Weigh in and Ramadan

Just like an opinion about weighing in during a month long fasting period (Ramadan).
Could your weigh in really be true?
Like similar results as if it was a normal day of eating (Same water and food intake and daily activity)?



  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I don't think so, my stomach is either super empty or super bloated. I check every once in a while and it can be different from one hour to the next by a few pounds sometimes. Just resume after. 10 days!
  • JasAbyG
    JasAbyG Posts: 39 Member
    :-) Thanks
  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    If you are eating according to the Sunnah (light... remember we're fasting not feasting) then it should be accurate. If you're eating until you're full at iftar and suhoor then no, it probably won't be accurate.

    My weight is quite accurate, I drop about 1 lbs/week when not fasting and about 1-2 during fasting, then after Ramadan I don't gain weight back I just go back down to the 1 lbs/week (this is all on average of course some weeks it's higher some lower).

    But you have to be consistent with what time you weigh and how much you eat, same as when you're not fasting.

    This is just my experience with my body though, every body is differently so mine may react differently to fasting than yours. The scale is only one measure of weight loss anyways, and many believe it's not as reliable as measurements etc anyways, so that's always something to keep in mind too.
  • JasAbyG
    JasAbyG Posts: 39 Member
    Very true, thanks :-)
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    My weigh in seems to be pretty accurate. I am eating my alotted calories during suhoor and weigh in in the mornings at the same time.

    I am down 8 pounds since we started fasting. I am hoping that I don't gain them back since I made it a point to eat all my calories every night.
  • azreen1006
    azreen1006 Posts: 12
    I read that the best time to weigh yourself in Ramadhan is right before break fasting. It's the same as weighing urself right before daily breakfast (during non ramadhan).

    For me, the 1st 2 weeks of ramadhan was rather consistent..I lost around 1kg (2.2lbs) in a week and sometimes more. However by the end of week 2, I gained a Kg which made me feel a bit down for the whole week as the weight was not coming down even though I still work out during ramadhan and my intake is quite low though...

    But then, this week is going down again.. but i only lost the kg that i gained last week.. but then again, maybe because i am having my menses so i am back to eating regularly..

    Any of you have the same issue?
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I think mine is off because I retain a lot of water.