you are eating, not everyone else, and you will find happiness!

    Extremely well said...:flowerforyou:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    here we go again ..

    in...for the never ending debate of clean vs IFFYM and why people are mean, or opinionated ....

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am not really a proponent of either clean eating or IFFYM ...but I probably do more IFFYM but that is just how it works out..

    However, I believe what some are taking issue with is when the clean eating types say that is the ONLY way to lose weight, be shredded, get to your goals, etc....

    On the flip side, the clean eaters take issue with some who say you can pretty much eat pop tarts and ice cream all day and still get to your goals..but then the IFFYM folks come in and say that is not IFFYM....

    thus, the never ending circular firing squad perpetuates itself...

    I say do what works for you ..

    but the threads are for debating, so why does it bother you that they debate it?????
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    really? again?
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm all for clean or dirty eating. I don't care. Your body, eat ramen noodles all day if you like

    I will however give my opinion and what knowledge I have when:

    1) you ask for advice
    2) I see you giving somebody bad advice. Even if the OP knows better, I still say it in case somebody else stumbles upon the thread later
    3) I see a destructive pattern somewhere. Even juicing can be called "clean eating" which would be fine except most juicers live on like 500 calories which is NOT fine.

    So yes, I have opinions and I will state them when I feel they're needed.
  • nortyrascal
    Don't worry about it.
    Just crack on.
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    Ok I am on MFP for 50-55 days. I usually read the threads and respond rarely.

    So 127 posts in 50-55 days is rarely responding? Crap I would hate to see your facebook posting....

    As for the topic, who cares? When people get upset about something written on the internet, they need to take a step back and think about their internet addiction and go outside--take the kids to a park or walk on the beach.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    One doesn't go on the attack of someone's else's eating habits unless someone asks a question in the forum about eating, then sorry to say, the debate is on. Everyone has an opinion of what to eat. It is the job of the OP to decide which information to follow and which to ignore. .....Just saying. :wink:
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    I don't think the problem lies in people being opinionated and thinking their way is the best, but rather the anonymity of the Interweb gives people license to be rude (or so they think). I try to imagine what I'd say to someone's face, and respond in that way.

    It could also be miscommunication based on the fact that not everything comes across accurately in print. Sometimes people seem rude, but they don't intend it that way. Don't let it get to you.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member

    Edit: If the pic doesnt show, here is the link: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/eating gif
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

  • 123tryingtobefree

    hahhaa true story!
  • 123tryingtobefree
    Ok I am on MFP for 50-55 days. I usually read the threads and respond rarely.

    So 127 posts in 50-55 days is rarely responding? Crap I would hate to see your facebook posting....

    As for the topic, who cares? When people get upset about something written on the internet, they need to take a step back and think about their internet addiction and go outside--take the kids to a park or walk on the beach.

    Why you think I deleted facebook hahahhaa
  • 123tryingtobefree
    I don't think the problem lies in people being opinionated and thinking their way is the best, but rather the anonymity of the Interweb gives people license to be rude (or so they think). I try to imagine what I'd say to someone's face, and respond in that way.

    It could also be miscommunication based on the fact that not everything comes across accurately in print. Sometimes people seem rude, but they don't intend it that way. Don't let it get to you.

    I so agree with you
  • 123tryingtobefree
    One doesn't go on the attack of someone's else's eating habits unless someone asks a question in the forum about eating, then sorry to say, the debate is on. Everyone has an opinion of what to eat. It is the job of the OP to decide which information to follow and which to ignore. .....Just saying. :wink:

    Hmm that is true yet isn't it better to be friendly than meanies?
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I don't eat dirty food. If my poptart falls on the floor, I at least dust it off before I eat it, and I wash my veggies before I eat them too.

    Can we be done with these threads now? Everybody mind your business, eat what pleases you, and let others do the same.

  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    I do what I think works for me. Others do what works for them. I quit eating meat for personal reasons. My husband loves meat. Do I try to change him? No. Does he try to change me? No. We accept each other for who we are, individuals, and carry on.