Hello, anyone else in London?

Hi I'm based in London, UK and aiming to lose 40 pounds....scary stuff, but hoping to succeed this time round. Love running outside fitness.


  • libbyncarter
    Hi I'm also based in London, Barnet. I have just over 80 pounds to lose, I also love running but unfortunately I keep ending up with injuries putting me back to square one but I do take part in a race for life every year (5K and 10K). Feel free to add me.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,726 Member
    Shoreditch here, if above the legal age limit for living here. 40 down and 40 to go.
  • K1tt
    K1tt Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm in east London. I like to run and exercise outside (even in the snow!)
  • willbeskliz
    From sarf London!
  • JoannaKh
    JoannaKh Posts: 30 Member
    i'm in London too ! 50 pounds to lose ...just started new diet program and workout plan.
    feel free to add me :)
  • SagittiAngel87
    I am from London too... 30 pounds to lose feel free to add
  • ldnmaggie
    ldnmaggie Posts: 222 Member
    Im from london 50lb to loose
  • amberconnolly77
    amberconnolly77 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I live in West London. Please feel free to add me!
  • SmithPia
    SmithPia Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm from Stotfold. It's a town about 45 minutes from London :tongue:
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I'm from Hertfordshire just outside London. I'm 30lbs down with 35 to go. Feel free to add me everyone.
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    Work in London, so spend pretty much all my time there
  • jessicadawn1978
    jessicadawn1978 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I live in SW london and work in NW1, love running both treadmill and outdoor, prefer outdoor though. I'm just recovering from overuse injury at moment so mostly indoor cycling along with lifting.
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    I live in rochester about 45 minutes from London (on a good day)
  • ldnmaggie
    ldnmaggie Posts: 222 Member
    Ohhhhhhh i'm from SE London ;-) so if y'all from near me add away (or if your not near me, add away!)
  • ryangrif
    ryangrif Posts: 6
    Hi I'm from Surrey near London . I enjoy running lost 46 so far and around 30 to go. Feel free to add
  • kendzini13
    kendzini13 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm coming to London, Shoreditch, for December and January, and I hope to be in the best shape of my life by then! Hold me accountable, I will be lovely when you see me :happy:
  • nellaholdaway
    Yes - working in Southwark, making sure I get a daily walk around the riverside!
  • mira2602
    mira2602 Posts: 78 Member
    Hiya, I am in Finchley, N12. Need to loose round 30 pounds.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Double post sorry.
  • amyjen321
    Hi! I'm looking for people around me in London too. I'm working on losing around 50lbs.