Not Losing!!!!!

tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I've only lost 6 pounds!!!! I can't be at a stand still already....I'm not sure what is wrong with me and why I'm not going down on the scales...I've been exercising and staying under my calorie goal....what are some things you all do when you hit a wall with weight loss??



  • You just have to keep going. You will break that wall down.
  • I feel the same way, Im so frustrated this morning. I have been under my calorie account, trying to eat every couple hours, which is a huge change for me, and actually the scale went up a little. I know I shouldn't weigh myself every morning. I must stay motivated. Come this Thursday my true weigh in day if it doesn't go down, well than I'm not sure how I will fell.

    Sorry Trish I don;t have an answer for you, just wanted to let you know you are not alone in your frustration :sad:
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Keep the faith. If you have the progam set correctly and you are doing your workouts daily, just give it time and stay off the scales. Normally I would not admit this, but when I first set u p my program, I hit "Gain Weight". Was wondering why I was able to eat so many calories. :wink:
  • Hi,
    Are you watching your sodium and sugar intake? That could affect your weightloss. Without knowing what your goals are, how much you exercise, and seeing your diary, it is hard for people to give you tips, other than to encourage you to keep trying.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    My first two weeks I lost then I didn't and I put a pound back on but it came down to me not eating enough. I thought I was on a diet so I had a tiny breakfast a salad and a dinner of chicken and veg that was it and it didn't even hit 800 cals daily so becareful it maybe that you are being too good
  • meshaffer
    meshaffer Posts: 21 Member
    I was going to ask about sodium and fat levels too. Also, sometimes your body just needs to catch up. I had two weeks of very frustrating no scale moving weeks. All of a sudden, it will catch up. My body seems to be catching up from previous weeks. My official weigh in is tomorrow so I can't wait to see what it will be
  • I am having the exact same problem so I understand completely what you are going through. I think my problem is trying to eat 1200 calories. Back in 03 I lost 50lbs. eating 1000 calories a day so I am going to try and not go over 1000 calories and see if that will make a difference. I am also aware that I am 7 years older so its going to take me longer to lose it, but I am determined to do it and it is very helpful for me to be able to enter my food and know instantly how many calories I have eaten and how many I have left to eat. So don't give up I believe for my self and for you that if we continue to eat like we are suppose to it will come off just not as fast as we would like.
  • If you could open your diary up, that would be very beneficial. It has a lot to do with what you eat. We are all in the same boat here, don't be ashamed :)
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragement. I am keeping all my level where they should be, sugar, sodium, fat. If I exercise and it says I can have 400 more calories I try not too,, I know I just need to be patient it has only been a little over a week:smile:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    are you drinking enough water? staying away from diet drinks?
  • If you are exercising and picking up a need for 400 more calories you should by all means eat them. MFP sets you short (for me to lose, it"s 390 cals). If you have set it to lose weight and your deficit is also 390 cals plus you exercise 400 calories then your deficit is almost 800 calories. Your body may be thinking it's starving and hang on tighter to your fat. Also whatever you eat try to make it as healthy as possible. (Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nutritious fats, lots of fiber, whole grains and a small amount of real sugars if necessary)
  • sejune
    sejune Posts: 15 Member
    This is an interesting article to read. My biggest issue with the research resources is that some of it comes from 10 year old research. Regardless, I do tend to lean towards this versus the starvation theory.
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