Honey Boo Boo's sister tackles 4 pound sandwich



  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    Oh good, fat shaming. That's exactly what I needed this morning.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    I am so disappointed with so many people in this thread.

    Shame on you all.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    lol wow
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    In the words of Suzanne Sugarbaker,"If it don't look good, don't put it out on the front porch." Same thing can be said of these odd families and people we put on realitiy tv. We're putting them out on our "front porch" for other countries to see, no wonder people in other countries find Americans rude, selfish ,and poorly educated .
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Pigzilla lol. They should be calling the girl that, not the sandwich. Eww I feel nauseous :sick:


    Agreed. I think that people who want to call someone Pigzilla are nauseous.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    No one cares what anyone on here does as a career it makes no one smarter or less intelligent than the next. We're here for the same reasons and the fact someone works in some high up capacity - I couldn't give a 'you know what'.

    Oh, the sandwich is gross too.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've watched some reality tv shows, but this show is not one I can watch. TLC at one point used to be The Learning Channel. Now they're just exploiting this family. I find the show and the people on it disgusting.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Pretty sure when they make those sandwiches it's meant to be cut into portions and served among a whole family. It's like the world's biggest burger they make down in Texas (special about burgers on the Food Network, I can't remember the name of the restaurant). It's cut up and generally feeds 12 people. @_@ Definitely not meant for one person.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Pretty sure when they make those sandwiches it's meant to be cut into portions and served among a whole family. It's like the world's biggest burger they make down in Texas (special about burgers on the Food Network, I can't remember the name of the restaurant). It's cut up and generally feeds 12 people. @_@ Definitely not meant for one person.

    it obviously is meant for one person because you get $200 if you eat the whole thing.

    It would be kind of facile giving 12 people $200 for eating a giant burger between them
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Pretty sure when they make those sandwiches it's meant to be cut into portions and served among a whole family. It's like the world's biggest burger they make down in Texas (special about burgers on the Food Network, I can't remember the name of the restaurant). It's cut up and generally feeds 12 people. @_@ Definitely not meant for one person.

    it obviously is meant for one person because you get $200 if you eat the whole thing.

    It would be kind of facile giving 12 people $200 for eating a giant burger between them

    Yes I realize that, but that doesn't mean you should accept the challenge. -Usually- when sandwiches are made that large they are meant for more than one person. Just because you get a prize for eating it yourself doesn't mean you should, and children especially shouldn't be eating like that. :/ Adults collapse and die taking up these kinds of challenges.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Pretty sure when they make those sandwiches it's meant to be cut into portions and served among a whole family. It's like the world's biggest burger they make down in Texas (special about burgers on the Food Network, I can't remember the name of the restaurant). It's cut up and generally feeds 12 people. @_@ Definitely not meant for one person.

    it obviously is meant for one person because you get $200 if you eat the whole thing.

    It would be kind of facile giving 12 people $200 for eating a giant burger between them

    Yes I realize that, but that doesn't mean you should accept the challenge. -Usually- when sandwiches are made that large they are meant for more than one person. Just because you get a prize for eating it yourself doesn't mean you should, and children especially shouldn't be eating like that. :/ Adults collapse and die taking up these kinds of challenges.

    Adults collapse and die running marathons too.

    The idea of 'should' is subjective and I don't think anyone here has the right to judge someone for trying to accomplish a food challenge.

    This is fat shaming at it's finest. No one would bat an eye if she tried to do this and wasn't fat.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I don't know if anyone has said this ... I don't really feel like reading through the whole thread ... but seriously, how is this Honey Boo Boo girl doing beauty pageants (please, don't make me state the obvious)? I personally don't condone the whole glitz kid pageant thing (I think it's demoralizing, talent competions at least have some merit and showcase an actual skill, being pretty isn't a skill, it's a genetic luck of the draw), but really, she's not a very visually appealing child, nor is she poised by any stretch of the imagination ...


    Are you really on a calorie counting website sneering that a child is too fat to be considered beautiful? (and yeah, I am gonna put a name to the "obvious" that you allude to). That is some vile **** that you just said.
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Yummmay I bet I could finish that 'which faster than her
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member

    I don't know if the link will work; if not, search for the image or cut and paste.

    If anyone here needs the inspiration to stick to their goals, this should do the trick. This should be on everyone's fridge.

    Read the section in my profile titled "My inspiration".

    I tried getting to the "My Inspiration" part but your ridiculous obnoxious self-righteousness was my inspiration to move on.
    My thoughts exactly!!

    When I first read it, I thought it was a young girl writting it cause she didn`t know any better. Then I realized that the ridiculous obnoxious self-righteousness came from a grown women! Yikes!
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Thank god these slobs are not from Alabama. We get a bad enough rap as it is. :laugh:
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Eh, whatever.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    only 1 person could eat a 4lb sandwich? Amateurs

    I'm pretty sure my double-meat Which Wich? sandwich I had for lunch today was about 4 pounds.

    I didn't read through all of this thread, so could someone that has just let me know...

    ...what emotion I should be feeling about it?

  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    So, if I understand this post correctly, all of the marketing and advertising for this show is working and they are getting more exposure. I'm sure if they could, they would thank you for your contribution.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    only 1 person could eat a 4lb sandwich? Amateurs

    I'm pretty sure my double-meat Which Wich? sandwich I had for lunch today was about 4 pounds.

    I didn't read through all of this thread, so could someone that has just let me know...

    ...what emotion I should be feeling about it?


    You are completely outraged. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: and disgusted at the other posters.