I quit...



  • Holy Cow you guys! Thanks for all the support and friend requests!

    Haha I'm excited :)

    In the past....Atkins really worked for me...I lost 70 pounds in 3 months without any exercise. But..if I try atkins again, I get deathly ill and end up not eating at all. Its like I can't stand protein anymore.

    I'm really into organic foods and herbal healing...so I know what to eat.....it's just sticking to it when stress comes....

    Working out in the past has mainly been cardio. But I did end up getting a personal trainer and they have me doing a lot more lifting.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    sending request
  • dokme
    dokme Posts: 31
    Man you got this. Just keep fighting. I started to lose weight and I lost what I thought I needed to then turned right around and put it and even a little more right back on. But I'm not giving up I'm starting again. And we can push each other to do this. You can and will do this it will take time but you got this.
  • AnthonyKolka
    AnthonyKolka Posts: 74 Member
    The #1 best thing you can do is track everything and don't lie to yourself. You have to love yourself in order to truly change, don't fall into the self hate trap. You can do it!
  • runningcats
    runningcats Posts: 26 Member
    Keep believing in yourself, you can do this! Here's a great video - another inspirational story of someone who gave up, thought no one believed in him and then - started believing in himself. Truly inspiring. http://bit.ly/13q8S0f

    You can do this!
  • xyneshia
    xyneshia Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! I too know all too well how much life can suck when you are overweight. I have been overweight my entire life. I have recently lost about 130 pounds--don't know how much for sure because I had to lose weight before my digital scale went down from "error" to "304", now I am 177. If you need a cyber buddy to help keep you on track, or vent to, or get advice from or just someone to chat with please feel free to friend me!
  • backtp
    backtp Posts: 23
    I started thinking the same
    im no where close to my goal but im about 25 pounds down

    everything is possible just like everything in life you should go after it and get it done
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    You didn't quit; you started a new life and I wish I had done the same thing 47 years ago when I was your age. I took me until last year and a heart attack to make the decision you did. And I ain't going back! The funny part is that its really easy <WEG>.

    All you have to do is
    1 - eat half as much as you were....and you will get hungry enough to hurt the first couple of weeks
    2 - get into strength training to make your body leaner to burn calories even faster, and
    3 - do enough cardio along with this to burn a couple of hundred more calories a day

    My personality is a lot like yours and now that I have done this I have gone from being ashamed to be in a picture to feeling so good and liking the way I look that I can hardly stand myself!

    And although I am a lot older than you, feel free to add me as a friend...or send me a message if you have questions, want motivation, etc.

    Good luck!
  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    Don't quit, don't give others the satisfaction of you quitting and don't give into your self doubts. You can and will succeed. Everyone on here has had some sort of set back or something along those lines. Believe in yourself as others around you here believe in you. You can add me also.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    You're in the right place for motivation! Never give up on you! Set mini goals and reward yourself with every achievement :flowerforyou:
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    It's a double edged sword sometimes is weight loss. Especially at first.

    Sometimes you just want to throw your daily calorie allowance to the wind, and eat something diabolically calorific. You might feel good eating it, but 2 seconds later, you feel worse than you did before you ate it!

    Set some personal targets in your head to keep you motivated. Small, easily achievable weekly (monthly?) targets, like fitting into something that didn't fit the week before, go for longer on the treadmill than last week, etc.

    Works for me!
  • backtp
    backtp Posts: 23
    The #1 best thing you can do is track everything and don't lie to yourself. You have to love yourself in order to truly change, don't fall into the self hate trap. You can do it!

    Anthony well said
    1. Don't be in a hurry, this will take a long time.
    2. Learn at least one thing every day, about healthy living.
    3. Get any unhealthy food out of your house.
    4. Just start off small , walk a little bit further every day.
    5. You don't have to join a Health Club or run 20 miles a day. Start off with small changes
    6. Don't weigh yourself very often, weight loss varies and you might get discouraged if you don't lose as much as you thought you would right away.
    7. Smile a lot and congratulate yourself when you make a great choice.
    8. LOVE YOURSELF and don't give up !