Maintaining after quick loss?

So, the last couple days I haven't eaten a whole lot (in fact, like half of my calories). I am on the 1200 calories per day diet, sometimes going over or under. My question is this... if I stay on my maintenance calories from here on out (1200 per day), will I be able to maintain this new weight, or will I shoot back up since I seemed to have lost it due to not eating much in a couple days. Thank you in advance for your wisdom/opinions/experience!!


  • brownfoxx7
    Hi Somegirl...wait - how many calories per day are you taking in? I recently lost about 40 lbs myself. Been doing well maintaining. my big things are looking at the sodium in take for each meal, avoiding high fructose corn syrup and highly processed foods when i can (still order the occcasional pizza etc). i think so long as you maintain a healthly intake of calories from here on out, you shouldn't shoot up and gain. I think that's where paying attention to sugars and salt will decrease bloating or feeling like you weigh more or retaining weight. if you haven't much in the past few days, i would expect to see a 2-3 lb. gain (maybe) when you start eating on your regular schedule. I haven't been great on my exercising but watching my food over the past 6 months since i lost all the weight has still helped me decrease in sizes (even if not in lbs). i still order out occasionally and even went on vaca to Alaska and drank almost every day and ate out most days and i was able to drop the 5-8 lbs i fluctuated on in 2 weeks because i went back to my normal eating schedule.
    is there a reason why you haven't been able to eat much in the past few days? sick?
  • somegirl1123
    somegirl1123 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your reply, brownfoxx! I just haven't eaten. No real reason. Have been a little busy, but I could've gotten a meal in there. Ate about 600 calories the past 2 days. I was at 125 Sunday, and I am at 122 today. I want to keep this 122! Lol! I intend to go back to my 1200, and I don't want to gain :( I hear you saying I probably will though. Also, i pay attention to salt too. Try to drink my water as much as possible to get rid of that water retention. We'll see. I let you know how the next couple days go. Congrats on your weight loss! It feels good, doesn't it?!
  • brownfoxx7
    hey! yeah, it does feel good! i am short 5'3" and 1/2 (yes i add the 1/2 still...) and i was up to 180 on paper as of Last January 2012. So I am sure I was actually even a little higher than that at some point. STill working hard. I literally weighed myself at 6:30 this AM and i was down to 136.6. i got up again after an hour later and just to see what it said, i weighed myself again and i was at 137.7 - water weight maybe? So strange how it fluctuates because then i weighed myself after my shower and i was back to 136.8. haha. Just mentioning this as a point to how much you can fluctuate even through out the day. How tall are you? I wouldn't kill yourself trying to stick to the 122 constantly but i do know how it feels to at least want to consistently fit in your clothes! haha. I think you will fluctuate a pound or two here or there even when you do start eating your 1200 calories again. Keep in mined, I am assuming in the past few days that you haven't eaten much you were not exercising? If you were - you DEFINITELY need to eat anyway! In the long-run you will kill your metabolism and slow it down again. When you start your 1200 again, and you get nervous about creeping past 122, make sure you exercise or even walk. I feel like my eating has definitely helped my metabolism and that's why even though i haven't been doing great with my exercising I am still losing some weight and if not weight, still inches. YAY! haha