Food tracking revelations - Share your ZOMG moments



  • Nuts... mixed nuts, to be exact. I had a lot of other moments, but realizing nuts were so high in calories was a punch in the gut. I had always thought they were good for you. Which... technically they are, but not for what i'm trying to do. I would eat a can at a time and think nothing of it, but you could pack away 1000 calories easy eating nuts, and not realize it.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wheat :(

    Oh no, did you find out that you are celiac? :/ Boo.

    Yes, come to the dark side! We have cardboard bread and tasteless biscuits!
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I can't say it surprises me, because I KNOW how many calories and fat it is, but, peanut butter. Oh, I lovez me some peanut butter. I still eat it, and often. But, I really really do try to keep it in moderation, because, wow. That adds up fast.

    The flip side to that, one of those things I just eat guilt-free when I want it, is beef jerky. Yeah, it's high in sodium, but I don't have to worry about that (I flush it right through with 150-200 ounces of water a day easily), but, it's pure protein, and cures the hungers. Tastes good, portable, and if I'm out somewhere without a snack, every convenience store in America carries it. Is it the BEST snack? No. But, it's better than walking into the same store to find SOMETHING, and coming out with a Snickers bar or Little Debbie's.

    So, my go-to-when-I'm-without guilt-free food is beef jerky. (NOT Slim Jim's.)

    -David / BootJockey
    257 Pounds Lost
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    I was shocked this morning by my two eggs at breakfast - cholesterol of 424 when my cap for the day is 300. Yowza!:grumble: I guess maybe I should start eating just the whites?

    I had the same thing happen after logging a home cooked brunch recently. I don't usually care about cholesterol, but when I saw the number suddenly in the red after one meal I was shocked!

    I still love my eggywegs. I'll just have them hard boiled more often than fried. For some reason hard boiled eggs tend to show up as less cholesterol rich.
  • I was shocked this morning by my two eggs at breakfast - cholesterol of 424 when my cap for the day is 300. Yowza!:grumble: I guess maybe I should start eating just the whites?

    I eat Egg Beaters. You can find them at Walmart or Meijer in the midwest. I believe Sam's Club, too. Texture is just off from eggs, but the calories are excellent, and the beaters come in different flavors besides original. I've seen Southwest and Four Cheese flavors.
  • Michellelynn04
    Michellelynn04 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes! My bologna sandwich I ate yesterday had me screwing the pooch on my sodium for the day. Whoops.

    Deli meats are crazypants with the sodium! I thought that eating a Subway sammich would be balanced until I logged it. To this day the only thing that beats Subway sammiches for sodium is Cup Noodle ramen. And that's barely.

    Aww man. I love Cup O' Noodle Ramen too. I think I'm more surprised by how much sugar is in food that isn't inherently sweet.
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    I was shocked to discover how much fat I had been eating. Like 60% of my daily calories were coming from fat. I also was shocked to discover how small a teaspoon of olive oil actually is, once I started measuring all my food. Prior to that I had been guesstimating, and was not losing any weight. A teaspoon is tiny! How can so many calories sneak into such a tiny package?

    A serving of salad dressing is 2 tablespoons. I was using more like 1/3 of a cup on my salads, and it was the really bad dressings, too, like blue cheese and ranch. :grumble: So much for making a "healthy" choice by having a salad. Now I make my own dressings or use a light vinaigrette.

    I'm going to be stunned when I start measuring, I'm sure. I cook a lot ( I was going to go to CIA to become a chef) so I can eyeball amounts with some accuracy, but I must be off at least some of the time.

    I was so surprised that I ate so much fat and salt. I thought I was a sweet tooth! Nope.
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    Aww man. I love Cup O' Noodle Ramen too. I think I'm more surprised by how much sugar is in food that isn't inherently sweet.

    I stopped watching sugars when I realized that eating one apple and a pear would rocket me over my limits. I keep an eye on fiber now instead.

    Avoiding added and refined sugar I can understand, but nobody takes Raevynses fruits!

    *Clings to fruits*
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    I found out my carb count was pretty high (I mean, it came from oats and veggies and fruits (no rice or other grains), but it was still in the 200-ish range). I also found out I tended to overestimate (can you believe it?!). If it were not for MFP, I miscounted by 300 cals too much... and wondered why I was so hungry! I had a tendency to round up "just in case". (I.E., if a food was 235 cals, I'd up to 250 in case I'd miscalculated something earlier in the day)... it turns out that I was usually overestimating by at least 100 cals on a daily basis!
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    I found out my carb count was pretty high (I mean, it came from oats and veggies and fruits (no rice or other grains), but it was still in the 200-ish range). I also found out I tended to overestimate (can you believe it?!). If it were not for MFP, I miscounted by 300 cals too much... and wondered why I was so hungry! I had a tendency to round up "just in case". (I.E., if a food was 235 cals, I'd up to 250 in case I'd miscalculated something earlier in the day)... it turns out that I was usually overestimating by at least 100 cals on a daily basis!

    I have totally done that rounding up thing. Totally. I do it with my monetary budget too, but when I save money, I don't end up hungry!
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    when i wasn't weighing out my cheese prior to calorie tracking, I thought an ounce was a lot less than it actually was so I was massively overestimating the cheese calories I took in.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Cereal! Holy small portion sizes! That and eating out (as in restaurants...pervs). My Subway sandwich I'd get on days I wanted something "low calorie".......ends up it has nearly 800 calories. I wasn't expecting that. Not bad, but I always guessed it was around 500.
  • Learning what a serving size is for cereal. 1 cup =/= 1 huge bowl. Lesson learned.
  • fyoufat
    fyoufat Posts: 85
    I was surprised at how little protein I ate...I think I started out eating like 5% and now try to get to 20-25%. I can definitely tell I feel better on days that I am closer to that percentage
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    PORTION SIZES. I thought I ate decently healthy, but reading labels and looking at portion sizes definitely changed the makeup of my meals (smaller piece of meat with more veggies, etc.). All of the sodium and chemicals in processed food, even stuff that seems "healthy" - I have gotten much better at reading labels and even though I still eat out I am at least aware of what I am putting in my body.
  • carrieanthony
    carrieanthony Posts: 70 Member
    Yes! My bologna sandwich I ate yesterday had me screwing the pooch on my sodium for the day. Whoops.

    Deli meats are crazypants with the sodium! I thought that eating a Subway sammich would be balanced until I logged it. To this day the only thing that beats Subway sammiches for sodium is Cup Noodle ramen. And that's barely.

    *WHOA* ..... NO WAY!!!!!! I don't eat them and I don't have a problem with my sodium or high BP but WHOA!!!!!!! WOWSERS.
  • My husband and I went to Applebees last weekend and I spent about an hour prior to eating looking through their nutritional facts online. OMG. A blondie brownie was over 1600 calories!!!! My jaw hit the floor. Applebees has always been a favorite of mine and I would ALWAYS get a blondie before going home. Not counting the tons of other calories I stuffed myself with during the actual meal.
    I ended up getting what I thought would be a healthy option, Margarita grilled chicken and shrimp with rice. Yeah, it was 1100 calories. It really made me understand how over-portioned I was before.
  • portion sizes for sure!! I realized that I had to buy a food scale... cuz my eyeballing it had me WAY off...

    Working out like crazy and supposedly eating right yet no evidence on the scale... yeah... calories way underestimated... I even gained a pound!
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    Yanno what else I'm noticing with surprise? I regularly exceed my vitamin A and vitamin C recommended percentage. As in every day.

    I suspect my neverending love for fruits and veggies is the culprit, but man, that's weird!

    Also weird? I never get enough calcium, iron and protein. Like, ever. I need to find delicious foods rich in this stuff, stat.
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    The two big ones for me were Starbucks and/or McDonalds coffees and the other was portion sizes. I was just estimating everything until I got a food scale as a wedding present and my eyes were opened for sure!!!