Spaghetti squash

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
Ok, so, I've had it and it tastes awesome. Now, where can i find it? How expensive is it? Do I just cut the thing open and it has the spaghetti thingers inside? Do I have to shape them? Please help!


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Ok, so, I've had it and it tastes awesome. Now, where can i find it? How expensive is it? Do I just cut the thing open and it has the spaghetti thingers inside? Do I have to shape them? Please help!
  • crystalicfusion
    The easiest way to cook it is to wash the outside, cut it in half, take the seeds out then place it upside down in an oven safe pan. With enough water in the pan to steam it. Bake at 400 for about 45 mins. Maybe more maybe less. When it is cooked, you can use a fork to remove the outer shell and it falls apart on its own. Just like spagetti. You can find it at any grocery store, when in season.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    In my memory (it's been a while). . .almost any store will have it, alongside the other squashes.

    I used to cut it in half, put it face down in a baking dish and bake it (350) for about an hour (scoop out the seeds first). Then, you take it out, and with a fork, just scrape the strings out. I always put them in a colander to drain them a bit, otherwise the sauce can get too watery. If you're not putting sauce over it, you can skip this step.

    I love mine with marinara sauce and parmesan. Also, a few toasted pinenuts would be delicious. It is equally delicious with a pat of butter and salt and pepper, but less "spaghetti-ey".

    Thanks, now I know what to have for dinner tonight!:flowerforyou:

    Because I think google is the best invention ever, here's a link with more than you ever wanted to know:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yeah...I've actually been meaning to try this. (I've never had it before but have heard good things!) So, I steam it and then pull apart...then what? I'm a complete newbie! Do you then prepare just like regular spaghetti?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    OOOooooohhh...Viviakay just answered! Thanks!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    One other question...what does it taste like? Like spaghetti? I was thinking of making it and not telling my husband...otherwise he may not eat it (WAY picky!). Any advice would be great!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    One other question...what does it taste like? Like spaghetti? I was thinking of making it and not telling my husband...otherwise he may not eat it (WAY picky!). Any advice would be great!

    No way is anybody ever going to mistake it for spaghetti (sorry). . .but it is very tasty. Maybe introduce it as a side dish first?

    I like to: take fresh snow peas and cut them into fine strips, steam them and mix them in with some spaghetti squash, then toss in just a tiny amount of butter (mmmm. . .butter) fresh garlic and some salt. It looks pretty on the plate, and is tasty.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    FYI, if you don't have the 45 minutes, there is really no difference between putting it in the Microwave and the oven except time. You prepare it the same way, the only problem is most microwaves aren't big enough to fit both halves at once, Once you have it soft enough to be stringy, I like to toss it in a wok with a dab of extra virgin olive oil, a ton of garlic (fresh shaved or chopped), some basil, some oregano, and plenty of diced onions. After it has cooked up for about a minute I toss in some good marinara sauce and mushrooms and mmmmm mmmmm good! All tolled it's about 300 calories with the only fat comming from the oil (and that is the good fat), and very low on carbs too.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks! Sounds good!!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    FYI, if you don't have the 45 minutes, there is really no difference between putting it in the Microwave and the oven except time. You prepare it the same way, the only problem is most microwaves aren't big enough to fit both halves at once, Once you have it soft enough to be stringy, I like to toss it in a wok with a dab of extra virgin olive oil, a ton of garlic (fresh shaved or chopped), some basil, some oregano, and plenty of diced onions. After it has cooked up for about a minute I toss in some good marinara sauce and mushrooms and mmmmm mmmmm good! All tolled it's about 300 calories with the only fat comming from the oil (and that is the good fat), and very low on carbs too.

    About how long in the nuker? And how many servings will one half yield? I could always do one half, then plastic wrap the other for a day or two later if it'll last.
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    I buy small ones since I'm the only one that will eat it. Cut it in half, remove the seeds, place it in a 8x8 glass pan place some water in the bottom and cover with plastic and nuke for about 10-15 min... I check it after 10 min and stick it with a fork to see if it's done or not. If it's still hard then I nuke for a few more min.

    Then just use my fork to take it out of the skin, put butter and pepper on it and yummmmmmm I have a nice lil meal for me. I love Spagetti squash!!
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    As a grower of all sorts of squash this is one of the easiest (along with zucchini) to grow and thus one of the cheapest. HOWEVER that said it is not in season just yet. SO you might be paying a little more for it right now.
    With the wet season that we have had in the Midwest I imagine that in August - October when this is in season that it will be pennies on the dollar.
    There are two ways to cook it.
    One is the Cut in half in a Pyrex dish with the flat side down in about 1/2 inch of water.
    Cook in the oven for 30 min at 350 until a fork easily pierces the skin.
    Then there is the other way that I find just as easy.
    Whole squash. poke several hole in it with a fork or knife all around it. In Pyrex dish with a 1/2 inch of water oven to 350 cook until you can stick a fork into the skin with ease. this can be about 30 min to 45 depending on the size.
    NOW. When it is done cut in half and scoop out the seedy inside BUT DO NOT TOSS THIS OUT! (well do not toss the seeds out, you can toss out the goop that the seeds are attached to. (Then again you do not have to do this because the goop is edible as well.)
    Cover a baking sheet with foil and spread the seeds out evenly. Coat with Pam cooking spray or a low fat butter. LIGHTLY BTW! and toast the seeds in the oven for about 5 min. When golden brown. sprinkle them with pepper or seasoning of choice. Enjoy!
    BTW, Yes you can nuke it as well, But do not forget to put holes in it or it will be one HELL of a nuke machine mess!
    Also 1/2 inch of water or it will burn.