Afternoon appetite...HELP!

hotter2010 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hi I am new to posting... but not new to myfitnesspal. I have been using it for nearly a month +now- mainly from my i-phone keeping track of my calories and exercise. Here is my problem...#1 I am struggling with the afternoon hunger. I typically get off work around 3 and from the moment I step foot into the house I feel this over whelming urge to eat!! I don't even feel I am that hungry. I have been trying to eat an apple prior to leaving work- hoping that would help- but nothing can stop me. I feel I am out of control. Has anyone else had this problem? If so- how did you over come it? I know- I could drop the weight if I could gain control- but that is the problem, I can't.

*I wake every morning at 4:30AM, M-F
*I have been working out religiously M-F for 50 minutes to Jilian's Last Chance Workout for the last 4 wks
*I eat great during the day while at work-up until that time I arrive home
*I have 3 children: 10,8,7 and I am a farming widow- which means spring and fall I am a single parent
*The kids arrive home at 4 and are ready for their after school snack while I prepare supper
*Bedtime is typically 9 for them and I am shortly after

Thanks in advance for any suggestions...


  • Would it be possible to do your workout between 3 and 4 instead of in the morning? If you could fill that time with an activity that you're really committed to, it might be easier to keep yourself on track. Or maybe you could stop at the local library, park or coffee shop and make that time your "me" time. If you can find something you look forward to as much as snacking, it might be easier to replace one behavior for another.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I seem to have the same problem. It doesn't matter what or how I eat or exercise, come 3:00 I want to eat...regardless of hunger! I try to eat vegetables with hummus, because I can eat a lot of veggies and snack on them to make them last or nuts. I don't like to eat the nuts because they are higher calorie, but they seem to hold me over until dinner. When I eat fruit it seems to make me hungrier! But a lot of celery is very few calories it lasts. Hope you can find what works for you!
  • Yaayo
    Yaayo Posts: 2 Member
    I've been having the same problem. I get off work at 4:30 and home by 6. Between 3:30-6 I'm totally ravenous. I drink a smoothie every day, usually in the morning. But I've been saving it until about 4pm and I've noticed that I can usually make it all the way home without dreaming about every fast food restaurant I smell on the way home. I also started packing little snacks I can eat on my commute home (cheese, nuts, etc.), so when I get home, I don't feel like shoving everything in fridge down my gullet.

    The other thing I've noticed since I've started my MFP journey is that I often crave salty, crunchy snacks in the afternoon. Popcorn has become my best friend! High in fiber, relatively low in calories.

    Good luck to you!
  • It's good to know that I am not alone...I am going to try and fill that time with either a nap or taking the dog for a walk. Whatever I do- I am going to stay out of the kitchen!.. :-)
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I totally hear ya! It's usually in the afternoon when I'm the hungriest... I'm always hungry, but then most ;) I've recently changed from working out in the morning to the afternoon. It fills that void of "boredom"? is that the right term? Also, it curbs my hunger until suppertime. I don't know how it would work for you having kids and all (I'm still kid-free for the time being).... but I wish you lots of luck!
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