Stepped on the scale and panicked - 286 pounds...



  • sbrociousstewart
    sbrociousstewart Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have already lost about 80 pounds on my own, meaning that I started my journey at 280. I was doing well until the last few months when I really hit a plateau. I've just started here this week and I'm desperately hoping to kick the last 40-50 pounds in the butt!! Right now, my goal is 170. What is most important to me, though, is the ability to change my lifestyle! I know that integrating exercise has been really important to my success thus far, but right now I have double knee injuries (ouch!). I'm hoping that some fairly religious tracking on my part will be able to get me through my recovery while still losing some pounds. Honestly, even staying the same weight without any exercise for two-three weeks would be absolutely amazing! I can't wait to start hitting the gym again!

    This weeks goal: Not get discouraged about the lack of gym time and hit the under-200 mark!

    Feel free to add me for some support!

  • terry1067
    terry1067 Posts: 9 Member
    Well I need to lose 70lbs. It is very hard for me to lose weight too. I am 45 5 7' tall and weigh 219lbs. That would put me at 149lbs. I am also a type 2 diabetic since 2002 and have sleep apnea as well. I think we can support each other if you want to become friends on here that would be great. Keep trying I know it's hard but I think we can do it!!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi. I have 76lb to lose before I reassess where I want to be and I'm doing a similar thing to you. My first goal is 16lb which takes me to 14 stone and then it will be only 60lb more to lose. I'll be doing 10lb goals after that .

    I'm finding it difficult too due to thyroid problems. I'm not going to let it beat me though! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • nicolegillies106
    In a similar situation :0) not dieting just living a better lifestyle & being active x

    Wish you all the luck in world :0) x

    Add me as a friend I'll be here for awhile and could do with motivation myself :0)

    My starting weight 237lbs

    Currant weight 220lbs
  • Skyebella27
    Thank you all again for all the support and friend requests and tips and encouragement! There are so many of us in the same boat, and so many who've lost a lot of weight. It's really inspiring and I can't wait until I can put in my first pound lost in my ticker!
  • Sewweaver
    Sewweaver Posts: 33 Member
    Haha! My highest weight when I started was 300. :)
    And my weight loss might not be alot to some people, but it's progress!
    During the journey it's important to keep staying positive and not to think about how far you have to go, but think about how far you have come!

    anyone who says your weightloss is not alot or whatever, is smoking something really horrific. You are crazy inspiring!!! Simply outstanding! Thank you for posting, needed to see this today!
  • missraye33
    missraye33 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'4", currently 292 (down from an all time high of 317). My mantra is one pound at a time. Feel free to add me.
  • Sabrena619
    I remember when I was in my twenties and had an opportunity (like you) to get healthy. I dropped a few pounds, but didn't like to exercise, so eventually, it all came back. Then I was in my thirties. I had gained even more weight and now I had a job where I was really sedentary. I had a baby and then the weight really shot up. When I was in my forties, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. And can you believe it, I still didn't do anything about it. When I came into my fifties, I was taking medication for high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, and acid refulx. I was taking both oral meds and injecting insulin for my diabetes. Then it finally dawned on me. I think more of myself than this.

    I started walking. It was pretty slow at first (probably less than 2 mph). In the first year, I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I kept doing it. I gradually built up my endurance and strength to where I could walk 3 mph. I lost a little more weight but I still needed to lose at least 60 pounds. The walking was hard on my ankles, but I kept going and building strength. After having a couple years of success with the exercise routine and gradually losing about 15 pounds--and feeling much better physically, mentally and spiritually--I decided to go on a real diet. Jeez it was hard, but I knew that the exercise alone would never be enough. Now I've lost about 40 pounds. I'm 5'9" and 175 pounds. Still not a model, but I look so much better and feel wonderful. The only problem now is that I've gone from one poor body image to another. I have a lot of saggy hanging skin and unless I have surgery, it will be there for ever.

    So why am I telling you all this--because if you're still in your twenties, you have a chance to get healthy AND shrink that skin. You have time to enjoy the prime of your life as a healthy, beautiful woman. You have the opportunity to hit the brakes and do a U-turn in your life. Oh how I wish I had known then what I know now.

    Please do this for yourself--not for any man or some other perceived benefit (although those are really nice incentives). But you owe yourself this chance. Your self esteem with improve. Your confidence in everything you do will rise. You'll perform your job better. You'll take new pride in your home. You will just enjoy everything so much more.

    It's not easy, but it is so worth it. Just do it!

    If you want to friend me, I'll try to keep inspiring you. And I will also be inspired by your journey. Just remember the words of Shakespeare, "To thine own self be true."
  • lvacpblackwell
    My weight loss did not start when I joined this program. I started a new job this year and was told I had to take my vacation before the end of the year. So I was trying to think of were I wanted to go and decided that I wanted to go to Disneyland with my son. I walked around the block and found myself out of breath. I told myself that I couldn't go to Disneyland this year not until I could walk the whole day at Disneyland. The last time that I had weighed myself I was over 290 but I think that I was closer to 300 when I started to walk. First it was just around the block then it was on every break that I had at work. At this time I cut out the sodas and added water. When my work offered a challenge of walking 10,000 steps a day I took up the challenge. The program that they offered told me that I needed to walk 14,000 steps a day for weight loss. So that was my goal. Then when I did that I challenged myself to walking 20,000 steps a day and did it. I placed 2nd in the whole company by walking 1.1 million steps in 8 weeks. It got really hot here in Las Vegas,up to 120, so I joined a gym. They signed me up for this site which I am glad. I have lost a total of 45lbs and still losing. My goal is to take my son on vacation to Disneyland next year. I will do it!
  • Sabrena619
    I forgot to say that I am completely med-free now. No more injections, no more pills. I also used to use a c-pap for sleep apnea. Not anymore. I'm totally free of every thing that used to hinder me.
  • terry1067
    terry1067 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a 46 year old lady that now weighs at 240lbs! I gained so much weight in the last year! I am also a type 2 diabetic! I need all the help I can get! Thanks!