Preparing meals for non-dieting significant other



  • Bambalina_1
    Bambalina_1 Posts: 78 Member
    I make my husband and kiddies the same as me, only larger portion for the hubstar. When I go food shopping I buy the normal full fat versions usually mixed with some lower fat (Refuse to buy low fat cheese, mayo). With the full fat items I just weigh them and have a smaller portion :0)
  • LornaRodda
    LornaRodda Posts: 20 Member
    We all eat the same meals, and to be honest we pretty much eat the same food as we did before I began tracking me food.

    The biggest change is that I don't cook with oil like I used to, and don't make so many creamy sauces.

    I don't eat bread and potatoes now, so I just leave them off my plate.

    I wouldn't personally buy "diet" foods as such, as I cook everything from scratch.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    We eat the same foods. He benefits from the healthier recipes and has lost a few pounds, but he generally eats what I eat, just more servings. He is not a picky eater and has benefited from my new way of eating as have I. Win/win situation for us.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Hi all,

    I was just curious as to how others on diets prepare meals for their significant others who are not dieting. Do you make them something separately or make enough of the healthy meal you will be eating for them also(providing they can make something additional if they would like)? Also, when at the grocery, do you buy only healthy options or consider the fact that they are not dieting? I can't imagine how much of a struggle this may be for a person who is trying to diet but still cooking the not-so-healthy meals on a daily basis. Is this an issue for you or is it easy? I never had to deal with this as I have always been a strict vegetarian and the stuff my husband splurges on, I want nothing to do with. Lol. I have always cooked something separately for him knowing that him and I will never be on the same page when it comes to food. I do love to bake though, so when I am making brownies or cupcakes it is a real struggle for me to pass for a healthier option. Also, if you are not the cooker, but the eater(LOL) does your significant other take into account that you are dieting? Just curious!

    Your SO can eat what you eat or cook for themselves.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I have a really hard time with this! I cook foods for my husband and two kids that I choose not to eat. Not always the case, but about half the time. I try to prepare something different for myself, but sometimes there's not time or energy left over for cooking one more thing. Knowing this, I try to keep raw veggies ready to go in a salad, or with a low cal hummus for myself. There have even been times when I just grab an apple and some almond butter at the last minute for myself!

    I'm sort of an improvisational cook, and so sometimes I don't have a clue what the calorie content in the food I make really is. Who has time for all that calculating and measuring out servings and doing the long division? People who like to eat cold food I guess.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    My girl was gaining a few pounds

    So last time we went out for dinner I said to the waiter

    " No chips for the UNIT beside me, fish and steamed veg is all she is getting"

    She'll thank me in the long run
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    My SO is a picky eater so it can be a little difficult. The only meat he really likes is chicken or ground beef and I like a lot of variety. So If I'm making a chicken or ground beef dish, we'll have the same thing. If not I'll either make him something else or if I'm too tired will ask if he minds cooking for himself.

    The worst is when he's in the mood for pizza, which is far too often for my liking and it can be a real struggle because the place we get it from, we have to order 2 pizzas or they wont deliver and I very very rarely want to fit pizza into my day. It's very hard to stop at just a few slices and you still have it left over the next day (I don't want pizza twice in a row! hard enough the first time)

    As for groceries, I don't mind buying him the stuff he wants. He has white bread and chocolates and crisps for lunch and I buy them. I don't buy particular brands of crisps because I'm not sure if I can be trusted with them (I've been known to eat packet after packet of certain types). I work from home so they would always be there tempting me so I figure its easier to buy the stuff I don't have an issue with. The chocolate I'm not really fussed about. If I really want some chocolate I will usually chop off 1/3 of a bar and have that, quite easy to fit into my day and I enjoy it.

    Overall it isn't too hard. I'm sure some people will say I should just let him cook for himself if he wont eat what I eat, but if I did that all he would ever eat is pasta and cheese and I don't want that for him.

    Both of us tend to worry that our own picky eating habits are bothering the other. I worry that he is annoyed that I cook myself all the nice food and just let him eat pasta or oven food, he's worried that I'm annoyed at having to cook 2 meals. Neither is the case and we both understand we have different needs :)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    My girl was gaining a few pounds

    So last time we went out for dinner I said to the waiter

    " No chips for the UNIT beside me, fish and steamed veg is all she is getting"

    She'll thank me in the long run

    :drinker: What a true gentleman you are *tear* :flowerforyou:

    I did a little snort at "unit"
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    As long as it's simple healthy eating, I don't see why you wouldn't just eat the same thing. People who aren't trying to lose weight still benefit from eating healthily. Hubby and I eat the same meals but he has some extra (healthy) snacks because his requirements are higher. If I were doing something extreme like cutting whole food groups out (not that I ever would), then perhaps I would feel it wasn't appropriate for my family.
  • nickijo2003
    nickijo2003 Posts: 19 Member
    we have 4 kids so I either make us all the same (nothing wrong with them eating healthy food) or if they all want something naughty i will cook for them and i just grab a meal i have stored in the freezer. My husband likes to eat healthy but also likes to eat crap on an eveninvg
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    My other half eats what I eat. I think the common misconception is that healthy meals have to taste healthy - but they don't. I make chillis, spag bols, burgers, curries, shepherds pie, chicken nuggets, sausage and mash, home made chips, the lot. He loves it all - I just give him a bigger portion.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I offer my husband whatever I'm eating. He usually goes for it, but makes a different side for himself. It works really well. When we start having children, they'll eat what I eat, and we'll have a Saturday night dining out tradition like his family had when he was growing up.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    My girl was gaining a few pounds

    So last time we went out for dinner I said to the waiter

    " No chips for the UNIT beside me, fish and steamed veg is all she is getting"

    She'll thank me in the long run

    :drinker: What a true gentleman you are *tear* :flowerforyou:

    I did a little snort at "unit"

    Lol, I'd love to do it some day, just to see the look on her face(shes the one beside me and is one of those people that WE all hate, eats, never puts on weight)
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I'm cutting and my husband is on maintenance for the time being (but his body fat is very slowly going down). I cook the same for both of us but he adds extras i.e.

    Breakfast - Both of us have muesli. He usually adds a pastry or just has a much bigger serving. I have low-fat non-dairy "milk" and he has whole milk.

    Lunch - Both of us have leftovers from the previous night's dinner. He usually adds a dessert from his work canteen.

    Dinner - We both eat the same. Usually 150-300g meat and 200-500g vegetables with either 50-75g rice, noodles or pasta or 100-200g potatoes or sweet potatoes.

    Snacks - Pretty much the same, although he has extra chocolate bars. My post-workout shakes are made with water, his with whole milk.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I had this problem when my brother-in-law and sister-in-law lived with us. He was a chef in the Army, and cooked some rich foods for all of us. All I did was eat a little of it, and filled up on fruits and veggies the rest of the day. Personally, I have always cooked the same thing for everybody, as a general rule. There may be once in a while when I make seperate things, but it's not a big issue. What gets me baffled is when people make different things for their kids and then different things for adults. I don't think that's right. But, you do what fits your family.
  • mareunuv
    mareunuv Posts: 23
    Since I'm doing more high fat low carb option cooking for 2 and still eating less calories is often easy. He has some more of the protein+ sauce and more carbs. 50g pasta for me and zucchini strings, 120g pasta for him and so on. Also easy to add an extra side of vegetables/salad to your plate. Which automatically lowers the calorie value of your meal. We have snacks in the house. I'm lucky enough not to feel the need to eat them. I do have healthy snacks that really tastes great. Cheese, grapes, yogurt with fruit. It doesn't satisfy my sweet tooth but I don't have the craving after a few days if I don't eat sweets.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    My husband eats what I eat just slightly more of it. Because I weigh everything, I have quite a small portion and I also buy my own low fat cheese. So say we have pasta bolognese, we each have the same amount of bolognese cause its healthy and full of veg but he will have more pasta and his own cheese on top. It works just fine. He even lost weight doing that with me and feels happy.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    I make enough so he will feel full and make sure he can add cheese/dip/sauce when I cook.. and he makes sure to add veggies and not over do it on cheese/dip/sauce when he cooks ;) He will even make a thinner crust pizza when I ask him even though he loves the thick one :love:

    When shopping he picks the cookies he wants, and I force him to select at least 2 veggies/fruit that he will eat. We buy the healthier options of the food we will cook, because he has come to learn that it doesnt have to taste bad.. its more to do with the spices used anyway.

    You know.. compromise, communication, cooperation.. all that jazz ;)
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I am part of a family of 4, and I do the shopping. At the start of each week I ask each family member to choose a meal they would like me to cook that week (my 2 yo ALWAYS wants sausages lol!) And I cook those 3 meals, and eat them, just smaller portions than we would have had once upon a time. The rest of the week we eat meals that I have chosen, and no one complains. My daughter can't have dairy, so every meal I cook is always suitable for her, so we don't have pizza unless I make it, lasagne unless I make it with sustitutes for dairy.
    So I guess what I am saying is, we eat together the same meal as each other. No seperate meals for us, and we are all happy.
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    I do most of the shopping and the cooking, which is fine by me. I buy snacks that we both like that fit in with my calorie allowance, and also buy stuff for him that I know he likes. I don't often have bagels but most weeks I buy them for him. He likes that we eat a nutritionally balanced meal every night and when he cooks he makes efforts to do the same. He uses MFP sporadically and understands fully what I am trying to achieve. I think he probably snacks more/differently when he gets in from work but he normally gets in from work about half an hour before me. If he wants a pizza (or some other high calorie treat!) he will wait until we are having sperate dinners for whatever reason (i'm at the gym/out with friends) so he doesn't tempt me off the wagon... :)