Totally Bombed!! So mortified!!

Tricia82 Posts: 75
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
:cry: well today we watched the rough riders play the bombers and thats's exactly what the riders did they bombed bad!! AND so did I!!:sad: It is so hard to stay on track for myself. I can get so discouraged its horrible. Last night before my husband and I went to bed I was changing into my pj's and I was so embarrassed for him to see me!! I have never felt that way infront of him before and I was mortified when I looked in the mirror and seen my post c-section belly, the more weight I loss the worse it looks and I am so incredibly scared that I will have this hideous skin flap from the surgery, pregnancy and extra weight permanently! It has been seven months since I had my baby and it just does not seem to be getting any better:sad: :explode:


  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hey there :) I had a hysterectomy and have the same scar as C-section ladies. Just keep working and doing ab work and it should get better. Unfortunately it may not go away completely but it will lessen after time. You have to remember that when they cut you open that affected your musculature and you have to build that back up. Stick with it, don't beat yourself up too much over it. Your husband loves you and your kid he will love your scar too :)

    The kiddo IS adorable btw ... and is worth it!
  • Tricia:
    First of all, take a breath and calm down.
    When anyone has invasive surgery, it takes the cells a long time to recover...up to a year or more...and that means skin, muscles, bone, and organ cells.
    I do the same thing: I see a WHOLE problem and not all the little pieces of which it is made.
    You CAN work on your overall condition.
    You CAN work on isometrics and large-muscle strength.
    You CAN keep on track with your calorie intake.
    And you CAN make choices each day that will be cumulative. Seven months is not a lot of time for a busy mom to get back to pre-pregnancy condition. I've had 2 C-sections, the last one 15 years ago. There is still kind of a scar, I guess, but I don't think about it at all,and neither does my husband, ever. Consider how many people are actually going to see that part of your body anyway. If you get into fabulous shape, you'll wear clothes that show off that condition and no one will know you have a scar. If your husband is going to focus on that small part of you that was actually necessary to bring a child into the world, then you don't have a fitness have a husband problem. I would bet that he is so happy with his lovely wife and new baby that he has no concept of your thoughts on the matter.
    If you still want to know what he thinks, ask him.
    Never be ashamed of your body. Never. As long as all the parts function, you can do mighty things.
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    Oh Sweetheart I know what you are going through!

    I am 46 with 4 grown up kids. When I had the twins I weighed 10 stone (144 pounds) but my belly measured 54"! I was so huge I managed to split my belly muscles according to the doctors.

    Basically this means I have a large loose area of skin on my belly that will never go away with exercise or diet.

    Over the last 6 years I have gained 36 pounds and look and feel like a blimp! I never get naked in front of my other half as I am too embarrassed.

    However - - - -after joining this site 6 days ago I admitted to him how I felt and made him do my measurements! (I was almost in tears at the time).

    He admitted to me that he has been too scared to get naked in front of me because of his belly for so long that we both ended up laughing at us being so silly!

    We are now both more open and honest with our weight and size that we are both so determined to lose together.

    Believe me Tricia that 7 months after a C section is nothing! It will take a bit of work but you can do it hun! Just be honest with yourself and make sure you log EVERYTHING into your food diary. This is a great site for support and motivation so just hang on in there and you will get there!

    Birdy xx
  • My husband is a fantastic man and you are right he does love me and our beautiful baby girl, and I am not concerned about the scar its the skin afterwards that concerns me, actually has me feeling so horrible. I just don't really appreciate my body and thats part of my weight loss journey is to love my body now and in the future(hopefully in a much healthier condition). And he doesn't even care or notice that part of me he just loves me no matter what which is amazing in itself, and when I talk to him about how I am feeling he is always there to reasure me that things will get better in time and he is right and so are you and I know that deep inside my mind too, it's just so hard. Sometimes I just get so bummed out!
  • Tricia - take it easy on yourself! I had a cesarean with my son and I agree it was a difficult thing to get used to. I went from a flat belly (this was 25 years ago) to having the"flap" you speak of. I can tell you that when I lost all the baby weight, the fold was/got really small and back then I still thought it was horrifying! Yes, weight loss and belly exercises will work, but I'm afraid to tell you the scar tissue will always be there. It will be MUCH smaller, but you will always have something there sweetie. That may be tough to hear now, but please know that in time, you will realize that this is not something you should worry about or be ashamed of. You have a beautiful baby and you gave him his life. The scars are well worth motherhood and the love you have for your child. It sounds funny, but embrace your new body. Have fun with your husband - naked and even pointing out the scar. Have him feel it - after all this is where his child came out too. The more you can accept yourself and get your husband involved in your new acceptance mission/adventure, the more this lil issue will fall to the background of the lovely family life you have ahead of you!
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