cut out greasy foods? - any problems?

DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition

my name is Tj and I have changed my lifestyle (diet) and have pretty much stopped eating any kind of junk food, no greasy foods, no fast food. no sodas. no candy, no chips. nothing with empty calories.

I run 3 miles a day (unless its saturday or sunday) and i have lost 40lbs in 4 months.

I have a problem though. if i eat greasy food i get a severe upper abdominal pain about 6 hours later. it feels like ive been stabbed right below my ribs and then twisting the knife its so awful that i cant walk, i cant stand right and i can hardly even breathe without the pain hurting worse.

it last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, however last night it lasted for 3.5 hours.

im going to the doctor on monday.

i was just wondering if anyone else has problems trying to eat whatever they may have eaten before changing their diet.




  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    your body is just not used to it anymore. which is a good thing! I have had problems, although they don't seem as severe as yours. But a doctor visit is best, hope all is well with you.
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member

    With any luck it will just be heartburn - but you are right to get it checked out. I have had the same symptoms for several years and any kind of fried food makes me suffer. I try to focus on the positive that it means that fried/greasy food is bad for me so I never go near it.

    Keep up the great work! :happy:

  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Both my husband and I have unpleasant reactions to unhealthy food now. I actually just complained to my local grocery store because we bought lean ground bison but were both sick after eating it, and the next day. We both thought when we were cooking it that it smelled and had the grey color of regular ground beef . . . which we no longer eat because of the fat content. We are both thinking it was mislabeled.
    We have eaten completly clean and healthy for about 8 months, and were weaning ourselves into eating this way for the last few years, bit by bit. Neither of us can tolerate anything deep fried or unhealthy now so just stay away from it all.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i wish it was heart burn... ill take heartburn over this pain anyday.. though heartburn is very bad.

    i used to have heart burn ALL the time until i lost my weight and stopped eating junk.

    thanks for all the responses id like to hear more.

    i eat beef and dont have trouble but if i can see the grease... well... im doomed.. if i drain it of all i can then i am pretty much okay.
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I still have the occasional unhealthy choice in my diet, but especially when it comes to greasy foods my stomach hates me for it afterwards. I don't have as much severe pain as you are having, but it messes up my stomach enough that I hate myself for having ate something like that in the first place. My boyfriend's mother actually gets upset with me because I don't eat much of her food anymore, but most of what they eat is greasy and my system just doesn't tolerate it now that I don't eat it regularly. I think it's what happens to your body when you remove the bad stuff and start eating healthy. Your body adjusts to good food, and you realize just what eating the foods you ate before does to your body! If you are having really bad pain, I would check in with your doctor, and hopefully it's just a sign that your body has moved on from it's love of junk food!
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    ive experienced the upset stomach feeling.

    but i think i might have somethign wrong with my gall bladder or maybe even have some sorta gall stones or something :(

    i think for the most part its like you guys have said... body just isnt used to junk food anymore.
    though i could understand a regular stomach ache feeling but this sharp stabbing pain is scary to me.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    TJ I feelthe same but mine seems to last beween 30 mins and an hour then its gone but it hurts like hell and makes me think twice before eating anything fatty
  • I have the same thing happen to me a few years ago, I was diagnosed for Acid Reflex. From then on I can not drink caffeinated drink or eat very spicy food, fried food or just greasy food. Have no problem with all of that, actually just what I needed. It's a blessing in disguise.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm like others.... haven't had severe pain like yours... but if I eat something I'm not used to it makes me sick to my stomach... which seems to be a good thing haha
  • mirandas_mommy
    mirandas_mommy Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me but it wasn't after changing my diet. But I had the same exact pain after eating anything greasy. I had Gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed. The pain from them were horrible I couldn't even stand up straight. This may not be your issue but it sounds just like what was going on with me. You may want to have it checked. Good luck.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Could be your gall bladder.... fatty foods kick your gall bladder into action, and it's very common for people who have lost weight to have problems with it (me included- had mine removed 2.5 years ago, after losing 60 pounds and never had problems before)

    If it becomes more frequent - have your doctor check it out.
  • disnyfan
    disnyfan Posts: 39 Member
    It's crazy....I never had stomach issues when I ate bad and now that I'm eating clean, if I eat something not so good, It makes me sicker than a dog. Last week I had 1 pc of pizza. I had the calories to eat it so I let myself. Oh dear God, I was "off" and not well for one week. Everyone is telling me it's because my body got used to eating clean Crazy...but it will make me think twice about eating bad again. Will it really be worth it? :tongue:
  • JAF55
    JAF55 Posts: 8 Member
    I have heard of some people having to had their gall bladders removed after their diet had drastically changed. Good Luck!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Same here. I had my gallbladder out at age 21. I had "gall-sand" as opposed to gallstones, so the ultrasound didn't show the problem and I spent 6 months being very ill daily (on Tylenol 3s (4 at a time, 4 times per day)) before it went acute and they had to operate. It was excruciating.

    Some can control this with diet, but your doctor should be telling you this. In my case, they thought they might have to take out my pancreas at the same time (because of the infection), but were able to save it. It's really important that you see the doc.

    To this day, I can't eat English-style fish and chips. They go through me within 20 minutes of having eaten them, if you catch my drift. While I love the taste, it's not worth the aftereffect.

    I sympathize... gastrointestinal pain is really horrible.

  • I had the same problem - it turned out to be gallstones and I needed to have my gallbladder removed. Go see your doctor and get a referral to a gastroenterologist. It could be something else, but your symptoms are almost identical to mine.

    Your body is having a hard time digesting the fatty foods because gallstones are blocking the bile that the gallbladder emits. I had my gallbladder removed in August and am feeling so much better now!

    But seriously, upper GI pain is NEVER normal, so go get it checked out.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    To this day, I can't eat English-style fish and chips. They go through me within 20 minutes of having eaten them, if you catch my drift. While I love the taste, it's not worth the aftereffect.

    So...not to turn this thread in a new direction, but I have this issue too. I haven't noticed a pattern with which specific foods trigger it, but within less than an hour, I know and am cramping and in the bathroom. And the weird thing is, that generally when I am eating something, I know it won't sit well with me. My husband doesn't think that something can affect you so quicky - he swears that it's something from the much earlier that is just now making me sick - but I disagree. I've Google'ed the heck out of this - but we all know we find a million opinions on the internet :laugh: so I'm not sure what to think. Do you guys and gals think that something can hit you within 30-60 minutes of eating it?...
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Get it checked. I lived with that kind of pain for years, by the time I would get seen in the ER the pain would be gone and they found nothing. It wasn't until I was in the ER and passing a gallstone before they found the problem with an ultrasound. I then had it removed and haven't had that kind of pain since. Now that you know the trigger you can avoid it....although being in pain at the doctors office seems to get quicker results!

    Good Luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    my name is Tj and I have changed my lifestyle (diet) and have pretty much stopped eating any kind of junk food, no greasy foods, no fast food. no sodas. no candy, no chips. nothing with empty calories.

    I run 3 miles a day (unless its saturday or sunday) and i have lost 40lbs in 4 months.

    I have a problem though. if i eat greasy food i get a severe upper abdominal pain about 6 hours later. it feels like ive been stabbed right below my ribs and then twisting the knife its so awful that i cant walk, i cant stand right and i can hardly even breathe without the pain hurting worse.

    it last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, however last night it lasted for 3.5 hours.

    im going to the doctor on monday.

    i was just wondering if anyone else has problems trying to eat whatever they may have eaten before changing their diet.



    Did you used to eat a lot of greasy foods before your weight loss programme? If so, now that you have cut most of it out, you are probably now hypersensitive to it, this can happen with a lot of stuff that once we cut it out, it plays havoc with our systems if we try to eat it again at a later date.

    It is almost like our bodies remember what we used to eat and once we become healthy and eat properly, it doesn't want to return to old habits, hence the sickness.
  • ive experienced the upset stomach feeling.

    but i think i might have somethign wrong with my gall bladder or maybe even have some sorta gall stones or something :(

    i think for the most part its like you guys have said... body just isnt used to junk food anymore.
    though i could understand a regular stomach ache feeling but this sharp stabbing pain is scary to me.

    Thank god we don't need those things. Hopefully that's all it is and you can move on with your life in a positive way. Crazy what the stuff we used to love to eat does to us now huh?
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member

    Did you used to eat a lot of greasy foods before your weight loss programme? If so, now that you have cut most of it out, you are probably now hypersensitive to it, this can happen with a lot of stuff that once we cut it out, it plays havoc with our systems if we try to eat it again at a later date.

    It is almost like our bodies remember what we used to eat and once we become healthy and eat properly, it doesn't want to return to old habits, hence the sickness.

    i used to eat whatever i wanted, and greasy fatty foods were definitely on the menu!

    last night i had a homemade beef fajita taco with cheese and beans. absolutely no problems no pain nothing. though i only had one.

    but, it was not full of grease! it wasnt dry or anything but it wasnt like the fajita salad i had that was dripping with grease from the restaurant.

    if its homemade - even a little greasy i seem to be okay.

    if its from a restaurant and greasy.... im screwed.

    last week i made ground beef tacos and yeah they were definitely greasy.. all was well!
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