
Hey, I'm Kat, 25, from the UK (Midlands) and an aspiring runner. I've recently managed to train myself from almost zero fitness to running a 5k in 7 weeks.

I'm here for anyone that needs encouragement, support or just someone to rant to, hit me up!


  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    Hi Katherine,

    I am priya from US.

    I am planning to lose a weight of 17 pounds in 2 months time.

    I hope I can get some encouragement in doing so.
  • Hi Priya!

    Good luck with the weight loss, I'm sure you'll do it. How are you planning on doing it, just diet or diet and exercise? Is there any reason in particular for your weight loss?
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    I am planning to do 30 minutes yoga 5 days a week . I am also planning to eat some soups and salads with out taking white rice.
    Yes,There is a reason behind to lose my weight.I wanted to prove that I Can Do It.I also wanted to give a little bit surprise to my family :-)
  • bhavnoor
    bhavnoor Posts: 36
    Couch to 5K in 7 weeks!! Wow - that's impressive :smile:

    I started the program a few weeks ago - currently in week 3 and I think I'll have to extend it a little bit beacause at the end of the workout I just feel like I'm going to die.

    Sending a FR your way..
  • Aw that's nice! And you will do it, just try and stay positive.

    I think avoiding anything white and refined (white bread, rice, pasta and sugar) if you can would definitely help. I know that when I stopped eating them not only did I lose weight, my energy levels increased and I wasn't bloated any more.

    I love yoga, although I on't do it as much as I'd like. Are you going to take yoga classes or do it at home and have you done it before?
  • Couch to 5K in 7 weeks!! Wow - that's impressive :smile:

    I started the program a few weeks ago - currently in week 3 and I think I'll have to extend it a little bit beacause at the end of the workout I just feel like I'm going to die.

    Sending a FR your way..

    Oh I know! I found a 9 week programme on the app store and thought I'd give it a try. When I started it, it killed me but soon enough I was getting better and better and after a vouple of weeks I started tweaking the regime to push myself a little further each time. And it paid off. So now, I'm taking a little hiatus (not stopped completely, just not training) but come Monday I'll be training to do my first 10k. Hopefully. :smile:
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    Thank You.

    Yes I Do Yoga at home.I used to do it every morning 4 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes every day.But I didn't do my Yoga from past 1 week.

    I am also trying to avoid these sugary items,white and refined items in order to lose my weight.
  • Ah, so you're quite advanced with yoga then. I'm only a beginner, but I definitely need to do it more often.

    That's a great idea. I found that tortillas are my best friend for lunch at work. Very filling but a lot better for you than bread. Also, I use honey or pure fructose instead of sugar to sweeten my foods, instead of cutting it out completely. They're both low GI foods which means they slowly release energy and you won't get a sugar crash.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Couch to 5K in 7 weeks!! Wow - that's impressive :smile:

    I started the program a few weeks ago - currently in week 3 and I think I'll have to extend it a little bit beacause at the end of the workout I just feel like I'm going to die.

    Sending a FR your way..

    Hey, if you're making it to the end, don't let up. You are DOING IT! If it ends up taking a little extra time to increase your distance, you are STILL DOING IT! keep going, keep going, don't give up, you can do it (sorry, there is no smiley cheerleader):flowerforyou:
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    what is that program about?
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    Is that outside tortillas or else is there any way to prepare good tortillas
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    thank you sharon :-)
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    in for chicks with Indian names:smokin:

    Also tortillas

    and Hot yoga
  • 09nat13
    09nat13 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi am Nat I Want to lose 80lb So I can get Pregnant
  • Any tortillas are fine, I tend to buy the ready made ones from the supermarket. Put some meat for protein and as much salad as you want, wrap them up and you're ready to go. Definitely worth buying some if you eat sandwiches a lot.

    Hi Nat, let me know if you need some encouragement!
  • 09nat13
    09nat13 Posts: 38 Member
    Will do thank you Katherine :)
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    Ya Definitely I am going to try them
  • priya950
    priya950 Posts: 12
    Hi Nat,You Can Do It.
  • kakiem
    kakiem Posts: 183 Member
    Also doing C25k programme although I'm on week 5 and my 5 k race is on Sunday!

    Anyone feel free to add me :-)
  • Also doing C25k programme although I'm on week 5 and my 5 k race is on Sunday!

    Anyone feel free to add me :-)

    Oooh! Good luck and just remember to take it slow and steady.