Does anyone else deal with this???



  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    lol THANK YOU!! Yes I am sooo in the same boat! People think I look good now and going too far & slightly obsessive. THANK GOD my husband is in my corner! Today my mom said so when are you going to be response "NEVER" lol! Then I go on to explain how I am healthy and working out and eating right and to me OVERALL doesn't matter what size I am and what scale says I'll know when I've met my goal. I want a six pack and EVERYTHING to be tight ! Until then I will not go into maintenance mode.
    I've found that most are jealous of looks and discipline others, though concerned, need to back off LOL I get tired of defending my choice for healthy living....Hey if I don't have an eating discorder or using drugs get off my back ....i'm very vocal LOL
    Overall I keep what Im doing to myself and a few choice cheerleaders ;)

    Glad to know we are kind of in the same boat!!! My husband is on my side about it too.... it kills me because when i did weight 115lbs they never said i was to skinny!!! Im like you, in that my mom asked when i was going to stop and i said never and she was like that cant be good for you working out so hard.... (she watched me workout one day at her home)!!! And im like this is whats wrong with our society and why everyone is over weight!!! I will not go to maintenance mode until i get the body that i want!!!
  • emeraldee
    We have very similar measurements and goals!
    I'd say that your family is just concerned that you may think that they thought you weren't "worthy" in their eyes. They probably don't want you to have low self esteem or feel like they are to blame if there is an issue. And I don't know what their lifestyles are like but they are probably jealous that you are staying motivated and working so hard!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    We have very similar measurements and goals!
    I'd say that your family is just concerned that you may think that they thought you weren't "worthy" in their eyes. They probably don't want you to have low self esteem or feel like they are to blame if there is an issue. And I don't know what their lifestyles are like but they are probably jealous that you are staying motivated and working so hard!

    no self esteem issues here, just wanted to get healthy and lose a little weight!!!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    According to healthy weight charts you can be anywhere from 113-141 and be healthy. So you go ahead and make your goal what you would like (within healthy range) and when they say it again, maybe show them the chart to assure them that in fact you are still well within your range.

    I am having the same experience myself. at 5"8 and 144 I am in the middle of my healthy range. I could go as low at 125 and still be heathy. Will I? Probably not. but i did have my body fat analyzed and i am at 27%- healthy but at the higher range, so i feel like I could still stand to lose some fat- even though people keep telling me I have zero fat lol..
    do it for you !!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Many people say that to me you don't need to lose weight or you don't need to lose anymore your going to look sick I be thinking whatever I really don't care what other people see it matters what I see and think and til you reach that point nothing else mattrers. Keep doing what you doing you look great and your doing an awesome job!