Getting back on the wagon

So, I fell of the wagon. and tumbled down a cliff.

I had lost 65 pounds, went from about 245 to 180ish.

Now I'm back up to 213.

I promised myself I would never be over 200 again...and here I am.

I am trying to get back into it. I do well for like three days....and then... I just give up.

I need help .

I dont know how I did it last time, or where I got that motivation from, but I need to find it again.


#rantover #enoughfeelingsorry


  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    I know where you're coming from - just try making small changes at first... or get excited about working out. Usually when i work out first thing in the morning i eat healthier all day and it sets me up to do well. If i don't get at least a 20 min walk/video done in the morning i tend to not follow my eating plan.

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • I did the exact same thing.... Right down to the numbers, but now I'm at 172 just a year later. I have to lose it and keep it off. Get a hold of it now or you will regret it! I'm on your side! Good luck! :)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    I feel your pain and I took control back over just last Sunday. The first time I dropped 50 lbs (220-170) I had read the book the beck diet solution, it was totally life changing, check it out. It is a cognitive therapy program to help you think differently about food. After the program I dropped down to 142 in 2011, just as a result of the life changes I had made. Now I am back at 177 :/. Anyway, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, time to work at my ultimate goal of 135. I am on my third day of behaving ie running, planning meals and logging.

    Good luck!