New to myfitnesspal

kalexander123 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all. I am 26 years old and have struggled with my weight all my life. In Jan. I made a pack with my parents to try hard and focus on getting healthy. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes in 2009 so he and I made a deal to try for 30 days to just count calories. In Jan. I weighed in around 220 lbs. and now currently weigh 180. I am 10 lbs. away from my goal of losing 50. In March I added exercise into my plan. I currently eat around 1200 calories a day and allow myself one cheat day a week. I love love love Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home program and recently got certified to be a live walk leader through Leslie's Walk Live fitness program and am loving it.

I am so excited to use this site and it's tools. While it has been a rewarding journey I feel like I have hit a brick wall as the weight drops off much slower now. Any good recipes or tips to jump start my metabolism are welcome. I hope to reach my 50 lb. goal by Halloween ad then keep going from there. I hope you all find joy in the success but also gain wisdom from the failures. Best wishes and luck to all.... keep it up!


  • Hi! That's a pretty inpsiring story! Congrats on your accomplishments thus far. :-) I myself have struggled with weight off and on pretty much my entire life as well, at one point however, I had made a decision to change my lifestyle and I did it... but it didn't last long, shortly after I got pregnant and it all went down hill gradually. So now, I'm back at square one... I know I can do it, it's just getting back on the ball... it's so hard starting over. I just need to stay focused... I have such a positive attitude about this program... it is really helping me stay on track and making me aware of everything I eat. It's amazing how fast those calories add up. Well, I'm really excited for you and wish you the best, I'm sure you'll get it done! If I find some good fat burning recipes, I will make sure to share them with you. :-) Take Care and God Bless!
  • kalexander123
    kalexander123 Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks for the pep talk and right back at ya! I hope to stay on track and wish you luck on your journey.... its hard work but the payoff feels so good!
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