Fitbit does it really work?

ive been hearing about fitbit over and over again on this site and a few others I want to know if all the hype about it is really true. After checking out the fitbits website it sounds really cool and it sounds like it would be very useful but Im not sure if it would actually be worth it to buy it.

For the people that have owned or used fitbit what do you think about it? Does it actually help you? Is it worth it to buy it? Fitbit is very expensive both new and used from what ive seen and don't want to spend money on something like that unless its actually worth it to have.


  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    i have had my fit bit one since the middle of june. what it has shown me is that i am more active during the week than i thought i was and that i need to eat more during the week and i am lot less active at the weekend and that i need to reduce my calories there, since i got it i have started loosing weight again as before i got it i was at the same weight for a couple of months, i haven't lost anything the last two weeks because i have been on holiday and i have relaxed my diet, but i am confident that i will soon shift it again with the help of my fitbit.
  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    I have the Fitbit Zip (retails around $50). I love it! OK so its a glorified pedometer but here's why I like it:

    -its small, lightweight, and can be clipped to my bra where I'm less likely to lose it (as opposed to my waistband)
    -it syncs up with MFP and auto adds any calories burned
    -the fitbit dashboard is cool and easy to use
    -it keeps me aware of my step count for the day. I always shoot for 10K+
    -I can log gym workouts and it makes adjustments in the calorie count (some workouts don't correlate well with the fitbit)
    -its a gadget that tracks data points, love my data
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It's a fancy works more or less as intended. It will give you a reasonably good estimate of how much energy you burn/need in a given day. It's still an estimate, it's not an exact number.

    People who have a really difficult time grasping the fact that they actually burn calories with their day to day hum drum can greatly benefit from these...for many, it's a real eye many people thinking they have to just go over-train their bodies at the gym and try to burn a gazillion calories...completely unaware that they burn most of their calories per day just being alive.

    If you're rather sedentary it can also provide some motivation to get up and move more. Keep in mind that the more exercises you do, the further off that calorie count is going to's pretty good if you're just walking around a lot and some jogging or something...but if you're really training, it's going to become less accurate.
  • itsscottwilder
    It's a great motivator. For people like me who sit behind a desk all day; it's a reminder to get up and walk, be active and burn calories. Adding 10,000 steps to my day has been a real game changer.
  • Adirafox
    Adirafox Posts: 107 Member
    Any thoughts about the sleep patterns it can track?
  • gbpacker001
    gbpacker001 Posts: 39 Member
    I think it is a great motivator. I have the zip and it helps motivate me to at least get in my 10,000(usually 15,000) steps a day. It also works great with MFP.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I have a Zip...I love it! The battery finally died just this morning....and I feel Naked without it! Off to buy a battery...and a spare!
  • souzan651
    souzan651 Posts: 42 Member
    It's a great motivator. For people like me who sit behind a desk all day; it's a reminder to get up and walk, be active and burn calories. Adding 10,000 steps to my day has been a real game changer.

    Same for me too, I have gone from doing nothing to walking 5 - 6 miles a day so Fitbit works for me as a motivator to get up and walk.
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    I bought my Zip in April, wear it every day & I love it. It's a great motivator for me. I try to do more than 10K steps every day. I think it's accurate for what it measures. As for the One, I don't really care about measuring my sleep or stair climbing.
    Fitbit syncs with mfp so I don't have to figure out the calories or the pace or amount of time I walked. I'm glad I bought it. It's worth the $50 I spent on it.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    It's a fancy works more or less as intended. It will give you a reasonably good estimate of how much energy you burn/need in a given day. It's still an estimate, it's not an exact number.

    People who have a really difficult time grasping the fact that they actually burn calories with their day to day hum drum can greatly benefit from these...for many, it's a real eye many people thinking they have to just go over-train their bodies at the gym and try to burn a gazillion calories...completely unaware that they burn most of their calories per day just being alive.

    If you're rather sedentary it can also provide some motivation to get up and move more. Keep in mind that the more exercises you do, the further off that calorie count is going to's pretty good if you're just walking around a lot and some jogging or something...but if you're really training, it's going to become less accurate.

    Pretty much this....I have a fitbit and I love it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have the One. I only used it at night once because it's a bit annoying to wear, and it told me how long I slept, how many times I woke up, when I was agitated etc... pretty cool. The stairs tool is nice I guess but not very accurate from what I've seen, I go up and down the stairs a lot and it seems to only register half a floor every time.

    Otherwise though, I use it every day. I like it. It's a good motivator, and it gives you a good idea of your activity level, with how many calories you burned (approximation obviously) every day. The only thing of course is that it doesn't take into account when I work out (Les Mills Pump, which burns about 300 calories), because I don't really move while I do it, so I have to factor that in, but it's great to figure out what your average TDEE is otherwise.

    I haven't bothered syncing it with MFP though, it seems a bit of a pain, plus I use a custom goal anyway.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    I have the flex and I love it. Like others have said, it's gotten me up and moving. I can see a difference in the number of steps I was taking - or not taking - when I first got it, and now. Same with calories burned each day, that number has risen. It syncs with MFP so I just do all my logging here. I have "friends" over there and get to see their steps and have this competition in my little brain trying to outwalk the ones similar to me :wink: The bracelet is comfy, I wear it all the time except for when it's charging. I'm happy with the purchase
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    I got my fitbit one back in April, and absolutely love it. Since I have a pretty sedentary day-time life style MFP was over estimating how much I was burning, and I feel that this gives me a better estimate. It's a great motivator, and the sleep tracking aspect works really well to tell me how soundly I've slept. No complaints at all. Even washed it once by mistake and it survived. I have it syncing to MFP so my calories over here are adjusted, and since all I do is walk and no real heavy training it seems pretty spot on.
  • hif123
    hif123 Posts: 19 Member
    I couldn't have managed to lose weight so steadily without Fitbit. My main exercise is walking so I set my TDEE to sedentary, and then the fitbit calories get added on top of that when it syncs. Makes it really simple to eat at a consistent deficit. I think it's great. I didn't get much benefit from the sleep function though - I already know when I've slept badly.

    Fitbit One has more features than Zip as it counts stairs and sort of measures sleep, but battery lasts less long and it's harder to read in sunlight.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    My husband and I consider our fitbit to be one of our best purchases ever. We are highly competitive so we have a ball trying out step the other. It is also great for me on days that I have not moved much to see that I need to get off my behind and get to stepping.

    We are going on 2 years with ours, so its not like its fun for a while then fades, if anything, the addiction gets worse.
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    My fitbit does a very good job of helping me to match my calorie consumption to my real activity levels. I think the people who have the most problem with it are the ones who expect 100% pinpoint accuracy from it.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I love mine. So much. Lost my Fitbit One on Thursday and bit the bullet to buy a new one Friday morning. It's useful, it's motivating, it's addictive. The feedback really pushes you. Well, it pushes me anyway, because I like all green on my goals and I like nice round numbers. "Oooh, made my 8,000-step goal, but it's just .39 miles more to hit my 4-mile goal... oooh, 27 flights of stairs, where can I find three more to climb? ... oooh, if I went out and jogged around the block, I'll bet I could clear 12,000 steps!" And so it goes. :)

    Without a Fitbit, there is NO WAY I would have climbed over 30 flights of stairs yesterday (let alone almost 1400 in the past four months) and gone jogging after my cardio-machines workout in the gym. Using a pedometer probably accounts for most of the 40 pounds I dropped.

    It's also convenient: You wear it, you move around, it syncs, MFP reflects the calorie burn and tells you how much you can eat for dinner. No manual entry required. I like that a lot. It doesn't track all my activity well; e.g., indoor stair climber and rowing machine. For those things, I have my HRM and Digifit, which syncs up with Fitbit and presto, still no manual entry. Happiness.

    As a sleep tracker, I think it's meh, just ok -- the Jawbone UP band/application was better for this (UP band was pretty decent too, but died on me after a couple months). But it does give some feedback. I don't use the armband, I just wear something to bed and clip it to that.

    I'm at goal weight and working hard at figuring out how to stay there. Using a pedometer is definitely part of the plan. I plan to continue using Fitbit for life, or at least until somebody makes a pedometer that's way better somehow.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I love my Fitbit! I have a Fitbit One and I especially love the stair climbing feature that the One has! I got mine as a Christmas gift last December and I have lost 12 lbs since then by using it and syncing it to MFP. It encourages me to move more with goals, rankings, and award badges. It was really eye-opening for me because I realized just how much I walk on an average day...A LOT! I learned that if I'm moving around a lot during the day, I don't have to kill myself for 2 hours at the gym to lose weight. (I also learned that shopping at a mall burns a good 200-400 calories! AWESOME! Why? Because you're basically walking for 3-4 hours straight, and especially if you have a naturally faster-paced walk like I do, it's basically equivalent to a very light workout.) The stair climbing feature also encouraged me to want to climb more stairs and now I'm pretty awesome at stair climbing and I'm convinced it's made my legs stronger! :laugh: My Fitbit also gives me a pretty good idea of my TDEE because I've lost weight following those approximations. But best of all, it gives me peace of mind; I no longer have that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I need to go to extremes or I'll gain all the weight I lost right back. My Fitbit tells me what I'm doing and approximately how much I'm burning and with that knowledge, I know I'm in control and I know I can keep it up. :bigsmile:
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'm going to answer yes. I have had a FitBit for the past three weeks. During that time I have consumed 63,789 calories (2,773 cal / day) and according to the FitBit, I have burned 64,829 calories (2,819 cal / day). I had about a 1,000 cal delta over that time and my weight has not changed measurably. I think I'm in maintenance.

    But the FitBit just estimates calories just like the online calculators, so it could be wrong. By a lot.

  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    My fitbit has been amazing. It more accurately calculates how many calories I should be eating (compared to simply logging food and guestimating average daily burn).

    I find the sleep quality function to be incredibly helpful--I'm bipolar, so sometimes I have real problems with sleep and this helps me control medication use.

    I like how you set goals and then can tap the fitbit to see how close you are to meeting your goal.

    The software and the journals are top notch as well. Just always log food and exercise in MFP, and then everything else in the fitbit dashboard.

    Anyhow, I've had mine for 2 weeks and I'm in love!

    **forgot to say that I have a Fitbit Flex