Do you guys have Cheat meals?

If so, are they like a binge or is it more like 1 reasonable plate of food?

I had 2400 calories IN ONE MEAL. It was all from cheese stuffed large pizza and I ended up eating 6/8 OF THE WHOLE PIZZA (i checked up the nutrition fact). And I ate my other small meals so I had 3000 calories today.... And I'm 5'4" FEMALE

I feel like crap that I overdid it but also happy because I enjoyed every mouthful (i downed it all in literally 6 mins haha)

What are your cheat meals like if you do have them? :)


  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I never allow myself a cheat meal. To me, a cheat meal means you pretended it didn't happen...and your body knows it happened. However, I have been known to exercise a little more over the course of a week to compensate for some less than ideal choices.
  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    I do the combat/Pump program and workout 6 days a week. I do have cheat days and its usually like a dinner and a breakfast on the weekend. I guess my cheat meal would be like burgers and fries or pancakes and bacon. If I couldn't have cheat days I think I would go crazy! I am looking forward to my birthday because it will be a cheat day....whatever I want to
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 109 Member
    I don't really have *cheat* meals anymore, I've long since shifted to the IIFYM mentality (if it fits your macros), where if I want to eat crap I just make sure I have the calories for it. The only exception is when I get chinese food, that is a day on it's own. The combos I get are probably in excess of 2500 calories. I call those days special days.
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    i ate it, I logged it and I'm over in calories. But it was delicious and worth it. And I won't do it again for a while. That is all.
  • dagolifts
    dagolifts Posts: 42
    Cheat meals? not exactly. however I do allow myself some, useless calorie foods every now and then... rice, chips.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I've been on a serious diet now for 3 months, and I have only had 1 meal I would have classed as a "cheat meal"

    My family got a Chinese take out last week, and I thought to myself "go for it" I still had around 2000 cals left for the day after exercise (that's how I justified it to myself)

    Anyway, I ate it, then 2 days later was my weigh in day, and I had lost 5lbs altogether (it had been about 11 days since my last weigh in) keeping in mind, that the day I had the Chinese food, the only thing I went over on was sodium. It's like the unhealthy greasy food I had eaten, had acted as a catalyst and helped boost my weight loss!

    So, from now on, once a month, I'm going to have a "cheat meal"
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I'll admit that I've had a cheat meal before, but, to be pretty honest, there haven't been that many. I think I can count them all on one hand since I joined MFP in January of '12.

    If I go over on expected calories for a meal, I've been pretty quick to either compensate with a VERY light next meal or a workout to try to balance that overload. I don't want to "learn" that it's alright to detour from the path I've signed up for, especially since I've come so far. During my 6 month maintenance break I stayed as close to the calorie counting as possible and succeeded in holding at that weight, and just didn't see a reason to splurge somewhere.

    But, if you need to have a cheat meal to keep from eating ALL THE FOODZ, then one here and there shouldn't (keyword; 3000 is a high amount for a single meal for someone not lifting like a boss) be a roadblock in your weight loss.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I usually do a planned refeed twice a month. I eat at 30% above maintenance, but still hit all of my macros in doing so. The extra calories give me room to play with food I don't usually have (last time, I had a pineapple pizza and breadsticks) without sacrificing my protein and fat goals for the day. It can help to keep your metabolism from dragging and curb any desire to binge in between refeeds (honestly, by the end of refeed day, I don't even want to look at food). It's good for me and it's all perfectly healthy (I love IIFYM). Sure, I'll retain water and gain a very small amount of fat the next day, but it comes off as easy as it went on and takes some extra fat with it when it goes.
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    I do a cheat meal once a week, sometimes if I go to a party. I do feel though that in order to get to where you want to be if you have weight to lose on the scale, you have to just eat good. Once you reach your goal, then you can cheat here and there. I notice when I cheat, it is touch and go if I lose that week. I need to lose 20 more lbs. to reach goal, so cheating too much is not going to help that. I eat what I want anyways, as long as I stay within my pts. I do weight watcher's pts. plus. NO calorie counting. I just write my food in my diary notes. I get a daily target for my height and weight, age, and gender. Also they go by how much normal activity you do. Then you get so many pts. a week for cushion to play with. All fresh veggie and fruits are free. Except, corn, avocado, and potatoes. The new program is low carb, low fat, high fiber, high protein. Anything you eat with high fat and carb are going to be higher in pts,, so it really gets you to think about how much you have for the day, and how much you can sacrifice to spread out your food. You can also eat exercise pts too...but I don't. I feel I lose better when I just use my weekly cushion instead! ;)

    Just to show you a example: Breakfast: apple opts. bagel 7pts 1 egg 1 eggwhite 2pts. mushrooms opts, salsa opts. cheese 2pts. light butter for bagel 1pt. That is a 12pt. meal. I get 29pts. for my daily target...I have to eat those!!!!!! So that means I would have 17 left to eat...for the day. I spread my weekly cushion pts. out. 4 a day. So could have 10pts. a meal basically!!!!! I try to eat fresh fruit and veggies for snacks to fill in between for 0pts. It may sound confusing to a calorie counter, but for me...this is easier. I have done it forever. I know most foods pts. by heart where I dont' have to look them up anymore.
  • ddoeren84
    ddoeren84 Posts: 30
    Yesterday for dinner I went to Sonic and had a pretzel dog and cheese tots. I still stayed under my calorie goal for the day though.
  • VeggChick
    VeggChick Posts: 23
    I do about once a week because I usually never eat my allotted calories during the week. I had mine on Friday. I had a smoothie with tapioca pearls and then about half an order of cheese enchiladas with a few bites of rice, and chips with salsa. I did later have a unhealthy snack though, but that was mainly due to traveling. But, I've been losing weight faster than expected, so I'm not too concerned about the snack because I stay strict during the week, usually having 200-400 calories left by the end of the day.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    What do you all mean by cheat meals? That you don't log them? Or simply that you go over your calories?
  • sar1386
    sar1386 Posts: 39 Member
    Cheat meals or cheat snacks are eating things u can't eat on a daily basis due to eating healthier/ dieting. I do have treat days normally on my weigh in day (Monday) and I always log everything, I feel dishonest if I don't. But yeah sometimes I over do it and my body gets overstuffed so I'm working on that for the future:)
  • angiqm
    angiqm Posts: 1 Member
    yes,i have chicken/veggie tacos every weekend and i eat out at least on day as well,but i always pick from the low calories section of the menu.oh,i also have a coke although i am a diabetic.( yes my doctor knows about this part of my diet) depriving yourself only leads to defiance and weight gain.
  • darvin1023
    darvin1023 Posts: 52 Member
    I wouldnt really call it "cheat" meal really -More like Carb-up a day.
    I do keto. So once a week, i would eat carbs. But it's definitely not a "free-for-all day". I would still try to eat within my calorie goal.
    I do notice that I can lift heavier weights or jog longer the day after i ate carbs.
    The bad side is, i feel sluggish a few minutes after i ate carbs, and I feel bloaty for the rest of the day..
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    A cheat meal doesn't mean you should eat 3500 calories in ice cream. It means you treat yourself to a not-so-healthy food in moderation. So one piece of pizza with a side of veggies would be a cheat meal since you shouldn't be eating pizza on a normal day.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I do, once a week but I still log it so I dont go crazy over.