

  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    For me, WW made it easier to just eat garbage while staying within my points. Lost a lot of weight. Found all of it and some of its friends before finally getting on MFP and starting all over again. I like that I can watch the nutrition information of my choice (I keep an eye in proteins and sugars, others on carbs, etc.) and not just calories or points. Not sure what the WW app gives you there.

    MFP is free. Bonus.

    And the forums on here are awesome!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    For me it's about personal accountability. Yes, MFP is free whereas WW is not, but it's much easier for me to track and get daily feedback than to attend a weekly meeting. With the MFP app on my phone, I can log anywhere I am, and oftentimes get instantaneous feedback with my questions, concerns, and even my accomplishments. And forums on the online site are so easy to navigate to see if someone has a similar concern.
  • MarieCoreaa1
    MarieCoreaa1 Posts: 68 Member
    MFP-is free, WW is not. This is a great program, and personal accountability is what is needed if you are going to stick to loosing the weight. I did WW online and was able to loose 20+ pounds. I'm not where I want to be with my weight yet, but I think that being that MFP is easier to track, the database is huge. The encouragement is great. I like the site very much. :happy:
  • spottedkathy
    spottedkathy Posts: 196 Member
    I left because of cost for one. Why pay to track your stuff when you can track on here for free. I am doing better on here as well. Less stress for me....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    MFP is free. But I learned a lot about healthy eating with WW and it got me into some really good habits.

    Plus, I much prefer the community here. I "met" some good people in the WW community, but I also met some real pieces of work. Over here, people are much more sane, in general.
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    It's free, the food database is amazing plus I can add things easily, tracking is key for me and being able to use my phone is HUGE for me, I LOVE it! I was on ww twice, both times I lost a lot of weight quickly but I felt very restricted so as soon as I stopped I gained it all back, for me MFP has been life changing, I mean really THAT much sugar in a banana?! I had NO CLUE!!! Everyone in my house is benefiting from MFP. WW online didn't work for me at all, I thought it was an accountability thing but obviously not since this is working, WW meetings were too far from my house, I never had time and I HATED Points Plus, it is so expensive too, I'd rather spend that money on good food or a personal trainer.
  • chai_masala
    chai_masala Posts: 51 Member
    I loved watching Betty go to Weight Watchers on Mad Men. Might be partly why I consider it kind of antiquated.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    WW sucks.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I loved watching Betty go to Weight Watchers on Mad Men. Might be partly why I consider it kind of antiquated.
    It's an eat less/move more program. Is that antiquated?

    And it's changed by might years since the 1960s. It's simply a different way of counting calories, which is all MFP is. There is an online program where you don't have to go to meetings.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I found the new points plus to slow down my welght loss. I am not sure how they can say fruit and veggies are zero points. I know people don't get overweight by eating fruits and veggies. However, fruit has sugar and calories, veggies not as many calories. But, if we are going to be truthful about calories in vs calories out....we can't lie to ourselves and say fruits and veggies are free. They still account for calories.

    I think this new Points Plus plan needs tweeking. Plus, they penalize you on the WW plan for fat. Some of the fat can be good fats (olive oil, avocado). They don't take that into account.

    I understand WW is a business. I use to hate how they would promote healthy eating and sell bars, and candy.
  • I did WW before, and I did loss weight, but like you I didn't care for the meetings at all. They were full of people a lot older than me, and I didn't care for most of my meeting leaders. I moved and the WW options are not as convent for me anymore so I switched to MFP in February.

    I use it mostly to track my cal and exercise, and it seems to work as well as WW, only it's free! I'm trying to get my husband to join in, but haven't quite got him there yet.

    Wish you the best of luck on your weight loss!
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    When I finally decided to do something to lose weight I had figured I would end up back at WW. I had lost successfully in the past with it but usually found something about it got in the way, miss a week, then another, then another, getting off track in general, running out of journals to record (I did it with the little boxes you X'd off as you ate). When I really thought about what "worked" for me in WW it was the tracking, not the meetings, not counting proteins, carbs, etc. So I knew if I truly had a goal (whatever it was points, calories, types of foods) and HAD to track it and see it written out I could lose weight. I already sort of knew what healthy eating was, I actually ate fairly healthy at meal time, my big problem was portion control and in between meal snacking.

    I got an Ipad last summer and thought there had to be something that would help me track what I was eating. I poked around at WW but could not get a good idea of what the online version was about when I found MFP, really at that point I never considered WW again. Ultimately for me tracking has to be part of my life in some form or another, and that was what caused the gaining after WW, I stopped keeping track. Right now I am on about 302 days consecutive on MFP, I hope this site is around forever :smile:
  • Shananigans_
    Shananigans_ Posts: 785 Member
    I did WW several times. This is by far better, particularly the social aspect. And who doesn't like free!
  • segwayne
    segwayne Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! Idea!!!

    I'm sure I can't be the first person to think of this, but we should each totally try using (or here) to set up meetings locally with other MFP members as a group...!

    Everyone here says they miss the meetings (but not the staff or the price) so why not get together on our respective own to do it ourselves. Isn't that the MFP way?

  • lessofapril
    lessofapril Posts: 1 Member
    I've done WW on and off for years. It does work, but I got tired of paying for it. The meeting were helpful and I think I might miss that aspect of it, but I am more than willing to try something new, that is free and has worked for people
  • beckywilliams1967
    beckywilliams1967 Posts: 58 Member
    I agree that MFP wins over WW! The cost, the rubbish tracker, the lack of foods n the database. The tracker on here is great and so easy to use. I love it and it works, I've lost more weight after a plateau. I'm convinced eating less fruit is helping with this and also more of a balanced diet !
  • Sondicalondi
    Sondicalondi Posts: 57 Member
    I have done WW a few times. I am too busy to make the meetings, and got tired of the anxiety of weighing in once a week. If I slow down for a few weeks I don't get so upset that I have to pay for those meetings. FP lets me lose weight at my own pace. 3 pounds one week. .6 the next. The stress is off. I started the community approach just a week or so ago, and it is working much better than people standing up and bragging about drinking 8 cups of water that day. Also the data base here is amazing, and you can create your own foods.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree that MFP wins over WW! The cost, the rubbish tracker, the lack of foods n the database. The tracker on here is great and so easy to use. I love it and it works, I've lost more weight after a plateau. I'm convinced eating less fruit is helping with this and also more of a balanced diet !
    Why couldn't you eat less fruit and a more balanced diet on WW?
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    I don't like the way WW promotes eating garbage, their goal is not to help you get healthy it is to help you lose weight. During the meeting your leader will tell you to eat fruits and veggies but if you look at the snacks, bars, instant oatmeal etc that they sell there isn't any food in that stuff! I wanted to eat cleaner, I want my calories to be nutrient dense not full of chemicals I can't pronounce. I also found the meetings problematic, every once in a while someone would say something that would "click" and give me something to take away but for the most part It was a wasted 30 / 45 minutes of my day.
    MFP gives me the meeting feeling reading the boards at my convenience and being able to track on the app and my laptop makes it so easy.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    My reasons for changing from WW are very similar to yours. I was an online member in the end, because I'd been to enough of the meetings to not get anything out of them. I also learned how to cheat the system and knew I wasn't doing myself any favours.

    Also, and it seems insignificant, but the WW forums on the Australian site, while having some lovely people are DEAD. Like, maybe 15 threads a day get commented on. I love the forums here because they really tick along. Plus their actual programming for the forums suck and are really un-user friendly.

    In the end, MFP did the same thing, but free and with more company :)

    ETA: Also, I agree with the person above, WW products gave me the irrits. Expensive, over marketed junk and half the time you could find something with better nutritional info for cheaper. I never used to buy their products.