Eating under 1200 calories



  • neintical
    neintical Posts: 20
    You know. You shouldn't judge someone by their calories. Before unfriending them or making a bad remark, you need to know their reasons for their usage of calories.

    Some of them honestly have no idea that their calorie intake is low. After all, they are following what MyfitnessPal tells them they should set it at. Or others like me, who are short, 1200-1300 is okay if you are living a sedentary life. As long as those calories are not filled with processed foods. I only up my calories when I am doing exercise and am starting to finally build muscle. I remember there was a woman who was on a wheel chair and HAD to set it up at 1000 because that was what she had to at her situation and you are right they are some that are doing it for no reason but to have quick fixes but don't automatically associate everyone that is living off 1200 a day as people who are not "worthy" of being your friend.
  • neintical
    neintical Posts: 20
    For myself if I eat under 1200 so what its one day and not everyday , I'm 4ft 10in petite I have 14 lbs or less to lose till my goal weight , after a 29lbs loss ,when Im not as hungry I don't eat as much and other days I eat above, it happens , I don't worry to much about others food habits as long as they eat.

    While in college I eat everyday around 800 to 1200 daily maintained my weight of 105 well along with exercise , Im SAHM of two small children and well my weight gain is from my first pregnancy , finally lost almost all of it , my girls are 19 months apart, anyway it has been working for me, I have my settings at sedentary so when I'm active it calculates my calorie burns more accurately.

    Im sure that there are a few who should be eating more but it is not our job to diagnose people with eating disorders.

    Its the same as a person eating 2500 or more a day , I don't see anyone getting in an uproar about to many calories .

    Which is what causes weight gain normally.

    This isn't meant to insight an argument I'm just making a point .

    Only time I would delete a person is if they were not eating at all not logging for months .

    Thank you. Pretty much self explanatory.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    For me, if I am not hungry than I am not going to eat. If this puts me under my 1200 then so be it. But there are days I may go up to 1400-1500 calories. Last night after dinner I knew I had a few hundred calories to eat and I planned on making popcorn ti fill the gap. I ended up not being hungry enough for popcorn and just had an apple. Also, I am not going to take MFP's exercise calorie and food calorie calculations as the absolute truth - I gotta have some wiggle room. Try to look at the big picture and not just a a few days here and there.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    First time I say something. Second or maybe third time I say something again. After that, I delete them.

    I recognize that everyone is different and going about this their own way but there are limits to my acceptance. If I don't feel like I can support you I don't see a reason for us to be "friends".

    Yet again ... reasons I love ya! I agree with you and I have deleted people who insist on recurrent unhealthy habits. I am not perfect by any sort, but I think we should be encouraging healthy behaviors. I also cannot say "good job" to someone who is eating 700 calories either.


    I love the preaching and the judgement! That's exactly what I come here for!

    I don't suppose it's ever occured to you that someone's doctor may have told them to be at a certain calorie level and that's what they are trying to hit? My doctor has told me that as long as I net at least 700 calories, it's fine. Obviously I strive to be closer to the 1200 that is outlined by MFP. But MFP is not the be all and end all of fitness and health advice!

    Just a thought or two from the peanut gallery...

    Hmm as a healthcare provider myself I would question whether that is medically safe. Sure you may lose weight, but will you be able to keep it off. Why not do it the healthy way. I know that medically supervised low calorie diets are out there ... but very few patients actually keep the weight off.
    Please remember that just because a doctor recommends it, doesn't always mean that its right. Doctors generally have very little training in diet, exercise, and nutrition.

    I eat from 800 to 1200.

    Well, I'm under strict supervision of a doctor. My doctor has post doctoral degree, and specialized in weightloss. She received her doctorate on her weightloss research. She has her own medical center where te obesity is researched and is treated.

    I'm lucky enough to be treated by her personally and it costs me quite money. I go to this center once a week and spend there half a day when they're researching my health and weightloss progress. Blood work, hormones, heart, digestion, you name it, they do it. Also massage and even a shrink!

    So she DID NOT give me any calories restrictions but provided with detailed diet with recipes! Sometimes I have to go to the center for days or weeks and provided their food

    So when I log in it in my MFP an it's almost always UNDER 1200, some people start preaching. Oh noooo, starvation mode, and other bull****. It's so freaking annoying! You think I care listening to those people whos education is limited to reading the MFP forums, or should I follow my treatment designed for my by medical professionals with 30 years of experience?
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I must add even though I'm under in calories, I'm almost always OVER on my protein and fiber, and vitamins. Even though I don't log in my vitamins I take daily. All those vitamins come from food. No junk food, that's simple.

    I get all the nutrition I need, but low on calories, and I lose weight but still feel strong and healthy every day.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I do nothing, it's simply NONE of my business. At all. If they ask for advice, sure, but i would never comment on someones eating habits or food choices. If someone did that to me i would DELETE them pretty quickly.
  • secondhandaddictionsmg
    I really don't know if there is honestly much of anything to say on a site like this. It's personal enough that when your doing it right or eating enough it feels good to be encouraged but it's too impersonal that if you start trying to comment you probably will just upset people. I had a few weeks last year where I would have low days (under 800) but also higher days and I got so annoyed when people would comment on my low days I wasn't eating enough. First off it was balanced between my higher days...there is such a thing as calorie cycleing and some days I just was low and wasn't hungry at 9 or 10pm and wans't going to stuff my face just to "have enough" calories... It does sound like the women in question are going about it all in an unsafe manor but if your only communication is here on mfp you probably aren't close enough to them for them to hear you. Every day they enter their daily calorie intake it tells them they are eating too little.... They know... Say a prayer and let God put someone into their lives to help. In the mean time give positive feed back to fill them up as a women. Not for how skinny she is getting or the # of lbs she has lost but because no matter what the scale says you know she is beautiful.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I haven't been doing this all that long, but I'm set up to be at 1200 calories. I try not to go too far above or below that, but my doctor actually told me that I could go down to 1000 cal as long as I was eating the right things. That being said, this isn't right for everyone, and even with smaller numbers I eat 3 meals a day and ususally get in a snack.

    So far I haven't felt like I was starving myself and I haven't felt sick, light-headed, or tired. I actually feel a lot better than when i was eating all of the greasy nasty crap I was eating not long ago (and if I'm being honest still eat on occasion). If that changes I will call my doctor and evaluate what I'm eating with him. I'm not trying to starve myself or be unhealthy.

    Like I said I haven't been doing this all that long (I joined the site awhile back but haven't seriously started logging until now) so I can't say from any length of experience that this is alright.

    As someone who wants to lose weight the right way and is working with the supervision of a doctor, it's frustrating to come to a website hoping to get support from people only to be torn down and have people tell me I'm starving myself, insult my intellegence, and make me feel like eating 1200 calories or less is going to make me sprout a third eye or something.

    All I'm saying is for people who are eating 3 meals a day and are still under 1200 calories, there might be a reason for it and people should think before judging.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    This is part of the reason why I don't have my diary open. I am almost always under 1200 but I don't log the flavored creamer I put in my coffee (about three cups worth a day, and that ish isn't low cal) or if I take bites here and there of food that I am preparing. I don't have the time to log every morsel and I know that there are days that in reality I end up going over but it isn't reflected in my logging.
  • adams1718
    adams1718 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a hard time reaching 1200 as well. I eat around 900-1100 a day because I feel full at that caloric intake. It's hard for me to eat healthy AND reach 1200! But if I ever go out to eat, I eat about 2000.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I am one of those women.

    My food diary was normal or over until the divorce and then you see days like 450...and man it was a struggle to get in anything at all. I am still having trouble meeting 1200 but the number is working its way back up! I also increased my caloric goal so I should start to gain some back.

    Once ex DH leaves and is no longer living with me I am sure my appetite will return because stress will be much lower.

    I would not be upset if someone encouraged me to eat. I know I am not being kind to my body right now.
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    I seriously don't know who has the time on their hands to regularly analyze their MFP friend's food diaries? This whole thread is really blowing my mind. Do you guys think that unfriending someone who is possibly struggling with an eating disorder is helping them? I think it's sad that some of you are so intolerant to other's struggles. I'd like to think most of you would realize that over eating and under eating both come from deep inner struggles. How is judging someone for that helping in any way? I would think you would want to help them instead, I thought this was what this website was for. And yeah, even if you tell someone 3 times you are concerned about them, just like any other addiction - that person has to come to the realization they are hurting themselves on their own. You do not really know them, and you do not know what is actually going in their mouth, or their lives. It could be as simple as some people are bad about keeping up with their diary as the day goes on. It could be that they are embarrassed to log that big bowl of ice cream they just ate, so they don't log it at all. One day does not reflect how a person eats every day. Not every person treats their diary the same way, we are all different. And as someone who had an aunt who had to be hospitalized for a serious eating disorder, this whole thread makes me really sad. Deleting someone for not eating enough, or eating too much will hurt that person. Do none of you care about that?
    Why don't you save your judgements for your OWN food diary. It is your own journey, no one else's.
    This thread is EXACTLY why mine is private.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    I know what you mean. I have deleted people over eating too little, especially if all they eat is junk (no fruits or veggies). I had one girl eat 950ish calories and complain about feeling so full and disgusting. I was worried about her but she wouldn't listen to anyone's concerns.

    It sounds mean, but I delete anyone who consistently eats under 1000 to 1100. I first check to make sure that the low calorie restriction is not due to doctor's advisement. I try to encourage eating a little more in as respectful a manner as possible via written medium. I don't support restricting the body of what it needs to be healthy.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I know what you mean. I have deleted people over eating too little, especially if all they eat is junk (no fruits or veggies). I had one girl eat 950ish calories and complain about feeling so full and disgusting. I was worried about her but she wouldn't listen to anyone's concerns.

    It sounds mean, but I delete anyone who consistently eats under 1000 to 1100. I first check to make sure that the low calorie restriction is not due to doctor's advisement. I try to encourage eating a little more in as respectful a manner as possible via written medium. I don't support restricting the body of what it needs to be healthy.

    I don't support judgemental hateful people who have too much time on their hands to spy on others. I try to encourage them to get a life and mind their own business.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I've defriended about 3 or 4 people that I've seen only eating less than 1000 calories a day on a consistent basis. I usually don't say anything, I just quietly slip away.

    I don't eat as healthy as probably 70% of the people on here, but I usually eat at least 1100-1500 calories (my goal is 1500/day). I would hate for someone to tell me that I'm not eating up to standards. If they don't like the things I eat, then they can feel free to defriend me. No harm done.

    It's not like we're dating or something, so I don't think it's that big of a deal to just move on.
  • AnthonyKolka
    AnthonyKolka Posts: 74 Member
    Not all calories are equal. Nothing in this world is as simple as we want it to be. The type of calories you are eating is 1000x more important than the amount.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You judge the kind of person I am by my reply. Yet you don't know me, the type of person I am, or how much time I have on my hands. Yet you assumed all of that based on your judgment of my response.

    If a person does not want any comments about their diary they should not open it for others to see. There is a privacy setting. In my opinion if a person opens their diary to their friends they respect those friends and expect the friends to be honest about what they think. It is not "spying". If I was "spying" on someone's diary that would be against their wishes and their diary would be secret... not public. & by minding their own business. My post wasn't to you. It was to the OP....

    I know what you mean. I have deleted people over eating too little, especially if all they eat is junk (no fruits or veggies). I had one girl eat 950ish calories and complain about feeling so full and disgusting. I was worried about her but she wouldn't listen to anyone's concerns.

    It sounds mean, but I delete anyone who consistently eats under 1000 to 1100. I first check to make sure that the low calorie restriction is not due to doctor's advisement. I try to encourage eating a little more in as respectful a manner as possible via written medium. I don't support restricting the body of what it needs to be healthy.

    I don't support judgemental hateful people who have too much time on their hands to spy on others. I try to encourage them to get a life and mind their own business.
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I wasn't aware that MFP had so many medical professionals on board.

    and this ...
    Not all calories are equal. Nothing in this world is as simple as we want it to be. The type of calories you are eating is 1000x more important than the amount.
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    I like to hit 1200 by the end of lunch .........sometimes half way through it