TDEE - have you mastered fat loss using TDEE ??



  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Your BMR probably isn't that high, unless you got it tested professionally. If you are basing it off the online calculators, take into account that they are always wrong, sometimes grievously. It tells me that my BMR is 1600 ish and my doctor tested me at the hospital and it is more like 801 - 845.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Unless I am doing it wrong on calculations.....I used Fitness Frog....

    I am 35, 5.6 1/2 and anyway......I am mod active...exercise 3 or more days per week and always burn 150+ calories.......I have gained and lost same 10lbs the last yr! I NEED HELP ON THIS!

    Body fat percentage estimate?

    how do I figure that out?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I never went and plugged in numbers to figure out TDEE or BMI or any of that stuff. All i did, basically, was start recording what i was eating. I didn't change a thing, i just recorded it all using this as an app just for that purpose. After about a month of doing that, i figured out my maintenance calories. For the past two months i've been at a caloric deficit and losing weight. A LOT of weight, and inches off the waist. Soon i'll be setting it to a caloric surplus and looking to add lean muscle mass, based on what i know about my calorie requirements. I'll find out what works. Sometimes it's best to just play with the numbers. We have plenty of time on this earth, nothing has to happen overnight.

    This is the best way to do it, the TDEE calculations just give you a good starting point, but you have to eat at that point for a few weeks and track your weight then tweak calories as needed to find your actual TDEE
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Also, yes! If you know your BF%, the katch-mcardle formula will be more accurate. If you're averagely muscular, though, you won't get more than a few calories difference, so it's probably not vital until you get pretty close to your goal. And that spreadsheet is really good, so once you get in the swing of things definitely take a look at it.
    Me too!
    30 yrs Female
    fairly active (I walk about 4 miles per day plus go running or play roller derby occasionally)

    It does depend on how occasional occasionally is - the walking is kind of already included in the formula for lightly active. Light would give you a TDEE of 2202 and Moderate a TDEE of 2482, so you kind of want to figure out where in there you fit. But we'll say 2350 because that's in the middle-ish; like everyone else, you should adjust after looking at your results.

    TDEE-20 would be 1880.
  • strick1982
    strick1982 Posts: 75 Member
    bokodasu, thanks for explaining that. My brain is clearer now!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Also, yes! If you know your BF%, the katch-mcardle formula will be more accurate. If you're averagely muscular, though, you won't get more than a few calories difference, so it's probably not vital until you get pretty close to your goal. And that spreadsheet is really good, so once you get in the swing of things definitely take a look at it.
    Me too!
    30 yrs Female
    fairly active (I walk about 4 miles per day plus go running or play roller derby occasionally)

    It does depend on how occasional occasionally is - the walking is kind of already included in the formula for lightly active. Light would give you a TDEE of 2202 and Moderate a TDEE of 2482, so you kind of want to figure out where in there you fit. But we'll say 2350 because that's in the middle-ish; like everyone else, you should adjust after looking at your results.

    TDEE-20 would be 1880.

    Yea, I prefer to use the Katch McArdle formula because the Mifflin-St Jeor formula overestimates TDEE especially for overweight individuals, and the Harris-Benedict formula is a complete joke
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Unless I am doing it wrong on calculations.....I used Fitness Frog....

    I am 35, 5.6 1/2 and anyway......I am mod active...exercise 3 or more days per week and always burn 150+ calories.......I have gained and lost same 10lbs the last yr! I NEED HELP ON THIS!

    Yeah, the activity settings are pretty misleading, and most people should probably pick the one under the one they think they are, unless they think they're sedentary. The studies they were calculated from were from a time where people just had a lot more activity built into their day. There's another calculator that adjusts for this but I can't ever find it. If you're 210 lbs and burning 150 calories per session 3x/week, that's not more than lightly active. (Sorry! I am just the messenger, please do not shoot!) Also make sure you are accurately logging - weighing/measuring your food, not just guessing at portion sizes, etc.

    So it puts your TDEE at 2349; that would put you at 1760 for TDEE-25 and 1880 for TDEE-20.

    And if you've been dieting a long time... well, it might help to do a reset before you start. There's a few threads around here on those, too, but basically you'll have to gain a little bit of weight while you're teaching your body that you're not going to starve it. (And then you starve it! MUAH HA HA HA! No, wait, then you just feed it right but a little less than it's used to and you gradually get smaller to match the available food.)

    And also yes, if you can accurately log everything, it is MUCH better to calculate your TDEE from your body changes than from a formula, because the formula is just for the average person and there are lots of reasons you might not be that. But if you can't, it's a starting place. (And even if you can - I've done it, and what I get from my data and Katch-McArdle is a whopping 20 calories difference per day, which is basically a rounding error, so it wasn't really necessary to find that out. Still, it's interesting to know for sure.)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Unless I am doing it wrong on calculations.....I used Fitness Frog....

    I am 35, 5.6 1/2 and anyway......I am mod active...exercise 3 or more days per week and always burn 150+ calories.......I have gained and lost same 10lbs the last yr! I NEED HELP ON THIS!

    Yeah, the activity settings are pretty misleading, and most people should probably pick the one under the one they think they are, unless they think they're sedentary. The studies they were calculated from were from a time where people just had a lot more activity built into their day. There's another calculator that adjusts for this but I can't ever find it. If you're 210 lbs and burning 150 calories per session 3x/week, that's not more than lightly active. (Sorry! I am just the messenger, please do not shoot!) Also make sure you are accurately logging - weighing/measuring your food, not just guessing at portion sizes, etc.

    So it puts your TDEE at 2349; that would put you at 1760 for TDEE-25 and 1880 for TDEE-20.

    And if you've been dieting a long time... well, it might help to do a reset before you start. There's a few threads around here on those, too, but basically you'll have to gain a little bit of weight while you're teaching your body that you're not going to starve it. (And then you starve it! MUAH HA HA HA! No, wait, then you just feed it right but a little less than it's used to and you gradually get smaller to match the available food.)

    And also yes, if you can accurately log everything, it is MUCH better to calculate your TDEE from your body changes than from a formula, because the formula is just for the average person and there are lots of reasons you might not be that. But if you can't, it's a starting place. (And even if you can - I've done it, and what I get from my data and Katch-McArdle is a whopping 20 calories difference per day, which is basically a rounding error, so it wasn't really necessary to find that out. Still, it's interesting to know for sure.)

    I usually burn more than 150 calories hence the "+" after 150 just using that as a low end average....sometimes up to 300...depending on exercise....I have been walking/riding bike rather than doing DVD's (Jillian Michaels, Turbo fire, any Beachbody ones) to see if that changes anything. So I should change my calorie intake to 1760? I think that is what it is set for now.....I am at such a loss. I have altered everything. I measure EVERYTHING out. I think I have f'ed my metabolism big time.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I usually burn more than 150 calories hence the "+" after 150 just using that as a low end average....sometimes up to 300...depending on exercise....I have been walking/riding bike rather than doing DVD's (Jillian Michaels, Turbo fire, any Beachbody ones) to see if that changes anything. So I should change my calorie intake to 1760? I think that is what it is set for now.....I am at such a loss. I have altered everything. I measure EVERYTHING out. I think I have f'ed my metabolism big time.

    Relax, deep breath.

    And, still, yeah. I spend about 6-8 hours in the gym every week, mostly lifting with a little cardio. I do this because I enjoy it, I don't have any other hobbies, and because I'm lucky to have a family and job that can support that, not because you have to to lose weight or be fit. And my TDEE matches "moderately active" using Katch-McArdle for my BMR.

    That said, note the differences between what it gives you for TDEE and what you burn doing "exercise" - it's a pretty small percentage of your daily caloric needs. Most of the calories you take in aren't going to be used up in the gym, they're going to be from just doing daily activity, so even little increases in that can add up. Any exercise you can do is good exercise. When I am cutting, I see a bigger difference when I make myself get up and walk around the office five minutes out of every hour than when I burn an extra 100 calories on the elliptical.

    You can try to get your bodyfat tested - those handheld/scale things don't work so great, but they're better than nothing and most gyms have them. Calipers are cheap - I think mine were $8 on Amazon, but you do need to practice with them. And if you have a pile of cash you can get a BodPod or DEXA scan, which are going to be a lot more accurate but aren't cheap. Once you know that, you can calculate your TDEE more accurately. Even better, you can get your RMR tested by a doctor and skip the whole calculation thing, but again, that costs money.

    If you have really f'ed your metabolism, there are things you can do. I'm not a fan of low-carb in general, but it can be really helpful if you're insulin-resistant or borderline, so it's worth trying until you get out of that zone. Check out this story: and the Eat More To Weigh Less group here to see how to do a reset. And give it time; when you change something it takes longer for the change to show up than you think it might, so only change one thing at a time, give it a decent chance to work, and then try something else if you're still not seeing results.

    And, you know, for comparison: I took 2 years to lose 55 pounds. I took maintenance breaks, I did refeeds, I ate my birthday cake. As long as you're walking in the right direction, you'll get there eventually.
  • tj1207
    tj1207 Posts: 4
    My weight is down 2 lbs this morning it's moving again... can you see me doing cartwheels!! PLUS I'm eating 300 calories more than before! That's awesome!!
  • hezmore
    hezmore Posts: 1
    Hi guys. So im a 229lbs 5"1 female who lives a sedentary lifestyle due to my job. and according to fitness frog my tdee is 2126. How do I use that to calculate the correct intake for me at 30%?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi guys. So im a 229lbs 5"1 female who lives a sedentary lifestyle due to my job. and according to fitness frog my tdee is 2126. How do I use that to calculate the correct intake for me at 30%?

    So no exercise at all, 40 hr desk job with no walking, long commute, sitting on but most of the night and all weekend long.

    That's sedentary. Is that true?

    Then you can't get 30% deficit unless you want to risk muscle mass loss. And with no exercise, your ability to add it back later is impossible, so don't lose it.
    Eat plenty of protein to try to help. Stick with eating at BMR then.

    Because BMR x 1.2 = TDEE.
    But TDEE - 20% is less than BMR.

    So don't do that.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Ok, I am still a bit confused on what to put into my calorie goal if switching over to TDEE instead of BMR calorie.

    Here is what the TDEE calculator put out for me at the Scooby Worksheet website:

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1274

    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 1752

    Daily calories based on goal in step 6 1402

    So, do I put in 1402? That is at 20%. I am 117lbs and would like to lose at least 10-12 more lbs. Should I change it to a 10 or 15% calorie reduction?

    Now, if my new calorie goal should be 1402, when I do exercises (working way through T25 program and occasionally run on dreadmill) to I need to eat back all/half of those calories like I have been doing?

    Thank you.
  • torims6
    torims6 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm really confused about the TDEE? Mainly, because I'm not sure what activity level to use.... I'm currently eating about 2,000 calories a day, but haven't lost any weight in about five weeks now. I haven't gained, but I keep gaining and losing the same 2.5lbs. over and over again. I look leaner and more toned, but the scale is not showing any sort of loss. I'm mainly just trying to get the last 5 pounds of fat... I'm already pretty lean.

    Can someone calculate mine? What activity level would you put me at?


    -24 Years-Old

    -5'6.5 and 123lbs

    -Fairly Small Frame

    Daily Activities/Exercise:

    -1.5 Hours of Cardio (7x Per Week)
    -1.0 Hour of Pilates (3x Per Week)
    -8.0 - 10.0 Hours of Dance Per Week (Maybe About Half the Hours are what I would consider "Heavy Training")
    -Plus, I work as a Housecleaner about 15 Hours Weekly. Nothing Heavy Duty Though, Mainly Dishes, Laundry, Sweeping, Vacuuming, Changing Bed Sheets etc. Not like I'm on my hands and knees scrubbing the Bathroom Floors or anything like that...)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Ok, I am still a bit confused on what to put into my calorie goal if switching over to TDEE instead of BMR calorie.

    Here is what the TDEE calculator put out for me at the Scooby Worksheet website:

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1274

    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 1752

    Daily calories based on goal in step 6 1402

    So, do I put in 1402? That is at 20%. I am 117lbs and would like to lose at least 10-12 more lbs. Should I change it to a 10 or 15% calorie reduction?

    Now, if my new calorie goal should be 1402, when I do exercises (working way through T25 program and occasionally run on dreadmill) to I need to eat back all/half of those calories like I have been doing?

    Thank you.

    Your TDEE should include your exercise, so no, you do not eat back any exercise calories.

    Since you only have 10 pounds to lose, use 10% deficit.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm really confused about the TDEE? Mainly, because I'm not sure what activity level to use.... I'm currently eating about 2,000 calories a day, but haven't lost any weight in about five weeks now. I haven't gained, but I keep gaining and losing the same 2.5lbs. over and over again. I look leaner and more toned, but the scale is not showing any sort of loss. I'm mainly just trying to get the last 5 pounds of fat... I'm already pretty lean.

    Can someone calculate mine? What activity level would you put me at?


    -24 Years-Old

    -5'6.5 and 123lbs

    -Fairly Small Frame

    Daily Activities/Exercise:

    -1.5 Hours of Cardio (7x Per Week)
    -1.0 Hour of Pilates (3x Per Week)
    -8.0 - 10.0 Hours of Dance Per Week (Maybe About Half the Hours are what I would consider "Heavy Training")
    -Plus, I work as a Housecleaner about 15 Hours Weekly. Nothing Heavy Duty Though, Mainly Dishes, Laundry, Sweeping, Vacuuming, Changing Bed Sheets etc. Not like I'm on my hands and knees scrubbing the Bathroom Floors or anything like that...)

    That is pretty active.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Hi! Very interesting...
    5' 8"
    53 years old
    weight 101KG (down from 110KG but now a bit stuck)

    I caculated my TDEE at lightly active as exercising up to 3x a week and it came to 2319
    20% cut brings me to 1855.

    The exercise includes weight training mostly with some cardio. Average burn per session around 350-400 cals.

    I have MFP set to 1700 so maybe I should increase a bit more and see how that goes?

    As I have been eating around 1400-1600 for the past year would I need to do a reset or can I just up gently?
    Also, I assume I DO NOT eat my exercise calories back when using the TDEE method? is that correct. This may be where I have been going wrong. Thanks very much for any advice...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hi! Very interesting...
    5' 8"
    53 years old
    weight 101KG (down from 110KG but now a bit stuck)

    I caculated my TDEE at lightly active as exercising up to 3x a week and it came to 2319
    20% cut brings me to 1855.

    The exercise includes weight training mostly with some cardio. Average burn per session around 350-400 cals.

    I have MFP set to 1700 so maybe I should increase a bit more and see how that goes?

    As I have been eating around 1400-1600 for the past year would I need to do a reset or can I just up gently?
    Also, I assume I DO NOT eat my exercise calories back when using the TDEE method? is that correct. This may be where I have been going wrong. Thanks very much for any advice...

    You do not eat back exercise calories if you included the exercise in your TDEE calculation. You don't need to do a reset.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    thank you, I will try upping slightly and see how I get on...
  • Hazeleys
    Hazeleys Posts: 23 Member
    So I'm trying to wrap my brain around this. Help me, please! 5'2" , 122 lbs., 50 yo female, struggling to drop my bf% - which was 29% in April as per caliper measurements done at my gym. I lift heavy (for me) 2-3x per week, some cardio, but not much, eat mostly clean, but can't seem to shed the "fluff". Can someone check my numbers: BMR 1236, BMI- 22, TDEE- 1916. So if I have this right, I should be eating 1916 less 10-20% to lose weight - is that correct? Thanks in advance!