Looking to make fitness friends around my age (24)

Hey there! Im Looking to meet some friends that want to support one another on eating right and exercising. I'm 24 years old from the mid-west. Please only respond if you in your 20's and have a passion for getting/ staying fit. Thanks! :)


  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Hi! I'm 27 and very passionate about a fit lifestyle. I log daily and exercise 6 days a week. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 23, from the UK and trying to get back into the great shape that I was in a year (and 20lbs) ago - final year at university meant my diet and exercise fell off in a serious way... I'm a real fitness junkie though and love trying new things - I love circuits and running, as well as snowboarding, surfing and swimming. Good luck with your journey and I hope we can help each other along the way!
  • brireif
    brireif Posts: 21
    Thanks girls! I added you both.
  • melissa_dahmer
    melissa_dahmer Posts: 29 Member
    25 y/o Floridian here. My name is Melissa and I log every day, work out 5-6 times a week, and am extremely committed to staying healthy and getting fit! :)
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    Heyyo! I'm a 24 year old law student with a goofy sense of humor. I log everyday and my diary is open so you can see what I'm up to at anytime. Don't be shy, add me! :D
  • Kwob936
    Kwob936 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey I am 25 years old and also looking for some support and motivation
  • wifenmotherx3
    wifenmotherx3 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 23 anyone can add me :)
  • taanvi
    taanvi Posts: 33
    hey hi im 25 yr old...final yr student ...feel free to add me
    joined recently ......wana lose bout 60 lbs.....hope to do it
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    I would love some friends around my age too!
    I'm 25 and I'm hoping to lose just over 60 pounds. I'm also from the midwest :)
  • I'm 24 and looking to lose about 90lbs total. You can add me if you'd like. :)
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    Hey girl! I'm 25 and in the same boat as you! Add me!! :)
  • brireif
    brireif Posts: 21
    Thanks everyone! Please feel free to add me right away to make things easier :)
  • Zebusz
    Zebusz Posts: 37 Member
    I'll add you! I'm always looking to make new friends here :)
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    I'm 25, currently live in Phoenix but I'm from Minnesota, yay for midwest girls! I log 6 days/week (plus I keep it brutally honest) and my diary is open to friends :) Feel free to add me!
  • Amor
    Amor Posts: 61 Member
    Right here girl!

    24, active, and looking for anyone interested in adding me!
  • Rock on! 24 with around 30lbs to lose! I love helping others as well as having others supporting me!!
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    I'm 24 (almost 25...eek!) and I have 100 lbs. to lose. :) Add me if you'd like.
  • Hi , I'm 25, live in UK in the Midlands. Just starting out. Add me xx
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm 22 and very into exercise and health.
  • 20 years old ADD ME LADIES!!
    Recently 20 pounds on medication now working my tail off trying to lose it!