I *honestly* do NOT understand...



  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I don't have a trigger food so when I hear folks talk about not being able to control themselves I have no frame of reference. And, without a trigger food, I still managed to weigh much more than was healthy. So, we all have our issues, we just have to be diligent in managing them. I, love sweets. SO, when I bake, I usually try to give as much of it away as the husband & kids will let me. Enjoy a few and then share with many! That's my strategy for my sweet tooth.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I don't have a big problem with it anymore. But in the past, I have been known to portion them out in little snack baggies, and when the snack bag is empty, I know it's time to stop.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    I just always remind myself...Nothing tastes better than skinny feels...LOL Funny though, my husband always says I have incredible will power. Some do and some don't. I would sweat it. Indulging every once in a while won't hurt you:)
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    If you eat because you're hungry, you stop eating when you stop being hungry.

    If you eat for ANY other reason, what is the cue for you to stop? There isn't one. If you eat because you're stressed, bored, seeking comfort, out of habit . . . you will continue to eat compulsively past your point of satiety because you are seeking but not achieving an outcome that food ultimately cannot provide.

    Try to eat to satisfy hunger, nothing else. If you find yourself eating for any other reason, find an alternative activity to meet those needs.

    If you crave salty things, maybe you need more salt in your diet.
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I like to think that I'm stronger than the foods I eat. There shouldn't be any food that is capable of "forcing" you to eat it.

    I used to think that I couldn't function without my diet pepsi, then I realized how silly that is. If a food/drink can control me that much than it can't be good for me. I gave it up cold turkey, had a week of horrible headaches, and have felt fabulous ever since.

    That said I do have a serious problem with pasta, but I'm working on it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Who can stop eating popcorn at the movies? It's impossible. I swear they lace it with crack.

    Which is why I rarely get it... that and like... the cost. That shiz is expensive!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I measure out my portion in a bowl then put the package away. I also always follow with a glass of water.
  • knic2008
    knic2008 Posts: 1
    ... but you are getting exercise running around (like the poster above said with the bugles on his fingers)!

    I have lots of trigger foods and for me, don't bringing them in (though I don't think that's always fair to my family because i'm the one with the problem, not them) ... you can have them later, you can have them later... eat a controlled portion (not mindless) log them, then eat slowly and enjoy. Another thing I heard somewhere is 3 bites... the first and last are the best and you have one in the middle... but you must eat slowly and enjoy the texture, tastes and emotions that go with it. The 3 bite thing has really helped me a lot!

    I do believe in everything in moderation, it's learning how to control that moderation that is sometimes hard but if I say "no eating xxxxx" then it's all I can think about. It sux having a severe attachment to food; but everyone has issues and I guess this is mine to conquer.

    Good luck!
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    I still haven't figured it out. There are just some things I can't have as I can't stop. The longer I go without them the less I want them, but I know from experience, if I give in and think I can just have a small amount, I end up off plan and over eating :(

    Hope you can figure it out! x
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    If I'm hungry and start snacking on stuff like that, it's a disaster. If I'm having chips or something in conjunction with a meal, it's no big deal generally and I can stick to a serving size.

    Like UTBH, I portion stuff like that out as well so that I know when to stop.
  • kw67
    kw67 Posts: 30
    When I have the craving, I will but the small (Individual) bag to eat.. If I get the Costco size, i'm eating all of it!
  • recentcoin
    recentcoin Posts: 18
    For me, it's cookies. I looove cookies. Ginger snaps, chocolate chip, iced oatmeal, windmill, orange thins, coconut macroons, you name it. So I just don't buy them. Right now, the dog, the hubby and I are all over-weight. If I find that I truly need cookies, I'll stop at the gas station and get the small package. It works out better than going to the grocery store and getting the "family size" container. Eating 6 of the small cookies is better than horking down half a bag of of regular ones, even if it does cost more.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    As was said, it isn't easy. My own journey took me much longer than most here. But as a part of that I'd like to think I developed a certain measure of control. It takes time and some days are torture.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I avoid "trigger" foods by:

    1. In the beginning, keep them out of the house.
    2. Do not eat them at all, ever, as long as I'm still prone to bingeing.
    3. Eat a diet full of nutrient dense food (yeah, that's right, fat is healthy).
    4. Now that I am fully adapted to a healthy lifestyle, I have no interest in them at all.

    For instance, someone came to my door yesterday selling a blueberry pie. My child went all crazy, had to have it, and purchased it with her own money. It is now sitting on the counter with one piece out of it and I will NEVER be tempted to touch it. If a food makes me feel like crap, I am no longer at all interested in eating it. True story.
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm right there with you! I LOVE chips. I simply don't buy them anymore. If I do and they are in my house I will totally eat them ALL. :(
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I am with the original poster, I dont understand just 5 chips or just 1 bowl of ice cream. If I am at a picnic and liked a brownie, Id eat 5.

    Two things have helped

    1) Substitution- Frozen treats instead of ice cream- A blender, ice, and fruit (pineapple) is saving me at night against ice cream. Veggie trays are saving me at picnics

    2) Journaling has helped, but also having a cheat day has helped too. I can say no on most days knowing I can have it on my cheat day
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    haha Did this last week.
    TOM came and I ate about 1200 calories worth of Sour Cream and Onion chips. And NO it wasn't the whole bag..... lol

    Finished it off the next night though. But since I rarely do that, I let it go. It happens.
    Normally, I do what someone else said. Measure out a portion and log it. Then eat it. Then if I want more, I go back and double what I logged. Then I look and see what else I planned on eating that day and adjust my food to fit it. And if it doesn't fit I have to decide: stop eating, walk for an hour to eat more, or say "screw it" and go over my calories. Usually I opt for the first one. During TOM I go for option 3..... lol

    But I prefer the first option of stopping because it helps me practice moderation. :flowerforyou:

    Now I'm gonna go eat a snickerdoodle.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    I'm the same way. I manage it by eating really good through the week & allowing myself to eat like a construction worker on the weekends. Today I had a protein shake, banana and salad so far, but by this time yesterday I had already had a Sausage/Bacon McMuffin, two hash browns, a bowl of KD and slice of cake.

    Figure out a way to allow yourself all the awesome foods you love.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    i love putting bugles on my fingers and running around like a gremlin as i eat them off, one by one.
    theyre SO good!

    I do this, too. I also say "Rarr".
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    Overall, I have pretty good impulse control, but there's some foods I have a hard time with portions. Like ice cream. So instead of buying a carton, I buy ice cream sandwiches. If I eat one, it's about 120-150 calories, and I'm happy. If I scoop 150 calories of ice cream into a bowl, it's such a tiny, pathetic, little amount and I wouldn't be happy.

    And I don't tell myself any food is bad or off limits. If I know I can eat some ice cream (or chocolate, or whatever) every day if I really want it, I don't go nuts eating it when I get a chance.

    Edit: It also "helps" that I'm dead broke, so I have to make things last.