Walking for weight loss

FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Any one here use walking as their main source of cardio? Dose it work for real weight loss? Do you see serious body improvements?
I've been walking for the past couple weeks as my main source and wanted to see what other people have done to succeed.


  • you should really be doing weights with cardio..you will burn more fat with weights ...cardio should be the "bonus" to your exercise
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    walking is my primary source but unless you just want your legs buffed up, really need some full body work out in one form or another. I use wateraerobics for the rest of my body and even more cardio.
  • Moonboots100
    Moonboots100 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I use walking as my main cardio source, I take the dog out for 50-70 mins 5 days a week, and Ive lost 4.5 stone (minus a gain last week). It really does work!!! My HRM shows a decent amount of cals burnt from this too.

    I also do some home weights for my arms and sit ups for my tummy a couple of times a week.

    You cant get cheaper exercise anywhere, Im a testomony that it works!!!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Walking is excellent cardio and less impact than jogging. Walking/Jogging is my main cardio and it has worked for me. You can burn just as much walking going the same distance as in jogging. The only problem is the time it takes, that's why I prefer jogging, but I do more walking. Good luck to you.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Rachel, I am 56 years old with bad knees (arthritis due to injuries). I started walking with my dog, Willow, on June 25th. I have lost a total of nearly 30 lbs since that day. I didn't join MFP until about 4 weeks ago, and continued to use walking as my main method of exercise until about 10 days ago when I added Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout to my regimen. Not all days in the midwest are conducive to walking outside, and my dog became ill for about a week with 90 degree weather, so I wanted to have an alternative exercise method. I can tell you that walking is a "GREAT" way to reduce weight. I had lost nearly 20 lbs just walking 4 - 5 miles a day with Willow. We would walk 2 plus miles in the morning (at the butt crack of dawn) and then another 2 1/2 mile in the evening before dark. Willow loves to walk very fast - I think she thinks she can get more sniffs in if she walks really fast LOL. But anyway, we were doing about 4 to 4.5 miles per hour each time we walked. It is good exercise, wasn't too bad on my knees, and I saw great success. I continue to walk with Willow - just not as often since I've added the 30 DS to my regimen - and I continue to lose weight. I encourage walking as a great place to start. Push yourself - walk as fast as you can tolerate and recognize that being out of breath, and perspiring heavily means that you are getting a good cardiovascular workout. If you are not having difficulty breathing - then you probably need to push yourself a little more - if you have leg, knee, ankle, foot problems - do only as much as your body can tolerate. I started out without knee braces, and my knees really ached and swelled. So, I began using the knee braces (on both knees) that were recommended by my Orthopaedic specialist. Again, push yourself (if you can) and get that heart rate elevated - you WILL lose weight and gain strength.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I do and have walked for cardio, and yes it works. Actually, walking is my main source of exercise (no gym at all). I lost 25 pounds last year over 3 -4 months when watching what I ate and walking about 45-60 minutes 4-5 days a week.

    The trick is getting your heart rate at the right place. You want to walk at your Target Heart Rate (about 55%-65% of your maximum heart rate). For someone who is 34, you should shoot for 17-20 beats in a 10 second time frame (closer to twenty is better). For me, that is walking about 3.3-3.5 mph, but it will vary for everyone based upon weight, etc.

    Walking up to 30 minutes at this pace is good for your heart, but walking over 30 minutes is when you will enter a fat-burning phase. If you can walk for 45-60 minutes at 65% of your target heart rate, you will have between 15-30 minutes of your body burning off fat! I use the treadmill and an MP3 player to keep me motivated for that long.

    If you walk faster than your target heart rate, you will burn sugar. If you walk slower, you won't enter into fat burn. The trick is getting to that rate (but even if you don't, walking is good for you in general). Good luck!
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips, advice and experiences.
    i'm using walking because i work 12 hour shifts and walking is wicked easy to do when i'm here, just slap on the HRM/Ped and hit the bricks. I usually end up with 3 miles in a day. I also have a treadmill at home, so easy to hop on and walk when I have the house to myself. this winter I will probably use the elliptical here at work more often than walking because in Michigan, walking outdoors isn't always ideal. I do hit the elliptical from time to time now as it is, but getting outdoors is so nice, too!
    I'm currently also doing the 100 push up challenge and a September challenge for daily planks. So I do have other activities that I'm doing, but love the walking I'm getting also.
  • walking has been the starting point for me, but now im transitioning into some aerobics. some is better than none! :)
  • I'm not exercising regularly but when I do walking is what I choose. I can usually get over an hour of walking in at work (over lunch and breaks) and then another 40 minutes at home. If it's raining I'll either use Wii Walk it Out or use my rowing machine.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Walking is my main exercise. I have a walking partner at work--we go out every day over lunch.

    I agree that weights can make the overall difference in how you look, but we all have to start somewhere and walking is a really good place to start--you can stay there, too, but it all depends on where you want to go overall.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Any one here use walking as their main source of cardio? Dose it work for real weight loss? Do you see serious body improvements?
    I've been walking for the past couple weeks as my main source and wanted to see what other people have done to succeed.

    It can work a treat, it is gentle on the joints and keeps you fit.

    Don't just count half a mile or so though, you would need to cover a few miles per day to burn the calories, but yes, it will definitely work.

    Every mile you cover burns approximately 100 calories, this goes for both running and walking.
  • laura11248
    laura11248 Posts: 49 Member
    I have to say, I began walking my neighborhood...then moved onto Leslie Sansone's Walking off the Pounds...now I am doing elliptical and the walking dvd's. The dvd's really get your cardio going by involving arms...kicks...back kicks...side steps...etc. She changes it up often so you don't get bored just marching in place!
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I walked 80lbs off.

    Keep in mind that more you walk the more efficiently your body will walk and you will see a plateau if you don't do anything else. I usually toss Pilate's, calisthenics, and some yoga in randomly throughout the week to mix things up and keep my body guessing. But for the majority, yes I walk.
  • I have to say, I began walking my neighborhood...then moved onto Leslie Sansone's Walking off the Pounds...now I am doing elliptical and the walking dvd's. The dvd's really get your cardio going by involving arms...kicks...back kicks...side steps...etc. She changes it up often so you don't get bored just marching in place!

    I second this. Love Leslie Sansone and her DVDs. I do 2 miles in 30 minutes or sometimes 4 miles in an hour with the DVD mentioned. I'm also throwing in 30 Day Shred, bellydancing, regular dancing, yoga, pilates, anything to keep me interested and moving for the day.
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