How many calories is your breakfast?



  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I know many people will say it is wrong, but most of the time I don't have breakfast. I don't feel hungry at all in mornings. If I do eat something it is a bowl of cereal with skim milk or a fiber bar or yogurt. I drink lots of water in the morning because I am always thirsty after a night's sleep (lots of sinus/ allergy problems that swell up my nose during the night so I am a mouth breather when I sleep).

    You asked what breakfast was, not what we thought it should be. :drinker:

    And if they do say that, they would be wrong. For fat loss, what matters is your total calories for the day. Forcing yourself to eat breakfast when you are not hungry can backfire, too, as it makes some people get hungrier earlier in the day so they end up eating more overall. If you are not hungry when you first get up, don't eat.

    Have a look here:
  • DancingDreams1234
    I eat by the little saying "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a peasant" So my breakfast is usually from 200-500 calories.
  • mommarobb
    mommarobb Posts: 80 Member
    I am not a breakfast person and would rather save my cals for the evening. I have a protein shake made with skim milk. Quick, easy and low in cals. If I happen to be hungrier that day, I will add cooked oatmeal right into the shake.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    My daily goal is 1470. My breakfast is high fiber/lower carb cereal with 1% milk. It's usually between 270 and 350 calories, depending on which cereal I have or if we only happen to have 2% milk that day. Then later, I sometimes have a glass of milk around 10:30 or 11:00. Lunch break is at 1:30.
  • JCrazyRunner5
    JCrazyRunner5 Posts: 144 Member
    usually around 250-300 on non workout days. I may have an extra piece of toast and butter. mostly rye & butter (more filling bread) & greek yogurt, nuts for a snack a couple hours later.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I eat 1500 calories a day and breakfast is typically around 400 calories. I do two eggs over hard, two slices of tomato, and 2-4 slices of bacon depending on how hungry I am that morning!
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    Between 600-1000 on breakfast alone. But I love eggs and breakfast in general, so I go all out. Omelettes, pancakes, french toast. But my net intake in 2300 calories with a 500 calorie deficit and without exercise. When i do exercise, which is practically everyday, that number goes from 2300 to 2700-3000, so that's why I splurge on breakfast.
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    Mine is between 200 and 300 depending on what I eat. I have the same intake goal as you.

    Personally, I avoid oatmeal as I find it's a bigger calorie punch that doesn't keep me full. What is it about eggs you don't like? Also you could swap eggs for protein laden tuna or have fruit, yogurt and granola?
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Very small amnt. I'm usually hungrier by lunch, and most hungry by dinner. Breakfast is usally coffee with milk, fruit, yogurt and nuts. Usually between 200-300 calories. Sometimes on weekends I'll eat more for breakfast, then I usually have less for lunch, like a salad or soup.
  • tlgondek1
    tlgondek1 Posts: 7 Member
    It's 400-600 calories, depending on what I'm eating.
  • wpgjetsgirl
    My usual breakfast is about 100-200 calories (Greek yogurt and berries), unless I'm feeling particularly hungry or forgot my meal at home, then I will have a whole wheat egg sandwich that will be moreso around the 500 cal mark. Those are good to have when I'm on a double workout day (lunch and after work) like today! :)
  • sr_erick
    sr_erick Posts: 25
    I eat right around 2000 to 2200 calories a day. I find that when I wake up the first thing I think about is food, although it's better now that I've went from never eating anything after my evening meal to allowing myself to have some protein before bed. I typically never go over 500 calories for breakfast, typically in the 400 range. It depends on what I eat. Usually it contains a scoop of protein powder and I rotate between oatmeal, english muffins, or cheerios with almond milk. I've been really trying to increase my protein intake first thing in the morning. It's just so hard as I've only really eaten cereal (and lots of it) for breakfast my entire life. It's hard to find "breakfasty" items with a lot of protein. I just find eggs to be boring and don't have the time before work to make some lovely omelet every day with chicken, steak, etc.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    During the week I eat a 3 inch flat bread ham, egg and cheese sandwich from Subway almost everyday. According to their website that is 190 calories. My daily goal before exercise is 1470. On the weekends I usually eat later and skip lunch so we do a huge breakfast which could be anywhere from 500-800 calories. I don't usually log my food on the weekends, though.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    400-500. I usually do a hard workout around 11, and if I haven't eaten enough, then I'll be ravenous and distracted the rest of the day, even if i eat a big lunch afterward. In fact, I noticed that I tend to overeat throughout the day if I eat a smaller breakfast.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    Between 150-200 for me for brekkie.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    between 150-200 right now, but that's cuz I'm basically only having a granola bar and tea.

    The oatmeal isn't necessarily bad... try subbing the milk for unsweetened almond milk to cut out abt 60-70 cals if being closer to 400 makes u feel bad... but when I was spending more time on my breakfasts that's generally the range I was at
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Weekdays: 250-350, breakfast is around 6:30 am and then I have a 150-250 cal snack between 9:30 and 10:30 am

    Weekends: 400-500, I usually sleep in so I wil have one big meal in place of breakfast snack 1 and lunch

    I eat 1750 a day
  • throttle2009
    usually aprox 260-300 cals in a Protein shake, or the same amount of cals with 2 hard boiled eggs and some Silver hills toasted "Little big bread".
  • pcain123
    pcain123 Posts: 11 Member
    On weekdays usually a protein shake (110 cal) and bar (150-210 depending on bar) with a piece of fruit (50ish cal) because I have exercise classes at 7am and eat the bar before, fruit right after and then the protein shake after the shower. So 310-370 most days. On the weekend it's either an egg and cheese omelette with toast and latte or homemade french toast with sugar free syrup and berries and latte so that's closer to 400-500 range out of my 1550 for the day. Weekends are higher because I usually get up later and then eat a lighter lunch.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    I usually have 200-400 calories for breakfast, depending on the day. I wonder if your calorie goal is too low? 1300 doesn't seem like very much.. I have mine set to 1600 based off of BMR. Its alright to have calories and carbs earlier in the day because it gives you energy that you will burn off throughout the entire day. I usually have yogurt for breakfast and a latte or a breakfast sandwich of sorts. Oatmeal with nuts/fruit added is also a good breakfast. Sometimes I even have a donut! Whatever works for you!