Fear of running outside

I have a slightly odd problem. I want to get running outside, I really do. I've been doing C25K on the treadmill for a while now and I am doing pretty well, but I know I need to run outside more, especially since I am doing my first 5K in late September.

My question is, how do you get over fear and anxiety, in terms of personal safety? I admit I may have watched one too many episodes of Law and Order, but the thought of going out there early in the morning or at night makes me pretty nervous. I live in a city, and while the area I'm in is fairly safe I still can't seem to bring myself to run, say, before work (I would have to go out there at 4am as I have to be in work really early) or after my kids are in bed, which is when I hit the treadmill. I don't really have anyone willing to run with me that can do it consistently, and I did run outside a week ago and found it really difficult (though I still did a mile and a half, albeit with a few walk stops). I'm afraid I won't be able to do the 5K since it's outdoors without some outdoor training. Has anyone ever dealt with this fear? And if so, how did you overcome it?



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Perhaps you can find a local park/running trail that is well-populated? If you're going to stay around home, make sure you know the route you're doing very well, and find some alternate ways to get back to your start. Also, having your phone on you will help, as will a portable pepper spray. And let someone know where you're going and when you should be back. Google Latitude is your friend if you're really paranoid ;)
  • dctexas65
    dctexas65 Posts: 22 Member
    Bump. I also have a fear of exercising outside but because of Dogs, not people. I am sure there are personal safety devices that are made specifically for runners so you might want to google it. First thing that comes to mind is pepper spray, whistle, taser or other forms of defense. If you do carry pepper spray or taser please make sure that you are trained in how to properly use it. Also maybe a self defense class. Good Luck!
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    Perhaps you can find a local park/running trail that is well-populated? If you're going to stay around home, make sure you know the route you're doing very well, and find some alternate ways to get back to your start. Also, having your phone on you will help, as will a portable pepper spray. And let someone know where you're going and when you should be back. Google Latitude is your friend if you're really paranoid ;)
    Great suggestions. I second these.
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    My only advice would be to find a running buddy…

    Good luck.

    My fear about running outside is not the safety issue but the *kitten* issue…

    I've had people throw food at me and yell things at me…

    It's goddamn ridiculous the way people think they can behave towards everyone else.

    That is the reason I don't (am nervous about) exercise outside.

    I wish I could find a way to get over that one…
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    Great topic. I wish I had better advice than what was already given, but I'd also recommend joining up local groups to see if you can find another gal to run with.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Find a partner? I run with my husband, but if you're not coupled up, maybe a friend is interested? Or there are websites to try and find people in the area who want to meet up for similar-interest things. I know How About We is a dating site (people suggest what they want to do and see if there are takers), but there's probably a platonic version.
  • dagolifts
    dagolifts Posts: 42
    run/jog with a friend or a dog maybe, only in well lit places
  • rsimoneau1
    rsimoneau1 Posts: 35 Member
    Run with someone. I have a running buddy for the really early morning trail runs. Safer that way, especially when you know there is a hidden tent city of homeless in the trails you run through. Heck, I would carry concealed back there if I had a small, light enough CCW, but right now I don't
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Look up reputable crime statistics in your area from official government documents (and not people pushing an agenda), and then compare them to the chance of... say, getting in a serious car accident, drowining when swimming, or any other activity that you might do daily.

    Scary/rare risks are not riskier than boring/common ones.
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    I'm the same, however (it sounds pathetic but i do actually know the people who do it) i don't want people to see me, as i'll be sweaty, out of breath and maybe having people laugh or make fun of me.. i just can't seem to put the message in my head of i'm doing something good for myself and shouldn't care what others say/think but living near people who used to bully me for being fat and knowing people who do make fun of people who jog is very discouraging
    Plus my low self-esteem/confidence doesn't help
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    That's a toughy, you could always carry a small tazer with you.

    I live in South Africa and as you can imagine, crime is rife - especially rape.

    So I tend to jog within my complex - If I do venture outside, I will make sure its in the daylight, with my cellphone with me and a tazer if possible.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Plenty of cities have running clubs and programs that can help you out - you should google your city/area + running.

    For example, check out http://phillyrunners.org/

    •Everybody is always welcome at all of our runs, regardless of pace or distance.
    • There is no fee to join our club. Just show up and run. We do have a weekly email list, but you don't have to be on it to run with us.
    • We have three regularly scheduled runs. They are never canceled.
    • ALL RUNS start and end in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, at the bottom of the “Rocky” steps, to the right, by the sign with the museum’s hours, and to the left of the statue of Rocky. (Map)
    • For all our runs, we split into groups based on pace and distance, so that everybody has somebody to run with.
    • We wait back at the museum for all our runners to return.

    Club Run Schedule
    Tuesday Runs: 6:30pm, at the bottom of the Art Museum Steps, on the right, by the sign with the musuem's hours. Dinner/Drinks after the run.
    Thursday Hill Work: 6:30pm at the bottom of the Art Museum Steps, on the right, by the sign with the musuem's hours.
    Saturday Runs: 8am, at the bottom of the Art Museum Steps, on the right, by the sign with the musuem's hours. Coffee after the run

    Other unofficial runs also occur. Anyone who has come to our runs and/or activities may lead an ad hoc run or suggest a permanent new run. Please check our message board to see if anything is going on this week.
  • MeowSkull
    MeowSkull Posts: 101 Member
    All great suggestions :)

    I also carry one of these around with me at all times. On my bike, in the car, etc.

  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Google - 'extendable baton'

    It's a nice weight to carry and usually only 6" closed and it extends to about 3' to whack a person, dog, sasquatch, etc.

    In some states (like mine) it is technically an illegal weapon (go figure, I could carry my gun, but not the baton - wth ?) because it can easily kill - but one swing at the side of the knees and they are down and can't chase you.
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    Plenty of cities have running clubs and programs that can help you out - you should google your city/area + running.

    For example, check out http://phillyrunners.org/

    •Everybody is always welcome at all of our runs, regardless of pace or distance.
    • There is no fee to join our club. Just show up and run. We do have a weekly email list, but you don't have to be on it to run with us.
    • We have three regularly scheduled runs. They are never canceled.
    • ALL RUNS start and end in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, at the bottom of the “Rocky” steps, to the right, by the sign with the museum’s hours, and to the left of the statue of Rocky. (Map)
    • For all our runs, we split into groups based on pace and distance, so that everybody has somebody to run with.
    • We wait back at the museum for all our runners to return.

    Club Run Schedule
    Tuesday Runs: 6:30pm, at the bottom of the Art Museum Steps, on the right, by the sign with the musuem's hours. Dinner/Drinks after the run.
    Thursday Hill Work: 6:30pm at the bottom of the Art Museum Steps, on the right, by the sign with the musuem's hours.
    Saturday Runs: 8am, at the bottom of the Art Museum Steps, on the right, by the sign with the musuem's hours. Coffee after the run

    Other unofficial runs also occur. Anyone who has come to our runs and/or activities may lead an ad hoc run or suggest a permanent new run. Please check our message board to see if anything is going on this week.

    This is the kind of thing I was thinking of too - most running stores in Toronto offer training groups and group runs - maybe the stores in your city do too?.
  • leopardjunkie
    how about a good self defense class :)

    If you make good choices when you are out and about, you should be fine. Pick a well lit route, don"t wear headphones so you can listen to your surroundings, if you can not find a buddy, find a friend that gets up or is awake the same time you are so you can do a call/text when you return and if they do not get a message from you they can alert the authorities of your route.

    how bout weekend are you able to go out on your days off and run during more populated hours?

    Are there any indoor tracks in your area?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Bump. I also have a fear of exercising outside but because of Dogs, not people. I am sure there are personal safety devices that are made specifically for runners so you might want to google it. First thing that comes to mind is pepper spray, whistle, taser or other forms of defense. If you do carry pepper spray or taser please make sure that you are trained in how to properly use it. Also maybe a self defense class. Good Luck!
    THIS! I have always carried a handheld pepper spray when I run or bike (mostly for protection from roaming dogs). I also have a concealed weapons permit, but its kind of tough to effectively conceal a .38 under a tank top and little shorts in the warmer weather..

    Bright, reflective clothing is a priority as well, to make sure drivers can see you!! Its fine to use music, but don't let yourself get lost in your workout and lose awareness of your surroundings.

    Keep trying to find a workout buddy too!
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    I understand from other posts that outside running is definitely more difficult, but people have suggested ways to train indoors including upping the incline and speed. I guess by overcompensating inside you'll be more prepared for the challenges presented outside?

    I'm trying to prepare for a 5K in October, but only run on a treadmill. I'm up to 4 miles on a 1% incline and hoping to get that incline up to 2% before the race. *crossing fingers*

    Best of luck!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have the same problem, living in a rural area. I was walking alone for a while, but strange men in cars following me when there was no one else around scared the crap out of me. I take my husband with me whenever possible. I carry pepper spray.
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    Try meetup.com - if a running group does not exist - create one.

    Personally I have no fear - according to my husband I am should have some :-)... One thing I know from working in the city - when running outside if you are alone, have your phone with you and accessible, stay in a well lit area, map out/drive where you will run so there are no surprises in the route keep your head up, make eye contact with others - generally when you go out running - especially in an area known for running you will see lots of other runners (even at 4am) and most are very friendly and will nod as a sign of comraderie - so you may not be as alone as you think you will be...