MFP vs. Sparkpeople

Opinions? I have used MFP before, have not found myself consistent - obviously that's me and not the site. Just this weekend I logged into and created an account in Sparkpeople. There are a lot of things that intrigue me. Like the calorie range vs. the set goal. Enjoy the access to health articles and the fact that they offer different types of meal plans (diabetic and heart healthy).LOVE the route creator that will tell me how far and how many calories I burned, and the recipes. Wow. Endless. But I find the forums are considerably more difficult to navigate - the support system looks as though it will be harder to build than it has been on MFP. Obviously most people will be for MFP because well... here we are... but... opinions. Experiences???


  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    I did SP before I came here. IMO, SP was too busy for me. I felt overwhelmed and thus didn't log in at all. If SP is working for you stick with it.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    It's all too fussy/busy for me over there. Put me off completely.
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    I started off with Sparkpeople, but I generally use the MFP app. The SP app is horrible!!! SP does have some neat recipes, meal suggestions, and nicer profiles for members but I think MFP is lean and mean and the app is great.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    It's a busy site. I also didn't really lose weight there, but I can't blame sp for that. I was really in a slump. When I got serious about getting in shape, I wanted to start fresh and everyone was talking about MFP.

    I really like the design here, and the ipad app is amazingly simple.

    I follow SP on Pinterest and read some of the articles which are great, and I also use the Sparkpeople Run Tracker to figure out mileage/distance for my walks and runs.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    It's all too fussy/busy for me over there. Put me off completely.

    :laugh: same here!
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    Agree with above much easier here
  • BrwnEyz79
    BrwnEyz79 Posts: 8
    Thank you everyone! The pay for the app thing bothers me... the site does seem really busy, and I hate the ads that keep popping up. Definitely none of that with MFP...
  • Lmns218
    Lmns218 Posts: 155
    Oh I am definitely not going to use something I have to pay for lol

    I started using a site called fitday initially to track my calories but couldn't always find the nutrition info for a lot of foods. Plus I don't think it had a phone app. So I stopped using it. WW online-I stopped using that lol There was another phone app I used, but I didn't like it. is just too busy for me. I found MFP using an android search and i have to say, even though I don't have the app on my phone anymore, I just like the way it's set up, I like that I can find most food's nutrional info on here. So I don't think I will ever stop using MFP.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    Did not like the business of SP. MFP is also much more easy to navigate.
  • kingtermite
    kingtermite Posts: 82 Member
    I used SP for a year or two (a year or two ago). Started using MFP late last year. I like MFP much better, but I think it depends on the type of atmosphere that motivates you better.

    SP has so many things going on, they are trying to keep you interested and informed. The whole points system and trophies gets annoying pretty quickly for me. I did not find them very motivating...especially when you start finding how you can "work the system" and users are getting crazy high points, but not really doing much for their fitness. The groups (at least all that I joined) seem to be very (VERY) slow....hardly any activity.

    MFP, to me, cuts though all that BS and gives you just the tools you need. People here tend to be more serious about getting fit in my experiences. SP seemed to be more people talking about it, but few really doing it. Here I find the opposite, a lot of those are really serious aren't "talking" about it much (I'm a prime example....serious about working my weight off, but not very active on forum).

    Another annoyance is the food database at SP. It's extremely littered with bad user submissions. So much so that it's very hard to find the food you want to log often times. You put in "Peanutbutter Clif bar" and 112 entries come up that all have that title. MFP is slightly littered too, but not nearly as bad.

    I'm not trying to "knock" SP....each site has a different atmosphere and depending on your personality, either may be better for how you are motivated. Definitely go with the one that helps you best toward your fitness goals.

    Anyway, that's my $.02.
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I like MFP for the food tracker. There's just more food readily available, and it seems easy (and the app is easier both on my phone and ipad). As far as support system though, I stick with SP for that. It takes a while to build a support system there, but I've met many of my support system there in person, and they are the people that really encouraged me in my journey (especially with running). Joining teams and getting involved is really the best way to make friends over there - the generalized discussion members arent as great. Personally, if SP had a better food tracker and app, I'd probably stick with SP completely.
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    I started with Sparkpeople after reading an article about it in a magazine. But then I fell out of the loop and don't remember my log in for it. I started here after my doctor recommended it. Forums are easier to navigate and some people are nice. But as with any site, there are those that irritate me the instant they either quote my forum posts or I glance over their profile.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I tried Sparkpeople several times before I landed permanently at MFP. I like the "friends" feature of MFP and I think the food log and database are much easier to use.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I signed up for an account with Spark's People and I go there to find recipes or exercise. It did seem to have a lot of neat things. I was dissapointed that it would not let me work with my goals because I am a diabetic. I saw a few of the posts but I have so loved being here and meeting people I wouldn't ever move over.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    I just went to their page after reading the OP....whoa!!! Waaay to much going on over there. I tried to set up an account just to see. The calorie range thing was kind of neat but there were just to many bells and whistles for what I need. MFP for me!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I used SP to lose the bulk of my weight. I've gradually shifted over here because of the forums. I don't use MFP's plan really, though. I follow more of an SP type plan, setting my own goals.
  • Sarahonly
    Sarahonly Posts: 36 Member
    I started with SP back in 2008, and I love the site. I do use MFP for tracking calories and exercise though because the database seems better and it's way more basic and easy to use. The site can appear a little overwhelming but it has lots of resources and pages once you can get past that.

    If you can find a good group on there though, the support is amazing. Lots of them are themed- I was in a Harry Potter group that did weekly challenges where the "houses" competed against each other- it was great fun!

    edited- spelling :P
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I did SP for a while and found it too busy and overwhelming as well. I tried Livestrong a few years back and it was too quiet. I like the balance I find here on MFP.
  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
    Use whatever works for you! If you feel SP will work better, give it a try! If it doesn't, MVP will always be here for you!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    The calorie range is one of the reasons I'm here. I know it's me, and not that site, but I reset my account more times than I was on it, so it didn't keep me interested. I LOVE MFP, actually. It works perfectly for what I need

    (OH! and Sparkpeople doesn't give you exercise calories - that I remember, anyway!!)