1 day overeat?!

Usually I stick to fruit and veg. My usual day consists of a salad with vinegar, just veg, no meat for lunch and IF im hungry later i'll maybe eat some falafal with more salad. I drink green tea and diet coke if craving sugar. BUT TODAY I was feeling so hungry I ate a ham sandwuch with brown bread, a small chocolate bar, and some cheese. The calories do not bother me too much as I just wont eat dinner and be very careful the next few day... But now I feel dizzy, a little sick and im shakey?! What can the matter be? (oooh dear what can the matter be... She sings) sugar buzz, too much energy in one sitting? Help

5"3, weight of 7 stone 11 this morning


  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    If you're restricting carbs like eating salads and meat then one day have a sandwich and chocolate bar you will feel terrible...
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    A ham sandwich, cheese and a chocolate bar & then skipping dinner is not overeating. If anything, by what you've posted about your typical eating habits I'd guess you're under eating.

    If you make your diary public it would be easier to offer advice. :smile:
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    If you're hungry, it might be wise to increase the percentage of your calorie intake from protein and fat. Protein and fat are both very satiating and won't leave you hungry like carbs will.
  • jodieannemoss
    My diary is now public

    Bare in mind I dont always remember to fill it in and im sure the calories in what im eating are more than what it says otherwisr id probably be dead ha
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    You would do well to meet with a nutritionist. They can be amazingly helpful on how to get the most nutrition out of your caloric intake. Also this site is full of great information. I read the success stories then pour over their diaries for ideas. I was surprised to find a great many of the success stories with loss like what my goals are (90lbs total) were eating real food. Full fat yogurt and meat and cheese as well as fruits and vegetables some over 2000 calories a day and still losing (with exercise). Don't be afraid to do a little research of your own. It is your body, there is nothing you should be more educated on. Good Luck !!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,998 Member
    You weight 110 lbs and it looks like your reacting psychologically to eating what you may think are bad foods, I suggest you have a chat with someone about that.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    It is hard to say if you are not logging everything but it appears you are taking in way too few calories and almost no nutrition. That will make you weak and dizzy. You should consult a dr
  • jodieannemoss
    Meeting with a professional sounds like a great idea, never thought of it! Thanks
    As I would still like to vary my food types, I dont want to lack the nutrience I need...
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Can I ask your age?

    If you're an adult, why are you restricting your nutrition so much?

    Even if fat loss was the right move for you, which I'd argue it's not assuming you're an adult, you're going about it all wrong. You're avoiding pertinent nutrition such as adequate protein and fat.

    Regardless, and I don't mean this to offend you, but it's very obvious that you have some misguided perceptions about what it means to eat well.

    This is the least of your worries as far as I'm concerned, but eating over your calorie goal on a given day is no cause for concern. I mean your calorie goal seems way too low to begin with, but if we think about the person going about this in a healthy manner... one day isn't even a blip on the radar. There are 3500 calories in 1 lb of fat. So they'd have to eat 3500 calories in excess of their total energy needs to gain just 1 lb of fat. And chances are, when they do go off plan, they're not even eating 3500 additional calories so all the concern is over nothing.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Your fat goal is low, your protein goal is insanely low, and your calorie goal is too low. There's a lot to fix if you want a healthy diet...
  • jodieannemoss
    Im almost 20, but you have to understand I think I have a very low metabolism and im almost seditary in the day. Im super lazy as I barely manage my yoga and a jog in the morning, luckily my boyfriends photography ventures send us on 3 hour long hikes or id hardly ever get any exercise in.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Im almost 20, but you have to understand I think I have a very low metabolism and im almost seditary in the day. Im super lazy as I barely manage my yoga and a jog in the morning, luckily my boyfriends photography ventures send us on 3 hour long hikes or id hardly ever get any exercise in.

    Unless you have a medical condition, metabolism doesn't vary as much as you believe across matched populations. Your basal metabolic rate is likely 10 cals/lb. Add in your activity expenditure, high or low, and you're going to be near your total energy expenditure for the day.

    If you're not exercising... this might be 12-13 cals/lb depending.

    From there, you can base your calorie intake.

    But the question still remains. You weigh 110 lbs. Why are you restricting calories? What is your goal? You can only lose so much fat and I PROMISE you, the path to a "good body" is more than just losing fat.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Im almost 20, but you have to understand I think I have a very low metabolism and im almost seditary in the day. Im super lazy as I barely manage my yoga and a jog in the morning, luckily my boyfriends photography ventures send us on 3 hour long hikes or id hardly ever get any exercise in.

    You haven't got a low metabolism. If you have been eating the way you are in your food diary for a long time, you are basically starving yourself and your LBM has got so low, any up of calories will cause you to gain weight.

    You are also not lazy. You said you jog and do yoga in the morning, and you do regular 3 hour long hikes, yet you think you are sedentary?

    Why have you deliberately set your MFP to 1000 calories - under the absolute minimum recommend daily allowance? I really hope you are a troll. If not, read this and be realistic about you weight loss goals.

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    That isn't one day overeating. It's one day probably still undereating, just a few hundred calories less than you normally undereat. You should really consider talking to a dietician/doctor about what a healthy food plan would be for you.

    Edit: Did the math...at 7 stone 11 you're around 109 lbs at 5'3". How much weight do you think you need to lose?
  • jodieannemoss
    I realise my calorie intake Seems too low but despite this I coyld still be deemed as curvy. Maybe my perception of a good body is marred by the art scene im iniinvolved in- but im by no means striving for that 'heroin addict sheek' look, I just want to be healthy, look healthy and toned and not look flabby and fat compared to the people I see day to day and am in photos with
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I realise my calorie intake Seems too low but despite this I coyld still be deemed as curvy. Maybe my perception of a good body is marred by the art scene im iniinvolved in- but im by no means striving for that 'heroin addict sheek' look, I just want to be healthy, look healthy and toned and not look flabby and fat compared to the people I see day to day and am in photos with

    A "healthy" weight for a woman at 5'3" is 111-147 lbs. You're technically underweight. Maybe it's time to start eating at maintenance and working on body composition.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I realise my calorie intake Seems too low but despite this I coyld still be deemed as curvy. Maybe my perception of a good body is marred by the art scene im iniinvolved in- but im by no means striving for that 'heroin addict sheek' look, I just want to be healthy, look healthy and toned and not look flabby and fat compared to the people I see day to day and am in photos with

    I think you just need to start eating more and lifting them weight hun. Restricting your calories to 1000 will never get you that ''toned'' look you want. Eating more and lifting will
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I realise my calorie intake Seems too low but despite this I coyld still be deemed as curvy. Maybe my perception of a good body is marred by the art scene im iniinvolved in- but im by no means striving for that 'heroin addict sheek' look, I just want to be healthy, look healthy and toned and not look flabby and fat compared to the people I see day to day and am in photos with

    Well here's the tough news that you really need to start accepting. The path you're on does not match getting and looking healthy. It actually matches the exact opposite of what you claim to be avoiding - that beeing the crackhead, skin and bones look.

    I'm not here to bash... so I hope you don't take it as such. I'm only being honest with you.

    If you want to look and feel healthy, you need to educate yourself about the basics of proper nutrition. Start here: www.body-improvements.com/resources/eat

    You also need to shift your focus from weight to body composition. Obviously you're solely focused on weight, hence the starvation dieting and extremely rigid mindset. But like I said, starving the fat off of you, when you're already extremely small, only leads to health reduction and frailty. You need to understand that form follows function and the look I'm sure you're shooting for is one of being able bodied and fit. And if that's the case, you need to work on managing both variables that affect your physique - fat and muscle.

    I'd be willing to bet that your problem isn't too much fat. Rather it's not enough muscle.

    And to improve the latter would take a wholesale shift away from what you're currently doing. You'd have to overhaul your nutrition plan, bringing calories up to healthy and supportive levels and basing your diet around protein. You'd have to stop being lazy and actually give your body a reason to look strong and beautiful - i.e., hit the gym and start resistance training.
  • thisdamselflies
    thisdamselflies Posts: 92 Member
    Are you entering all of the foods you eat in your MFP food diary? If your diary is actually complete (or even close to complete), you are drastically under eating, and I would agree with the above posters that you should talk to a professional. MFP members have a lot of opinions, and many of them are correct*, but many of them are misguided, and very few of them can provide the educated, professional guidance that a dietician could give you.

    There are also a lot of calculators out there that can help you figure out how much you should be eating. One of the popular ones is this one: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/, and it's worked really well for me. When you enter your data, enter your goal weight exactly the same as your current weight, and it will tell you how much you would need to eat in order to maintain your exact weight. However, even with that sort of thing, I really encourage you to make an appointment with a dietician.

    *Edited to add that my personal opinion is that most of the posters on this particular thread are correct. :)
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I really encourage you to make an appointment with a dietician.

    I third this.