Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred [DVD]

Have any beginners in the exercise world worked out with this DVD?
Just wondering as many reviewers say its pretty hard including the first level. I'm wondering if people on MFP have any thoughts.
I don't know if I should give it a go or not, if its too hard I feel I may get discouraged and think I'm useless.
I'm currently using Rosemary Conley's total body work out, I find that quite hard but I'm just managing to keep up with it.


  • mrsg2006
    mrsg2006 Posts: 120 Member
    She offers both modified versions of the exercises for beginners and advanced versions for those who want it.
    I think it is worth a shot and remember you have to start somewhere. Even if you do even just a little bit of the beginner version of the exercies, that it better than nothing. Take it slow, listen to her about form, and do what you can. Eventually, you will work your way up to being able to do it.
    Give it a try and Congrats on starting something new!
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    It is hard at first. I am on day 7 today and I can tell you within the first 3 days I saw a vast improvement in my endurance and I took my measurements yesterday and have already lost an inch around my thighs and an inch around my waist. I definitely recommend 30ds. Just keep fighting through it even if you have to stop for a few seconds. ^_^
  • smerkord
    smerkord Posts: 101 Member
    I consider myself in shape and I have a hard time with some of the exercises. I am a runner so the cardio is easier for me than most but some of the strength exercises I have to modify. I started it with a friend and midway...Day 15ish she had lost a combined 14.5 inches (waist, hips, biceps, thigh, calf) She modifies some of the cardio and is still seeing results. Lvl 1 is free on youtube so no risk to try it out at least.
  • margebouvierx2
    Thanks everyone.
    I think I'll start doing it soon.
    Thanks Smerkord, I'll check out level 1 on you tube and give it ago.
  • PrincessYorga
    I consider myself in shape and I have a hard time with some of the exercises. I am a runner so the cardio is easier for me than most but some of the strength exercises I have to modify. I started it with a friend and midway...Day 15ish she had lost a combined 14.5 inches (waist, hips, biceps, thigh, calf) She modifies some of the cardio and is still seeing results. Lvl 1 is free on youtube so no risk to try it out at least.

    Thought I would chime in - I am the friend that smerkord started shredding with. :-) I would not consider myself in shape at all. I started 30DS at 285 lbs. The first 3-4 days were the most difficult for me. Starting about day 6, it started getting so much easier and I could feel a HUGE difference in my body. I generally follow Anita (she's the one doing the modified exercises) and once I felt comfortable I would try to do the non-modified versions. Some of the exercises I was able to, some I wasn't. But each day I pushed myself harder than the day before. I've now completed 20 days straight of 30DS (12 on Level 1, 8 on Level 2) and I feel so accomplished and in MUCH better shape than I was before I started. I highly recommend giving it a try.

    P.S. 14.75 combined inches thus far - smerkord shorted me .25 inches ;-) hahaha

    ETS: I just wanted to say that it is a difficult workout, but the rewards (and how quickly they begin to appear) completely outweigh the difficulty. I've gotten discouraged because I feel like I'm too big to be doing some of the exercises. But then I end up surprising myself by being able to do one of the harder exercises after a few days and my discouraged feelings turn into super motivated feelings!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I was doing it when I first started. I was very out of shape, and weighed over 200 lbs. I couldn't do any jumping or plyometric moves, so I modified those and did what I could.

    I can now get through the whole thing without modifying anything, and honestly it was pretty fun watching myself progress.

    I highly recommend it to anybody.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I just got the DVD so if you want a buddy to do it with just friend me and we can trade notes :)

    I'm pretty out of shape (just over 200) but we've got to start somewhere right! I'm going to do it tonght when I get home so I'll try to post an update once I've tried it out :)
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Do it. As was said, she has a modifier and you use the weights that work for you. It's a lot of fun. By the end of day 30, you'll be a pro. Just keep going. I'm on week 3 of Ripped in 30 which followed 30 day shred and now that seems like it'd be a breeze to do (it wasn't while I was doing it though!).

    Right now I'm using 10lb weights, but I've heard they use 3. It's a great program that you can adjust for your personal needs and can even make more difficult as time goes on and you build strength.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I'm on day 4 of level 2 today and I can definitely agree that it is no joke. It is not, however, as intense as say p90x or insanity. I have never done any sort of strength training exercise, all I've done is cardio. So some of the upper body strength stuff is really hard for me, but I push through and try to do a bit more than I did the day before and I am seeing results in my strength, endurance, and waistline. It is actually kind of funny because she starts incorporating moves in level 2 that I never would have even tried and am still halfway convinced I can't do (walking push-ups and plank-jacks anyone??), but then when I actually give it a shot I can do more than I was expecting.

    I was just reading a thread that someone else posted about finishing Insanity. They said that it was extremely hard and not always easy to convince themselves to keep pushing play, but they never regretted finishing a workout. Regret would come if you never try.
  • GelaDaniels
    GelaDaniels Posts: 1 Member
    I started 30 day shred yesterday. I found it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be but I was feeling the burn as I did it and today I can definitely feel it. A friend of mine recommended it after having lost about 5 stone with this and a series of other DVDS and food management. She said that even on days where you feel like you can't move you should push yourself to do it as it will actually feel better.

    I took my measurements last night so I can see how I do and have started as 38 35 42 (I'm 5ft 3). I have never been light so aren't overly concerned about losing pounds but would love to tone up especially my legs.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I just got the DVD so if you want a buddy to do it with just friend me and we can trade notes :)

    I'm pretty out of shape (just over 200) but we've got to start somewhere right! I'm going to do it tonght when I get home so I'll try to post an update once I've tried it out :)

    As an update, it was pretty difficult, but I got through it. I had to modify some of the exercises (mostly just the push ups) and I was dripping sweat when I was done but honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be after some of the posts I've seen on here.
  • Charweezie
    Charweezie Posts: 115 Member
    DONT BUY IT! its free on YOUTUBE :)

    I just started and am on Day 4. Its not that bad, the burn feels great! I See results ALREADY! i have biceps! its pretty awesome!. It gets easier as you keep it up. TAKE MEASUREMENTS! You'll want to know the difference besides seeing the results.

    here you go!

    Level 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8
    Level 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKdJ9jJv594
    Level 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMN4g3D4ODE

    Good Luck!