Day one of the 4-hour body/Slow carb diet

Hey y'all. I'm a 35 yr old woman, and I'm trying to lose about 30lbs. I've actually been trying to lose this weight for years. I've done several different diets, fitness regimes, etc.. would lose a couple lbs, then gain it right back. My biggest problem has been consistency and finding something I can really stick to. I work 13 hr days a few days a week, and my schedule changes from week to week. So I can't just designate the same days for the gym every week, nor can I work out before work because it would be way too early for me. Enter the Slow carb Diet from the 4-hour body, written by Tim Ferris. There are specific nutritional guidelines (which you can find here: ) as well as a workout program requiring only two days a week for 20-30 min! I thought to myself, "I can do this" According to the book, the program has been successful for 99% of people who follow the guideline exactly. I figured, why not give it a try?

The nutritional guidelines are very similar to the first two weeks of the South Beach Diet, lots of lean protein, veggies but also a focus on having lots of beans and no calorie counting. I've done the south beach diet before, so this way of eating isn't unfamiliar. The workouts are basically kettle bell swings for 20 min, and exercise is not required. I want to incorporate exercise because I feel like its healthier and also because I want to increase muscle along with losing fat.

Today was day one. For breakfast I had 1/2 cup of Trader Joes fat free refried beans, 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled with spinach, and a protein shake. I was pretty full for hours afterwards and didn't eat again unti around 5 hours later. For lunch I had a chipotle salad bowl that included chicken, steak, black beans, fajita veggies, guacamole, tomato salsa, and lettuce. Haven't had dinner yet.

For some added motivation, I joined a game at dietbet. The bet is to lose 4% of your weight in 28days. Winners split the pot, which is currently over $10,000,.

I'm really hopeful that I will be successful with this program. Thanks for reading!


  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    Hi, I've been following the slow carb diet for about a year now and I've lost 47lb - I've still around the same to go though (I'm a 42 year old woman). I have found it easier to stick to than any other diet I've tried (maybe to do with cheat day!). I did hit a bit of a stall from Christmas, but since starting to track my food on here a few weeks ago I seem to have broken the stall. Apparently some women can take a few weeks before they start losing weight on this plan (I wasn't one of them) so don't get disheartened if you don't see results on the scales immediately. If you haven't taken your measurements yet - do that. It is really motivating seeing how much they can drop.

    Good luck - the 4 Hour People forum is a great resource for this diet.
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    bump...this looks VERY interesting. I read your post and followed the link. Thanks for the question I can't wait to get others feedback
  • Mestiza1215
    Mestiza1215 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Haggiswhisper! Thanks for the comment. Good to hear from another women doing this and having success. I've been reading today about how women aren't seeing immediate results with this, or as many lbs lost as men. This morning I was 2 lbs down! Which was crazy! So I am excited. I haven't really been hungry and getting in 3 to 4 meals a day has been a challenge because of the lack of appetite. I baked a zero carb bread today, which was delish! Just ground flax seed, eggs, stevia, pinch of salt, and baking powder. My boyfriend, who is doing this with me, loved this bread! And its so nutritious! I love to cook and experiment so finding zero or low carb options is going to be fun for me. I also made a faux mashed potatoes by using cauliflower and white kidney beans. also delish! Anwho, I'm excited (and a little nervous) to see where I stand on Saturday morning. I REALLY REALLY hope, the scale just continues to move down.

    Hi KateBarnhart8,

    What does "bump" mean? lol :) I'm not a big forum person, so i need to learn the lingo. I'm also looking forward to all the feed back. Thanks for stopping by!
  • kalieah
    kalieah Posts: 143 Member
    I hear you. I have the same problem as you- i have about 25 lbs to lose, it keeps going yup and down.
    I have found that slow and steady works best! you don't need to go super crazy at the gym or eat 100% clean. Just be HEALTHY:) simple. Eat 100% clean 80% of the time, and workout when ever you can. EVEN if that means doing leg raises at your desk at work ;) LOL.
  • trinityjb
    trinityjb Posts: 1
    I started SCD on July 2nd. I am down 14 lbs. so far :D! I know that water weight had a big part to do with the massive drop but it's hard not to be excited about that much weight coming off. I've been lifting 3 days a week and doing mild cardio 2 days a week. I have yet to fully recover from my last cheat day on Saturday but I have faith the outcome will be good!

    I started with 50 lbs. to lose (6'0 tall, 27 years old) and now I'm down to 36 lbs. left! I'm really excited about the prospect of being down another 10 or 15 by the time I head for Vegas in September!

    I have felt like I've been under eating the last 3 days since my cheat day, so I started using MFP again today to track and make sure I at least hit my 1200-1300 caloric goal.

    I'm looking forward to hearing all of your progress!
  • little_wolfie
    I'm doing slow carb as well, though I get some of the tenets mixed up with paleo so I might not be as 100% as I thought :-) But I've lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, so I'll take it!
  • JenS2009
    JenS2009 Posts: 65 Member
    I'd love to get your favorite recipes with this 4hr body plan! Today is my day 1... Fingers crossed! Your bread sounds great! Any recipe instructions you would share are so appreciated! How's your progress?
  • mdtprof
    mdtprof Posts: 9 Member
    I just read about this diet and thought I'd give it a try since nothing else works. Are salad dressings allowed?
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I got the book, 4 hour body, the day it was released and began the slow carb diet right away. It worked well for a while, but just like South Beach Diet, it isn't sustainable over the long term.

    Good luck and let us know how it works for you.
  • dennshah01
    dennshah01 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! This is the second time that I have been on a modified 4 Body/Slow Carb diet. The first time, I was doing well, but then I had to travel and came off of this way of eating for about two months. It works very well for me and my husband, since we never feel deprived. I also don't follow it completely to the letter, because I would lose interest in it. I eat all sorts of beans, which makes it interesting. Also, every once in a while we give ourselves a 1.5 cheat day if it's been a particularly hard week. We just walk extra or do something active to make up for it. We eat whatever we want on cheat days, but we usually go for quality cheats. For example, instead of crap candy or chips, we head to our favorite bakery, which uses high quality ingredients. We get better pizza or a place that sells good burgers with high quality meat. I think this kind of cheating also helps up stay on track and feel super satisfied until the next cheat day. We definitely look forward to them!

    I am averaging about 1-2 lbs a week loss because I am not super strict, and because I am also doing circuit training that builds muscle. I started the diet and exercise around the same time, about 9 weeks for exercise and 7 weeks for changing eating habits. I have only lost about 7 lbs total, but I have lost many inches, including a dress size and I can now wear L instead of XL tops. I have about 50 lbs to go, so slow and steady is very good for me since I don't want for my skin to hang.

    I recommend the diet for people who don't mind losing slowly. I think it can be sustainable, only because it reminds me of eating gluten-free like my celiac friends. I also think that one can modify it, so that one doesn't get sick of eating the same thing. I can't eat lentils all the time, so we started eating baby lima beans or butter beans. Here is a really nice and easy recipe that we have been using over and over. Cooking the beans this way, almost make them taste like potatoes.
  • jdbrower
    I love the slow carb diet. This is the 2nd time I have done it. The first time I lost over 10 lbs, then got sidetracked on our honeymoon and its taken a year for me to get back to dieting! Now I've lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks. I've found I usually lose 1-3 lbs each week.

    I have no problems with cravings on this diet. Every time I want something like bread or pizza, I just think-- I can have that on Saturday.

    This time around I've added exercise, 45 minutes of walking 5 days a week. It's hasn't helped me lose extra weight so far, but my energy level is MUCH higher and I'm sleeping better.

    I want that flax seed bread recipe!!!