What do your kitchen counters say about you?

dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
Did the items sitting out in your kitchen change when you started paying more attention to what you eat? If you started to cook more?

Yes, to both, so olive oil and non-stick spray have a spot along with some favorite spices. The little fruit basket turned into two larger ones. There's a couple of pineapples ripening and a few tomatoes (they don't like the fridge). This weekend a lovely bunch of basil joined the crew (for pesto), as did a few lemons and limes to make water more interesting....

The Keurig pods have a place of honor, as coffee is #1.

A friend of mine stopped over tonight and my first thought was that I should unclutter the kitchen. But then I realized that all the stuff is the sign of our work at a healthier life (okay, and a coffee addict). And at least it was clean!

And don't get me wrong ... we still eat Oreos sometimes - we just make them harder to reach.

Tell me about your counters!


  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I have 3 different counter tops. On the counter next to the stove I have: Protein powder, BCAA's, Fish oil pills, food scale, measuring cups and spoons, a container full of utensils and knives, my hand blender, and the cup to mx my protein.

    On the one with the sink: I have a death box (aka microwave :P) and a deli slicer.

    On a moveable one I have my keurig and toaster sugar and coffee mate.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Did the items sitting out in your kitchen change when you started paying more attention to what you eat? If you started to cook more?

    Yes, to both, so olive oil and non-stick spray have a spot along with some favorite spices. The little fruit basket turned into two larger ones. There's a couple of pineapples ripening and a few tomatoes (they don't like the fridge). This weekend a lovely bunch of basil joined the crew (for pesto), as did a few lemons and limes to make water more interesting....

    The Keurig pods have a place of honor, as coffee is #1.

    A friend of mine stopped over tonight and my first thought was that I should unclutter the kitchen. But then I realized that all the stuff is the sign of our work at a healthier life (okay, and a coffee addict). And at least it was clean!

    And don't get me wrong ... we still eat Oreos sometimes - we just make them harder to reach.

    Tell me about your counters!

    My counters are pretty bare-toaster, blender, 8 bananas and then some dishes I just hand washed lol. I can't stand having things laying around on my counters or table-drives me nuts :blushing: I keep all our fruit and veggies in the fridge, except for the bananas-otherwise we get horrible fruit flies yuck!
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Nothing I don't let mine talk **** about me. Once I did catch them in a surprise three-way call.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My counters won't stop *****ing about me pounding out chicken on them. I keep reminding them I could remodel the kitchen and throw them away, and they stop complaining.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    LMAO Both of you! <3
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Did the items sitting out in your kitchen change when you started paying more attention to what you eat? If you started to cook more?

    Tell me about your counters!

    Wonderful topic. I enjoyed reading the replies.

    My toaster went in the trash when I stopped eating bread. My rice cooker replaced it. My measuring cup has an honored place next to the steamer basket I used to steam kale and collard greens. Ripening avocados sit on a silver tray near my coffee maker and the pitcher-style water filter I constantly use for cooking and drinking water.

    And over to the side, a white ceramic tray holds all my grocery receipts for April, May, June and July (I joined MFP in April) -- so far, I've spent about $100-120 per month for all my food for myself (whoever says healthy food is more expensive needs to come to my house).
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member

    My counters are pretty bare-toaster, blender, 8 bananas and then some dishes I just hand washed lol. I can't stand having things laying around on my counters or table-drives me nuts :blushing: I keep all our fruit and veggies in the fridge, except for the bananas-otherwise we get horrible fruit flies yuck!

  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    The food scale has a prominent place right next to the bananas. (And bananas are something we used to buy only occasionally.) The Magic Bullet blender is perched to the left of the frig and is used at least 3 times a day, either for fruit smoothies or for protein shakes.

    What's missing are the cookie jar and bags of chips.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    The food scale has a prominent place right next to the bananas. (And bananas are something we used to buy only occasionally.) The Magic Bullet blender is perched to the left of the frig and is used at least 3 times a day, either for fruit smoothies or for protein shakes.

    What's missing are the cookie jar and bags of chips.

    Yes, lots of bananas! Just got a new hanger-thingy the other day - I don't like them mixing with the other fruit!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    My counters say that I'm good enough, smart enough and, doggonit, people like me.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Actually.... Mine also say, "Do you NOT know the size of your own hips by now???" They're tired of me bumming into them...
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    A food scale and bananas made their appearance alongside the knife set, toaster, spice rack, and cutting boards.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    My counters say that I'm good enough, smart enough and, doggonit, people like me.

  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I have a teeny tiny kitchen in a rental house, so I keep my counters free of most things. But it says that I like fruit since I have a 3 tiered fruit basket, that I drink coffee, and that I cook with a cast iron skillet, since that's always on the stove. It also says I go to the mailbox since that's usually where the mail ends up.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I've got a food scale next to the coconut oil, ghee, and red palm oil's permanent spot to the right of the stove. Also, the cutting board is within reach when I slice up meat and veggies.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Did the items sitting out in your kitchen change when you started paying more attention to what you eat? If you started to cook more?

    Yes, to both, so olive oil and non-stick spray have a spot along with some favorite spices. The little fruit basket turned into two larger ones. There's a couple of pineapples ripening and a few tomatoes (they don't like the fridge). This weekend a lovely bunch of basil joined the crew (for pesto), as did a few lemons and limes to make water more interesting....

    The Keurig pods have a place of honor, as coffee is #1.

    A friend of mine stopped over tonight and my first thought was that I should unclutter the kitchen. But then I realized that all the stuff is the sign of our work at a healthier life (okay, and a coffee addict). And at least it was clean!

    And don't get me wrong ... we still eat Oreos sometimes - we just make them harder to reach.

    Tell me about your counters!

    Excellent post. My fruit basket has moved to dining table as there is not enough room on the counters. There are always big mounds of sweet potatoes and varied Squash on the table as well as apples and onions and bananas. We have freezers full of fruit that we bought on sale then sectioned out and froze on trays as to keep them from sticking together. Yes the non stick spray has replaced my vegetable oil bottle on the counter. The bread machine has been given away. My dehydrator has a reoccuring spot on the counter as I grow all my own herbs. So many changes. But life is good.

    Edit to add Food scale is in the main spot on the counter as it is the most used thing we have now.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    They're pretty empty, save for a fruit basket and two tubs of brown rice and oatmeal.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    When I started out I bought a rice cooker/steamer that stays on the counter since I use it a lot. I love it since it makes easy, healthy meals and makes cooking for one person a lot easier. I also dusted off the food scale and I leave that out on the counter as well.

    As far as the coffee pot goes, that has it's own counter but is nice enough to share space with the toaster.
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    Since making these lifestyle changes, the following has changed in my kitchen:
    The mortar and pestal is sitting on the counter, not in a cupboard (for grinding my home made spice blends.)
    There is a food scale, whereas previously I didn't even own one.
    The fruit bowl is HUGE and now on the dining table since it's too big for my small kitchen.

    Not quite counter related, but my fridge has double the meat, veggies and cheese than before. My cupboards have considerably less "processed foods" like cookies, and more healthy foods like trail mix and basic ingredients.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    A food scale and usually various measuring cups/spoons are now on the counter. For a while I had the toaster hidden away, but it's back on the counter now. Various vegetables from my garden also take up a good deal of prime counter real estate.

    Alas, the mail still hangs out on the counter as well. I evict, but more arrives.