How to get a flat stomach? - do I need to lose more fat?

Hi, I weigh 126 pounds/ 9 stone, I'm 5'9" and have a BMI of 18.5. I've lost weight recently but am still not happy with the way my stomach looks. I am wondering how exactly I need to go about getting a flat stomach? Whether I still need to lose more fat or just concentrate on training my abs. Thank you :) here are some pics so you can see my stomach:


  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206

    I think your stomach looks pretty svelt. Just keep up with the deficit, exercise/lift and you'll get there.
  • klo1335
    klo1335 Posts: 13
    Your stomach looks like mine. I had 2 c-sections in the past 6 years and can't get rid of my stomach. I think yours looks better then mine does as I have that great c-section fold under scar. I am hoping you get some good advice here.
  • tonia_xo
    tonia_xo Posts: 8 Member
    Ooh thanks for getting the pics up :) I'm new to this so wasn't sure how to do it other than post the links!
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I started with pushups and REALLY saw a difference. At first it's hard, and then it becomes easier to do them. I have since added a lot of strength training and have seen more results. I never would have guessed that I would have seen the results I have (I have 3 kids: 5.5, 3, and 23 mos).
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".

  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".


    Why no? She doesn't have excess fat really, that's more of lack of good strong core muscles to hold her abdomen in. Weight training and core exercises will help a lot. You may not end up with a six pack but good core muscles are essential for anyone.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".

    What the.....???

    OP, ignore this. ALL of it.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Am I the only one who think's the OP's stomach looks pretty damn flat?! From the side it just looks like she was breathing out...
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i think the tummy looks great!
  • tonia_xo
    tonia_xo Posts: 8 Member
    Am I the only one who think's the OP's stomach looks pretty damn flat?! From the side it just looks like she was breathing out...

    I definitely wasn't breathing out! Wish I was haha:) breathing in if anything!
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".


    Why no? She doesn't have excess fat really, that's more of lack of good strong core muscles to hold her abdomen in. Weight training and core exercises will help a lot. You may not end up with a six pack but good core muscles are essential for anyone.

    That's not what I'm "no"ing. That's beneficial advice for anyone.

    It's the douchey way they went about giving advice. Makes it sound like the OP has an impossible task ahead of her to lose a pooch that I honestly don't see as a 'pooch.' And getting your ideal body is not just about losing weight. Just sayin'.

    Bolded for emphasis.

    ETA: OP, I think you're looking pretty good. I can understand if you want to focus more on fat loss for overall health (in which case, you don't seem to have too much of) that would be understandable. As far as how flat or not flat your tummy may look to you, I think you're looking too far into it. :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".

    What the.....???

    OP, ignore this. ALL of it.

  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Pilates is great for core work. Great, great, great.
  • shmoony
    shmoony Posts: 237 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".


    What exactly can you possibly diagree with in my post. Was it the reccomendation of healthy eating, the suggestion that exercise and diet are a lifelong journey, or the implamentation of weight training and core exercises? If you're going to so strongly disagree with something, at least give an explanation.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    You look to be in about the 22%-24% body fat range (based on what I see in the pics, could be higher). Lowering body fat % would help as well as "hardening" up you body a little with some good core work.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    30 Day Shred helped tighten up my abdominal muscles. It's $8-9 depending on where you go and I think lvl1 is on youtube if you want to test it out. It helped me. My b/f noticed a difference around the 10 day mark.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".


    Why no? She doesn't have excess fat really, that's more of lack of good strong core muscles to hold her abdomen in. Weight training and core exercises will help a lot. You may not end up with a six pack but good core muscles are essential for anyone.

    That's not what I'm "no"ing. That's beneficial advice for anyone.

    It's the douchey way they went about giving advice. Makes it sound like the OP has an impossible task ahead of her to lose a pooch that I honestly don't see as a 'pooch.'

    Bolded for emphasis.

    Ok yeah, it did come off a bit strange. Definitely not an impossible task, the hard part is already done. I think the OP would be happy with a bit more definition of muscle. I do agree that you have to learn to live with some "flaws", I have the pooch and nothing has made it completely go away but I don't want to wear a bikini either!
  • ladypitek
    ladypitek Posts: 91 Member
    30 Day Shred helped tighten up my abdominal muscles. It's $8-9 depending on where you go and I think lvl1 is on youtube if you want to test it out. It helped me. My b/f noticed a difference around the 10 day mark.

    You can find all of the Jillian Michaels workout videos on YouTube for free!! All the ones I've tried have really helped with my core, which is where I also need the most work.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    It seems to me that you have a long journey of transforming your physiology ahead of you. You were not blessed with a naturally flat stomach, so you need to create one. This will only occur through a consistant and prolongued regiment of core excercises, healthy diet and weight training. Losing weight is easy, building muscles is challenging, changing the "shape" of your body is very difficult. Some people are lucky enough that all they need to do to have a perfect body is lose weight. You're not one of them, so start on the lifelong journey of reshaping and creating the body you want. Otherwise, just accept the "pooch".

    Info is good. Delivery sucks.

    OP...I know you see something wrong with your belly, but I think it is really cute!!