eating back exercise calories????

Ok so I try to eat 1250-1400 calories a day but I also try to burn 600-1000 calories a day too. Some people say to eat those calories back but some people say not to? I don't feel hungry or deprived and eating all of those back would make me way too full so is it ok to not eat them?


  • Arabella_Jane
    Arabella_Jane Posts: 1 Member
    If you eat 1250 and burn 600, then your body only has around 650 to live off of. You need to find out what your Resting Metabolic Rate is, (RMR), and eat those many calories, but don't burn them off.

    So say my RMR is 1350 (it actually is), and I eat 1350 but burn off 300. I have to eat those 300 back for my body to maintain its basic functions, so yes, you do have to eat them back, but if you're full then don't stuff yourself, space those 300+ throughout the day.
  • calx77
    calx77 Posts: 31 Member
    You should eat at least some back. Your body needs calories just to function and if it can't get it from food, it will get it from fat, but your body can only burn so much fat at one time, so your body starts using muscle. Pretty sure you don't want to lose muscle, since more muscle burns more fat.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    The problem most people have is that calories burned is way too often over estimated, so when you eat those calories back, you're eating back more than you actually burned. Be conservative in calorie burn estimates, and then eat all of those calories back.
  • okay so I think I'm just going to start by eating back like half of them then progress to having a net of 1300-1400. thanks you guys! :-)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    They key is a realistic estimation of exercise calories and an accurate log of calories in.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I know for me, on my heavy workout days I have to eat some of them back or I hit a wall during the workout.