Do you do the same work out daily with success ?

I am curious on this subject. Everything I have learned says we need to change up our works outs to confuse muscles and continue receiving results but I know many who don't and still look great. My husband for one has done the same thing 5-6 days a week for the past 13 years. His desire was to feel better but he still looks great and is strong. He does a serious of chin ups, push ups, squats, and sit ups and something with that little wheels thing every morning and always in the same order. (All this takes him about 20 minutes) followed by a 2 mile run. (It is a run, takes him under 13 minutes). Just love to know if any of you still look great with out constantly trying to mix it up? I love exercise but feel trying to change things up has me obsessing and not enjoying my morning exercise at all. I would love some thoughts on this and how things have gone for you!


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    IMO the keep your muscles guessing thing has been blown WAY out of context. In many cases it creates a counter productive situation as you are changing thing before you have enough time to see if they worked.
    Pick something you like and dont worry about changing it up. Especially if you are just looking for the health & appearance effects and don't care about performance as much.
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I'm only just getting started on my journey, but I usually do different workouts each day because a) I don't want to burn out and b) I need to give my muscles and joints a break. So I usually run on day A, do elliptical on day B, run on day C, and do elliptical and some strength training on day D. I will mix it up a bit, like subbing in a walk for the elliptical, or move up a run day, depending on my mood and the time I have. For me, it's not so important to run faster every time or go longer, I just want to get healthy and lose weight.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    At first I was just walking and that is how I lost a lot of my weight so far. Now I run on my treadmill one day and use my elliptical the other. Eventually I want to start adding some weights to that.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    IMO the keep your muscles guessing thing has been blown WAY out of context. In many cases it creates a counter productive situation as you are changing thing before you have enough time to see if they worked.
    Pick something you like and dont worry about changing it up. Especially if you are just looking for the health & appearance effects and don't care about performance as much.

    Thank you, I appreciate your feedback! At this point I am trying so hard not to obsess and to keep some balance. I love exercise but thinking that I need to change things up constantly has me spending way too much time thinking about my work outs as opposed to doing them.m At 50 my goal is to be healthy, not a fitness competitor.
  • olerolls
    olerolls Posts: 70 Member
    I personally think the benefits of a varied workout are a lot more psychological than physiological - it keeps you from getting bored and losing motivation. Yes, doing the same thing day after day will continue to work the same muscles day after day, to the exclusion of others. But the workout you're describing for your husband touches all his main muscle groups and it's clearly working for him and he can stick to it, so that's great.

    I would go crazy if I did exactly the same workout every day. I would get SO BORED and would end up quitting. But we all have different needs and what counts is getting that activity in.

    Of course, I'm speaking of overall fitness and general health, not training for something specific or high performance.